path: root/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin/')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin/ b/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin/
index 573617a..34bdd89 100755
--- a/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin/
+++ b/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin/
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
-$DB::single = 1;
package IkiWiki::Plugin::pandoc;
use warnings;
@@ -11,18 +9,6 @@ use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open2;
use File::Path qw/make_path/;
use JSON;
-use Data::Dumper;
-$Data::Dumper::Indent = 3;
-my $fh = undef;
-my $dh = undef;
-my $fnm = undef;
-my $f = undef;
-my $next = 0;
-my $base = '/tmp/pandoc';
# activate with 'generate_$format' in meta; turn on all with 'generate_all_formats'.
my %extra_formats = (
@@ -52,48 +38,7 @@ my @list_hash_meta_keys = qw/
-sub debug_get_filename_prefix {
- my $place = shift;
- my $page = shift;
- my $fnm_pfx = undef;
- opendir($dh, $base) || die "Can't open $base: $!";
- foreach $f (grep(/^[0-9][0-9]*/, readdir($dh))) {
- $f =~ /^([0-9][0-9]*)\.(.*)$/;
- $next = $1 + 1 if ($1 >= $next);
- }
- close($dh);
- if ($page) {
- $fnm_pfx = sprintf "%s/%.3d.%s.%s", $base, $next, $place,
- $page =~ s/\//-/rg;
- } else {
- $fnm_pfx = sprintf "%s/%.3d.%s", $base, $next, $place;
- }
- return $fnm_pfx;
-# DEBUG Print
-print "D: pandoc: First file read.\n";
-$fnm = debug_get_filename_prefix ("verify");
-open($fh, '>', $fnm) or die "Could not";
-print $fh "Hej du glade på fil\n";
-print $fh "Detta är filen i '/home/gustav/git/fripost/wiki/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin'\n";
-close $fh;
-# END
sub import {
- # DEBUG Print
- print "D: pandoc:import: Run.\n";
- my $fnm_pfx = debug_get_filename_prefix ("import","");
- my $fnm = $fnm_pfx;
- open($fh, '>', $fnm) or die "Could not open $fnm .";
- print $fh "Import.\n";
- close $fh;
- # END
my $markdown_ext = $config{pandoc_markdown_ext} || "mdwn";
# May be both a string with a single value, a string containing commas or an arrayref
@@ -142,11 +87,6 @@ sub import {
sub getsetup () {
- print "D: pandoc:getsetup: Run.\n";
- # END
plugin => {
safe => 1,
@@ -422,7 +362,6 @@ sub getsetup () {
sub htmlize ($@) {
my $format = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $page = $params{page};
@@ -431,24 +370,6 @@ sub htmlize ($@) {
my @args = ();
- # DEBUG Print params
- print "D: pandoc:htmlize: Run for ", $page, "\n";
- my $fnm_pfx = debug_get_filename_prefix ("htmlize", $page);
- my $m = 0;
- $fnm = sprintf "%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $m++, "params";
- open($fh, '>', $fnm) or die "Could not";
- $Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([\%params], ["params"]), "\n";
- close $fh;
- # END
- # DEBUG Print half way pagestate pagestate
- $fnm = sprintf "%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $m++, "early-pagestate";
- open($fh, '>>', $fnm);
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$pagestate{$page}], ['pagestate']), "\n";
- close $fh;
- # END
# The default assumes pandoc is in PATH
my $command = $config{pandoc_command} || "pandoc";
@@ -548,20 +469,6 @@ sub htmlize ($@) {
warn "WARNING: Unexpected format for meta block. Incompatible version of Pandoc?\n";
- # DEBUG Half way content which is plenty data
- print "D: pandoc:htmlize: Pandoc command: ", " ", $command, " ", '-f', " ",
- $markdown_fmt, " ", '-t', " ", 'json', " ", @args,
- "\n";
- $fnm = sprintf "%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $m++, "early-content";
- open($fh, '>>', $fnm);
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$content], [qw(content)]), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$json_content], [qw(json_content)]), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$decoded_json], [qw(decoded_json)]), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$meta], [qw(meta)]), "\n";
- close $fh;
- # END
# Get some selected meta attributes, more specifically:
# (title date bibliography csl subtitle abstract summary description
# version lang locale references author [+ num_authors primary_author]),
@@ -569,13 +476,11 @@ sub htmlize ($@) {
my @format_keys = grep { $_ ne 'pdf' } keys %extra_formats;
my %scalar_meta = map { ($_=>undef) } @scalar_meta_keys;
$scalar_meta{$_.'_template'} = undef for @format_keys;
my %bool_meta = map { ("generate_$_"=>0) } keys %extra_formats;
my %list_meta = map { ($_=>[]) } (
@list_meta_keys, @list_hash_meta_keys, @hash_meta_keys);
$list_meta{$_.'_extra_options'} = [] for @format_keys;
my $have_bibl = 0;
foreach my $k (keys %scalar_meta) {
next unless $meta->{$k};
@@ -605,23 +510,6 @@ sub htmlize ($@) {
$have_bibl = 1 if $k eq 'references';
$pagestate{$page}{meta}{$k} = $list_meta{$k};
$pagestate{$page}{meta}{"pandoc_$k"} = $list_meta{$k};
- # if (ref $list_meta{$k} eq 'ARRAY') {print "D: $k is ARRAY.", "\n";}
- # else {print "D: $k is not array.", "\n";}
- # if ($k eq 'references') {
- # print "D: Found, ", ref $meta->{$k}, ", ", ref $list_meta{$k}, ", ",
- # keys $meta->{$k}->%*, ".\n";
- # my @tmp_references;
- # foreach my $item ($list_meta{$k}->@*) {
- # print "D: Found $item", ".\n";
- # push @tmp_references, map { $_ => $l{$_};
- # }
- # $pagestate{$page}{meta}{"pandoc_$k"} = @tmp_references;
- # print "D: Sent as pandoc_$k, ", @tmp_references, ".\n";
- # }
- # END
# Try to add other keys as scalars, with pandoc_ prefix only.
foreach my $k (keys %$meta) {
@@ -639,10 +527,6 @@ sub htmlize ($@) {
$pagestate{$page}{meta}{pandoc_primary_author} = $scalar_meta{primary_author}
- $pagestate{$page}{meta}{fripost_debug_outer} = 'added in plugin, forced';
- # END
# The bibliography may be set in a Meta block in the page or in the .setup file.
# If both are present, the Meta block has precedence.
for my $bibl ($scalar_meta{bibliography}, $config{pandoc_bibliography}) {
@@ -718,48 +602,16 @@ sub htmlize ($@) {
close JSON_IN;
my @html = <PANDOC_IN>;
close PANDOC_IN;
waitpid $to_html_pid, 0;
- print "D: pandoc:htmlize: Pandoc command: ", " ", $command, " ", '-f', " ",
- 'json', " ", '-t', $htmlformat, " ", @html_args, "\n";
$content = Encode::decode_utf8(join('', @html));
# Reinstate placeholders for inline plugin:
$content =~ s{::INLINE::PLACEHOLDER::(\d+)::}
{<div class="inline" id="$1"></div>}g;
- # DEBUG Print meta
- $fnm = sprintf "%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $m++, "meta";
- open($fh, '>>', $fnm) or die "Could not";
- print $fh "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([\%scalar_meta], [qw(scalar_meta)]), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([\%bool_meta], [qw(bool_meta)]), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([\%list_meta], [qw(list_meta)]), "\n";
- close $fh;
- # END
- # DEBUG Print pagestate again
- $fnm = sprintf "%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $m++, "return-pagestate";
- open($fh, '>>', $fnm);
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$pagestate{$page}], ['pagestate']), "\n";
- close $fh;
- # END
- # DEBUG Print return content
- $fnm = sprintf "%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $m++, "return-content";
- open($fh, '>>', $fnm);
- print $fh Dumper($content), "\n";
- close $fh;
- # END
- print "D: pandoc:htmlize: Return.\n";
- # END
return $content;
@@ -767,50 +619,7 @@ sub htmlize ($@) {
sub pagetemplate (@) {
my %params = @_;
my $page = $params{page};
my $template = $params{template};
- my $filename = $template->{'options'}{'filename'};
- $filename =~ /^.*\/([a-z]*).tmpl$/;
- my $filenamebase = $1;
- print "D: pandoc:pagetemplate: Run for $page and $filenamebase \n";
- # END
- # DEBUG compare with
- if ($page eq "test") {
- $template->param(
- {name => 'Sam', job => 'programmer'},
- {name => 'Steve', job => 'soda jerk'}]);
- # a couple of arrays of data to put in a loop:
- my @words = qw(I Am Cool);
- my @numbers = qw(1 2 3);
- my @loop_data = (); # initialize an array to hold your loop
- while (@words and @numbers) {
- my %row_data; # get a fresh hash for the row data
- # fill in this row
- $row_data{WORD} = shift @words;
- $row_data{NUMBER} = shift @numbers;
- # the crucial step - push a reference to this row into the loop!
- push(@loop_data, \%row_data);
- }
- # HERE!
- $template->param(THIS_LOOP => \@loop_data);
- if ($pagestate{$page}{meta}{'pandoc_references'}) {
- my @more_ref = $pagestate{$page}{meta}{'pandoc_references'}->@*;
- my $ref = $pagestate{$page}{meta}{'pandoc_references'};
- my $k = 'pandoc_references';
- $template->param('more_pandoc_references' => \@more_ref);
- #$template->param($k => $pagestate{$page}{meta}{$k});
- }
- }
- # END
foreach my $k (keys %{$pagestate{$page}{meta}}) {
next unless
(grep {/^$k$/} (
@@ -819,35 +628,12 @@ sub pagetemplate (@) {
($k =~ /^(pandoc_)/);
$template->param($k => $pagestate{$page}{meta}{$k});
- # DEBUG Print pagetemplate data
- my $fnm_pfx = debug_get_filename_prefix ("pagetemplate", $page);
- my $m = 0;
- my $fnm = sprintf "%s.%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $filenamebase, $m++, "template";
- open($fh, '>', $fnm) or die "Could not";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$template->{'mtime'}], ["mtime"]), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$template->{'options'}], ['options']), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump(
- [$template->{'param_map'}], ['param_map']), "\n";
- print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump(
- [$template->{'parse_stack'}], ['parse_stack']),"\n";
- close $fh;
- $fnm = sprintf "%s.%s.%.1d.%s", $fnm_pfx, $filenamebase, $m++, "output";
- open($fh, '>', $fnm) or die "Could not";
- print $fh $template->output();
- close $fh;
- # END
return $template;
sub pageactions {
my %args = @_;
my $page = $args{page};
- print "D: pandoc:pageactions: Run for ", $page, "\n";
my @links = ();
return unless $pagestate{$page}{pandoc_extra_formats};
my @exts = sort {
@@ -869,11 +655,6 @@ sub pageactions {
sub export_file {
my ($page, $ext, $json_content, $command, @args) = @_;
- print "D: pandoc:export_file: Run for $page.\n";
- # END
my ($export_path, $export_url) = _export_file_path_and_url($page, $ext);
my $subdir = $1 if $export_path =~ /(.*)\//;
my @extra_args = @{ $extra_formats{$ext}->{extra} };
@@ -925,11 +706,6 @@ sub export_file {
@args, @extra_args) or die "Could not open pipe for $ext: $!";
print EXPORT $json_content;
close EXPORT or die "Could not close pipe for $ext: $!";
- print "D: pandoc:export_file: Pandoc command: ", " ", $command, " ", '-f' =>
- 'json', " ", '-t' => $to_format, " ", '-o' =>
- $tmp_export_path, " ", @args, " ", @extra_args;
if ($indirect_pdf && $tmp_export_path ne $export_path) {
my @latexmk_args = qw(-quiet -silent);
if (grep { /xelatex/ } @extra_args) {
@@ -969,12 +745,6 @@ sub remove_exported_file {
if ($@) {
warn "WARNING: remove_exported_file; page=$page, ext=$ext: $@\n";
- print "D: pandoc:remove_exported_file: ",
- "file removed for $page and $ext: $export_path.\n";
- # END
@@ -993,6 +763,7 @@ sub _export_file_path_and_url {
return ($export_path, $export_url);
## compile_string and unwrap_c are used to make the meta data structures
## easier to work with for perl.