path: root/roles/bacula-dir
diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <>2016-05-22 17:21:16 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <>2016-05-22 17:53:58 +0200
commit8cf4032ecec5b9f58d829e89f231179170432539 (patch)
tree24947cc32af42e98bca3ed0b6319c69c77321262 /roles/bacula-dir
parentf7a5a19edc504980e2e8f93ab027162756710d59 (diff)
Tunnel bacula (dir → {fd,sd} and fd → sd) traffic through IPSec.
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/bacula-dir')
4 files changed, 8 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/roles/bacula-dir/handlers/main.yml b/roles/bacula-dir/handlers/main.yml
index 778a1c4..3f3c1bc 100644
--- a/roles/bacula-dir/handlers/main.yml
+++ b/roles/bacula-dir/handlers/main.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@
- name: systemctl daemon-reload
command: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
-- name: Restart stunnel@bacula-dir
- service: name=stunnel4@bacula-dir state=restarted
- name: Restart bacula-director
service: name=bacula-director state=restarted
diff --git a/roles/bacula-dir/tasks/main.yml b/roles/bacula-dir/tasks/main.yml
index 8d182d2..30a25c1 100644
--- a/roles/bacula-dir/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/bacula-dir/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,3 @@
-- name: Create /etc/stunnel/certs
- file: path=/etc/stunnel/certs
- state=directory
- owner=root group=root
- mode=0755
-- name: Generate a private key and a X.509 certificate for Bacula Dir
- command: x509
- --pubkey=/etc/stunnel/certs/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}-dir.pem
- --privkey=/etc/stunnel/certs/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}-dir.key
- --ou=BaculaDir --cn={{ inventory_hostname }} --dns={{ inventory_hostname }}
- -t rsa -b 4096 -h sha512
- register: r1
- changed_when: r1.rc == 0
- failed_when: r1.rc > 1
- notify:
- - Restart stunnel@bacula-dir
- tags:
- - genkey
-- name: Fetch Bacula Dir X.509 certificate
- # Ensure we don't fetch private data
- become: False
- fetch_cmd: cmd="openssl x509"
- stdin=/etc/stunnel/certs/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}-dir.pem
- dest=certs/bacula/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}-dir.pem
- tags:
- - genkey
-- name: Copy Bacula SD X.509 certificates
- copy: src=certs/bacula/{{ hostvars[item].inventory_hostname_short }}-sd.pem
- dest=/etc/stunnel/certs/
- owner=root group=root
- mode=0644
- with_items: "{{ groups['bacula-sd'] | difference([inventory_hostname]) | sort }}"
- register: r2
- notify:
- - Restart stunnel@bacula-dir
-- name: Copy Bacula FD X.509 certificates
- copy: src=certs/bacula/{{ hostvars[item].inventory_hostname_short }}-fd.pem
- dest=/etc/stunnel/certs/
- owner=root group=root
- mode=0644
- with_items: "{{ groups.all | difference([inventory_hostname]) | sort }}"
- register: r3
- notify:
- - Restart stunnel@bacula-dir
-- name: Configure stunnel
- template: src=etc/stunnel/bacula-dir.conf.j2
- dest=/etc/stunnel/bacula-dir.conf
- owner=root group=root
- mode=0644
- register: r4
- notify:
- - Restart stunnel@bacula-dir
-- name: Enable stunnel@bacula-dir
- service: name=stunnel4@bacula-dir enabled=yes
-- name: Start stunnel@bacula-dir
- service: name=stunnel4@bacula-dir state=started
- when: not (r1.changed or r2.changed or r3.changed or r4.changed)
-- meta: flush_handlers
- name: Install bacula-director
apt: pkg={{ item }}
diff --git a/roles/bacula-dir/templates/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf.j2 b/roles/bacula-dir/templates/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf.j2
index 42b5f74..046ba01 100644
--- a/roles/bacula-dir/templates/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf.j2
+++ b/roles/bacula-dir/templates/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf.j2
@@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ Director { # define myself
QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql"
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
DirAddress =
- DirSourceAddress =
DirPort = 9101
FDConnectTimeout = 5 min
SDConnectTimeout = 5 min
- Heartbeat Interval = 1 min
@@ -365,17 +363,11 @@ FileSet {
# Client (File Services) to backup
-{% set n = 0 %}
{% for fd in groups.all | sort %}
-{% set n = n + 1 %}
Client {
Name = {{ hostvars[fd].inventory_hostname_short }}-fd
-{% if fd == inventory_hostname %}
- Address =
-{% else %}
- Address = 127.0.{{ n }}.1
-{% endif %}
- FDPort = 9112
+ Address = {{ ipsec[ hostvars[fd].inventory_hostname_short ] }}
+ FDPort = 9102
Catalog = MyCatalog
@|"sed -n '/^{{ hostvars[fd].inventory_hostname_short }}-fd\\s/ {s//Password = /p; q}' /etc/bacula/passwords-dir"
File Retention = 4 months
@@ -387,16 +379,17 @@ Client {
# Definition of file storage device
+{% for sd in groups['bacula-sd'] | sort %}
Storage {
- Name = {{ hostvars[ groups['bacula-sd'][0] ].inventory_hostname_short }}-sd
- Address =
- SDPort = 9113
- @|"sed -n '/^{{ hostvars[ groups['bacula-sd'][0] ].inventory_hostname_short }}-sd\\s/ {s//Password = /p; q}' /etc/bacula/passwords-dir"
+ Name = {{ hostvars[sd].inventory_hostname_short }}-sd
+ Address = {{ ipsec[ hostvars[sd].inventory_hostname_short ] }}
+ SDPort = 9103
+ @|"sed -n '/^{{ hostvars[sd].inventory_hostname_short }}-sd\\s/ {s//Password = /p; q}' /etc/bacula/passwords-dir"
Device = FileStorage
Media Type = File
- Heartbeat Interval = 1 min
+{% endfor %}
# Default pool definition
Pool {
diff --git a/roles/bacula-dir/templates/etc/stunnel/bacula-dir.conf.j2 b/roles/bacula-dir/templates/etc/stunnel/bacula-dir.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 6219aff..0000000
--- a/roles/bacula-dir/templates/etc/stunnel/bacula-dir.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-; **************************************************************************
-; * Global options *
-; **************************************************************************
-; setuid()/setgid() to the specified user/group in daemon mode
-setuid = stunnel4
-setgid = stunnel4
-; PID is created inside the chroot jail
-pid =
-foreground = yes
-; Only log messages at severity warning (4) and higher
-debug = 4
-; **************************************************************************
-; * Service defaults may also be specified in individual service sections *
-; **************************************************************************
-; Certificate/key is needed in server mode and optional in client mode
-cert = /etc/stunnel/certs/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}-dir.pem
-key = /etc/stunnel/certs/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}-dir.key
-client = yes
-socket = a:SO_BINDTODEVICE=lo
-socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
-socket = l:SO_KEEPALIVE=1
-socket = l:TCP_KEEPIDLE=60
-socket = l:TCP_KEEPINTVL=15
-socket = l:TCP_KEEPCNT=116
-socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1
-socket = r:SO_KEEPALIVE=1
-socket = r:TCP_KEEPIDLE=60
-socket = r:TCP_KEEPINTVL=15
-socket = r:TCP_KEEPCNT=116
-; Prevent MITM attacks
-verify = 4
-; Disable support for insecure protocols
-options = NO_SSLv2
-options = NO_SSLv3
-options = NO_TLSv1
-options = NO_TLSv1.1
-; These options provide additional security at some performance degradation
-options = SINGLE_ECDH_USE
-options = SINGLE_DH_USE
-; Select permitted SSL ciphers
-; **************************************************************************
-; * Service definitions (remove all services for inetd mode) *
-; **************************************************************************
-{% if 'bacula-sd' not in group_names %}
-[{{ hostvars[ groups['bacula-sd'][0] ].inventory_hostname_short }}-sd]
-accept = 127.0.{{ n }}.1:9113
-connect = {{ groups['bacula-sd'][0] }}:9103
-delay = yes
-CAfile = /etc/stunnel/certs/{{ hostvars[ groups['bacula-sd'][0] ].inventory_hostname_short }}-sd.pem
-{% endif %}
-{% set n = 0 %}
-{% for fd in groups.all | sort %}
-{% set n = n + 1 %}
-{% if fd != inventory_hostname %}
-[{{ hostvars[fd].inventory_hostname_short }}-fd]
-accept = 127.0.{{ n }}.1:9112
-connect = {{ fd }}:9102
-delay = yes
-CAfile = /etc/stunnel/certs/{{ hostvars[fd].inventory_hostname_short }}-fd.pem
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-; vim:ft=dosini