path: root/2013/2013-02-12-board.tex
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+\newcommand \meetingtype {Board Meeting}
+\newcommand \meetingdate {February 12, 2013}
+\newcommand \lastmeetingdate {December 19, 2013}
+%\newcommand \meetingplace {Risåsgatan, Gothenburg}
+%\newcommand \meetingplace {Gnutiken, Gotenburg}
+\newcommand \meetingplace {Språkbanken, Gothenburg}
+\rhead{\footnotesize \meetingdate}
+\section*{Minutes, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate}
+\settowidth\tempOne{Time and place:\quad}%
+ Time and place:
+\parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\meetingdate, \meetingplace}\mypar
+ Attendants:
+ \begin{multicols}{3}%
+Gustav Eek\\
+Guilhem Moulin \\
+Leif-Jöran Olsson \\
+Stian Rødven Eide
+ \end{multicols}%
+\newcommand \meetingchairman {Stian Rødven Eide}
+\newcommand \meetingsecretary {Gustav Eek}
+\newcommand \approval {Leif-Jöran Olsson}
+\item The meeting was opened.
+\item \meetingchairman\ was elected meeting chairman, \meetingsecretary\ meeting secretary, and \approval\ approval.
+\item The agenda was confirmed. With the additions ``yearly meeting'',
+ ``Membership registration'', and ``Email from Stefan'' as issue 8,
+ 9, and 10.
+\item The meeting went through the minutes from \lastmeetingdate.
+\item New payments were gone through in December.
+\item Elephant is up again.
+\item The upgrade of \mistral\ was successfully completed.
+\item Having the board meeting on the day of the activity day did not work out, time wise.
+\item Reports
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Economy. Nine membership fees has been payed since last meeting and 1\,100\,\sek\ in donations.
+ \item System
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Bacula is configured on \benjamin. Inboxes are back-uped
+ hourly. There are three types of Bacula servers. The host
+ \benjamin\ is set up as \textit{director} and \textit{file
+ server}.
+ \item There are two hard disks available at Leif-Jöran from the old \imap\ server.
+ \item Guilhem has worked more on the self administration
+ interface. Only domain registration is not yet implemented of
+ the planed functionalities.
+ \item Brute force attempt to log in is now blocked by
+ \ossec. Three attempts from the same \ip-address will block that
+ \ip-address for ten minutes. This protection can also be made
+ from within \ldapp. Still both solutions need to be in place,
+ since \ldap\ blocks users and not \ip-addresseses.
+ \item The server \benjamin\ was down due to electricity outrage.
+ \end {itemize}
+ \item No other reports.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Activity days and other activities
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item In December we had an activity day on social media. The
+ discussions were fruitful. See the wiki for more information. One
+ observation is that some of the activity days a while ago were
+ promoted more intensively.
+ \item Next activity will occur Wednesday February 20, at 18--20, at
+ Språkbanken. The subject is practising argumentation on issues of
+ Fripost's concerns in forum theatre form. We ask ``How can I
+ convince my neighbours?'' Gustav will get fika bread.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item The overview of the to do list was postponed.
+\item Yearly meeting
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Time and place will be Saturday March 23, at 14--17, at Språkbanken.
+ \item Michael, the auditor, will be joining the board meeting March 12, so we need to make sure to have papers ready.
+ \item An announcement need to be sent out two weeks ahead.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item Gustav suggested a new format for membership registration, which was accepted.
+\item A couple of weeks ago, Stefan informed that he will
+ not candidate to the board for 2013. In practice his administrative
+ role is already limited, and he can still be administrator to the
+ same extent. The board needs to work on (in order of priority)
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Find new chairman and members to the board
+ \item Find new servers that can replace those in Luleå
+ \item Find more administrators
+ \end{enumerate}
+ In the search for new board members, gender representation need to be
+ regarded.
+\item Other issues
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Föreningen \fscons\ has shown interest in moving mail handling to Fripost.
+ \item Documentation need to be reviewed. A date need to be set for that.
+ \item Elin Askmar at Studiefrämjandet are creating a transition
+ movement map (omställningskarta) over Göteborg. Fripost has asked
+ to be placed on the map with Gnutiken as location.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item Next meeting will take place March 12 at 18 at Språkbanken.
+\item The meeting was closed.
+ \signatureline{\meetingsecretary, meeting secretary}
+ \hfill
+ \signatureline{\approval, approval}