path: root/roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube
diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <>2013-12-15 23:46:29 +0100
committerGuilhem Moulin <>2015-06-07 02:51:26 +0200
commit7fe517c328906d0f962c3dc33d7bc773f2348bb4 (patch)
treed8e56323c10cd32952d5b473d4ee56d605375c7d /roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube
parent540779286a899dee846784a8ffd0fdab756ac1e3 (diff)
Configure the webmail.
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube')
2 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/additional_message_headers/ b/roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/additional_message_headers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9d0d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/additional_message_headers/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// $rcmail_config['additional_message_headers']['X-Remote-Browser'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+$rcmail_config['additional_message_headers']['X-Originating-IP'] = null;
+// $rcmail_config['additional_message_headers']['X-RoundCube-Server'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
+// if( isset( $_SERVER['MACHINE_NAME'] )) {
+// $rcmail_config['additional_message_headers']['X-RoundCube-Server'] .= ' (' . $_SERVER['MACHINE_NAME'] . ')';
+// }
+// To remove (e.g. X-Sender) message header use null value
+$rcmail_config['additional_message_headers']['X-Sender'] = null;
diff --git a/roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/password/ b/roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/password/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c73f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/webmail/templates/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/password/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Password Plugin options
+// -----------------------
+// A driver to use for password change. Default: "sql".
+// See README file for list of supported driver names.
+$rcmail_config['password_driver'] = 'ldap_simple';
+// Determine whether current password is required to change password.
+// Default: false.
+$rcmail_config['password_confirm_current'] = true;
+// Require the new password to be a certain length.
+// set to blank to allow passwords of any length
+$rcmail_config['password_minimum_length'] = 12;
+// Require the new password to contain a letter and punctuation character
+// Change to false to remove this check.
+$rcmail_config['password_require_nonalpha'] = false;
+// Enables logging of password changes into logs/password
+$rcmail_config['password_log'] = false;
+// LDAP and LDAP_SIMPLE Driver options
+// -----------------------------------
+// LDAP server name to connect to.
+// You can provide one or several hosts in an array in which case the hosts are tried from left to right.
+// Exemple: array('', '');
+// Default: 'localhost'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_host'] = '{{ LDAP_provider }}';
+// LDAP server port to connect to
+// Default: '389'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_port'] = '389';
+// TLS is started after connecting
+// Using TLS for password modification is recommanded.
+// Default: false
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_starttls'] = false;
+// LDAP version
+// Default: '3'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_version'] = '3';
+// LDAP base name (root directory)
+// Exemple: 'dc=exemple,dc=com'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_basedn'] = 'ou=virtual,o=mailHosting,dc=fripost,dc=org';
+// LDAP connection method
+// There is two connection method for changing a user's LDAP password.
+// 'user': use user credential (recommanded, require password_confirm_current=true)
+// 'admin': use admin credential (this mode require password_ldap_adminDN and password_ldap_adminPW)
+// Default: 'user'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_method'] = 'user';
+// LDAP Admin DN
+// Used only in admin connection mode
+// Default: null
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_adminDN'] = null;
+// LDAP Admin Password
+// Used only in admin connection mode
+// Default: null
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_adminPW'] = null;
+// LDAP user DN mask
+// The user's DN is mandatory and as we only have his login,
+// we need to re-create his DN using a mask
+// '%login' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's login
+// '%name' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's name part
+// '%domain' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's domain part
+// '%dc' will be replaced by domain name hierarchal string e.g. "dc=test,dc=domain,dc=com"
+// Exemple: 'uid=%login,ou=people,dc=exemple,dc=com'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_userDN_mask'] = 'fvl=%name,fvd=%domain,ou=virtual,o=mailHosting,dc=fripost,dc=org';
+// LDAP search DN
+// The DN roundcube should bind with to find out user's DN
+// based on his login. Note that you should comment out the default
+// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
+// Use this if you cannot specify a general template for user DN with
+// password_ldap_userDN_mask. You need to perform a search based on
+// users login to find his DN instead. A common reason might be that
+// your users are placed under different ou's like engineering or
+// sales which cannot be derived from their login only.
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_searchDN'] = null;
+// LDAP search password
+// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the password to use for
+// binding to search for user's DN. Note that you should comment out the default
+// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
+// Warning: Be sure to set approperiate permissions on this file so this password
+// is only accesible to roundcube and don't forget to restrict roundcube's access to
+// your directory as much as possible using ACLs. Should this password be compromised
+// you want to minimize the damage.
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_searchPW'] = null;
+// LDAP search base
+// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the base to search in using the filter below.
+// Note that you should comment out the default password_ldap_userDN_mask setting
+// for this to take effect.
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_search_base'] = null;
+// LDAP search filter
+// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the filter to use when
+// searching for user's DN. Note that you should comment out the default
+// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
+// '%login' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's login
+// '%name' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's name part
+// '%domain' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's domain part
+// '%dc' will be replaced by domain name hierarchal string e.g. "dc=test,dc=domain,dc=com"
+// Example: '(uid=%login)'
+// Example: '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%login))'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_search_filter'] = null;
+// LDAP password hash type
+// Standard LDAP encryption type which must be one of: crypt,
+// ext_des, md5crypt, blowfish, md5, sha, smd5, ssha, or clear.
+// Please note that most encodage types require external libraries
+// to be included in your PHP installation, see function hashPassword in drivers/ldap.php for more info.
+// Default: 'crypt'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_encodage'] = 'ssha';
+// LDAP password attribute
+// Name of the ldap's attribute used for storing user password
+// Default: 'userPassword'
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_pwattr'] = 'userPassword';
+// LDAP password force replace
+// Force LDAP replace in cases where ACL allows only replace not read
+// See
+// Default: true
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_force_replace'] = true;
+// LDAP Password Last Change Date
+// Some places use an attribute to store the date of the last password change
+// The date is meassured in "days since epoch" (an integer value)
+// Whenever the password is changed, the attribute will be updated if set (e.g. shadowLastChange)
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_lchattr'] = '';
+// LDAP Samba password attribute, e.g. sambaNTPassword
+// Name of the LDAP's Samba attribute used for storing user password
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_samba_pwattr'] = '';
+// LDAP Samba Password Last Change Date attribute, e.g. sambaPwdLastSet
+// Some places use an attribute to store the date of the last password change
+// The date is meassured in "seconds since epoch" (an integer value)
+// Whenever the password is changed, the attribute will be updated if set
+$rcmail_config['password_ldap_samba_lchattr'] = '';