path: root/2012/2012-04-19-board.tex
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authorGustav Eek <gustav.eek@proceranetworks.com>2012-04-20 22:55:15 +0200
committerGustav Eek <gustav.eek@proceranetworks.com>2012-04-20 23:30:56 +0200
commitbafe3b59da7bfcc2a56e7559ba39e62b9d170540 (patch)
tree81cef25ceb2e07bb582b787243c620670067a028 /2012/2012-04-19-board.tex
parent9d9732e45eff2b002041a6a35dff916d22a3e7a0 (diff)
Minutes for board meetig April 19 added
Makefile updated, so that minutes can be sent to server directly
Diffstat (limited to '2012/2012-04-19-board.tex')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2012/2012-04-19-board.tex b/2012/2012-04-19-board.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f8ac0
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+++ b/2012/2012-04-19-board.tex
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+% -*- mode: latex -*-
+\newcommand \meetingtype {Board meeting}
+\newcommand \meetingdate {April 9 2012}
+\newcommand \meetingplace {Risåsgatan, Göteborg}
+%\newcommand \meetingplace {Gnutiken, Göteborg}
+\rhead{\footnotesize \meetingdate}
+%\section*{Protokoll, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate}
+\section*{Minutes, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate}
+\settowidth\tempOne{Time and place:\quad}%
+%\settowidth\tempOne{Tid och plats::\quad}%
+ % Time and place:%
+ Tid och plats:
+\parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\meetingdate, \meetingplace}\mypar
+ Attendants:%
+ % Deltagare:
+ \begin{multicols}{3}%
+Gustav Eek\\
+Stefan Kangas \\
+Guilhem Moulin \\
+Leif-Jöran Olsson \\
+Stian Rødven Eide
+ \end{multicols}%
+% Navid Abdi\\
+% Fredrik Ahlsgren\\
+% Daniel Andersson \\
+% Marco Baxmyr \\
+% Andréa Bruzelius \\
+% Rikard Bruzelius \\
+% Gustav Eek\\
+% Daniel Eriksson \\
+% Mattias Ivarsson \\
+% Stefan Kangas \\
+% Jens Lideström \\
+% Guilhem Moulin \\
+% Lola Möller \\
+% Leif-Jöran Olsson \\
+% Taraka Rama \\
+% Dan Ros\'en\\
+% Stian Rødven Eide \\
+% Johan Söderberg
+% Ver Takeo \\
+% Eva Werner
+% Gregoar \\
+% Anders \\
+% Anders (alias\ Hypermakt)
+\item The meeting was opened.
+\item Stefan was elected meeting chairman, Gustav meeting secretary, and Stian approval.
+\item Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (\ldap). Fripost plan to migrate the user
+ authentication database solution from current solution to a solution based on
+ \ldap, and Guilhem has been looking into a suggestion for solution. The
+ current solution is based on a \mysql-databased on the main \imap\ server
+ \texthost{mistral}, which is replicated to the \mx\ servers.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The protocol \ldap\ is a hierarchical tree with entries for servers, users,
+ etc. It is very configurable with regard to access restriction. A node is uniquely
+ identified through its path.
+ \item It gives the opportunity for Fripost to, through Fri
+ programvarusyndikatet, offer members to register domains and connect those
+ to Fripost.
+ \item The question remains if Fripost should have Single Sign On (\sso), which
+ means that you only need one key for many applications.
+ \item Regarding the business logic implementation, it is important that it
+ changes things on as few places as possible.
+ \item Tree is also need for some logging of account changes, etc, but that has
+ to be implemented in the business logic and be external to \ldap. Simple
+ text files and more advanced databases were discussed.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item The migration procedure will have to follow
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Set up the \ldap server on \texthost{mistral}.
+ \item Migrate data from the \mysql account database to the \ldap\ server.
+ \item Point all services (\mx, \imap, etc) to \ldap.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ However, the migration will have to wait until some time after the party. Only
+ (c) above is service and time critical, and has to be performed during
+ maintenance window.
+\item There is a need for a documentation review meeting.
+\item Guilhem was elected to system administrator.
+\item There can be written on the home page what time to expect for to be added
+ as user to the system.
+\item The meeting was closed.
+ \signatureline{Gustav Eek, meeting secretary}
+ \hfill
+ \signatureline{Stian Rødven Eide, approval}