diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem.moulin@fripost.org>2012-06-03 22:20:58 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem.moulin@fripost.org>2012-06-03 22:20:58 +0200
commita3684346f4d60715512c7ca30ba9fc7bb270c38e (patch)
parent0461d89edb3f8e272697726208ab7747c30a81df (diff)
Merge everything into a single executable.
18 files changed, 1452 insertions, 1606 deletions
diff --git a/fripost b/fripost
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9e27e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fripost
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+use 5.010_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 NAME
+fripost - Fripost.org handling utility for virtual hosting
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<fripost> [I<options>] { mkpass | user-add | user-search | user-passwd
+| domain-add | domain-search | alias-add | alias-search }
+B<fripost> B<--man>
+=head1 COMMANDS
+=over 4
+=item B<fripost> mkpass [I<password>]
+Create a random new password, and returns its hash.
+=item B<fripost> user-add [I<username>] [B<--password=>I<password>]
+Add a new virtual mailbox.
+=item B<fripost> user-search [I<username>]
+List matching virtual users.
+=item B<fripost> user-passwd [I<username>] [B<--password=>I<password>]
+Change user password.
+=item B<fripost> domain-add [I<domain> [I<username>]]
+Add a new virtual domain.
+=item B<fripost> domain-search [I<domain> [I<username>]]
+List matching virtual domains.
+=item B<fripost> alias-add [B<--force>] [I<goto> [I<from>...]]
+Add a new virtual alias.
+=item B<fripost> alias-search [B<-f>|B<--from>] [B<-g>|B<--goto>] [I<address>]
+List matching virtual aliases.
+Unless one of the B<-h>, B<--help>, or B<--man> option is given, one of
+the following commands is required.
+=over 4
+=item B<fripost> mkpass [I<password>]
+C<mkpass> is used to generate a salted SHA-1 hash of the given
+I<password>. If no argument is given, the password is randomly
+generated, respecting Fripost's password policy.
+=item B<fripost> user-add [I<username>] [B<--password=>I<password>]
+C<user-add> is used to add a new virtual mailbox to the system, unless
+B<--pretend> is set.
+If I<username> or I<password> are not given, the user is prompted for
+their value.
+If I<username> is not fully qualified, the domain C<fripost.org> is
+An error is raised if I<username> is already an existing virtual user or
+If I<password> is given, is it used RAW (not hashed).
+This can be useful if the user does not want to give the clear copy but
+only a hash, for example.
+Using this option disables the sending of credentials.
+=item B<fripost> user-search [I<username>]
+C<user-search> is used to
+list virtual mailboxes whose username matches exactly I<username>.
+Wildcards I<*> can appear in I<username>, to match zero or more characters.
+If no I<username> is given, lists all existing mailboxes.
+If I<username> has no domain part, C<user-search> lists matching users for any
+Otherwise, C<user-search> looks up the matching user parts for each matching
+Because of these multiple searches, the use of wildcards on the domain
+part of I<username> may be inefficient.
+=item B<fripost> user-passwd [I<username>] [B<--password=>I<password>]
+C<user-passwd> is used to change the password of I<username>, unless
+B<--pretend> is set.
+If I<username> or I<password> are not given, the user is prompted for
+their value.
+If I<username> is not fully qualified, the domain C<fripost.org> is appended.
+An error is raised if I<username> is not an existing virtual user.
+If I<password> is given, is it used RAW (not hashed).
+This can be useful if the user does not want to give the clear copy but
+only a hash, for example.
+Using this option disables the sending of credentials.
+=item B<fripost> domain-add [I<domain> [I<username>]]
+C<domain-add> is used add a new virtual domain to the system, unless
+B<--pretend> is set.
+If I<domain> is not given, the user is prompted for its value.
+By default, C<domain-add> prompts for the owner(s) of the new
+domain; Use the empty string I<''> to create a "global" domain, only
+managed by Fripost's administrators.
+If I<domain> is an existing virtual domain, the owner(s) are simply
+added to the list of managers.
+=item B<fripost> domain-search [I<domain> [I<username>]]
+C<domain-search> is used to list virtual domains matching exactly I<domain>,
+and whose owner is I<username>.
+Wildcards I<*> can appear in I<domain>, to match zero or more characters.
+If no I<username> is given, list all domains matching I<domain>, regardless
+of the owner; If I<owner> is the empty string I<''>, list only the non
+self-managed domains.
+If neither I<domain> nor I<owner> are given, C<domain-search> lists
+all existing virtual domains.
+=item B<fripost> alias-add [B<--force>] [I<goto> [I<from>...]]
+C<alias-add> is used to add a new virtual alias to the system, unless
+B<--pretend> is set.
+If I<goto> or I<from> are not given, the user is prompted for their
+If I<goto> is not fully qualified, the domain C<fripost.org> is appended.
+An error is raised if I<from> is already an existing username, or if
+I<from> is an existing alias and B<--force> is not set.
+Inserted aliases conform to Postfix's B<virtual>(5) alias table format;
+I<from> has to be of one of the following forms:
+=over 4
+=item .
+I<user>@I<domain>, to redirect emails for I<user>@I<domain> to I<goto>, or
+=item .
+@I<domain>, to catch all emails for users in I<domain> and redirect them
+to I<goto>.
+This form has the lowest precedence: If there is an alias from
+I<user>@I<domain> to I<goto2>, emails to I<user>@I<domain> will be
+redirected to I<goto2> only.
+See B<virtual>(5) for details and warnings.
+If serveral entries are matching, for instance if there are an alias from
+I<user>@I<domain> to I<goto> and another for I<user>@I<domain> to
+I<goto2>, emails to I<user>@I<domain> will be redirected to BOTH I<goto>
+and I<goto2>. Note that C<alias-add> forbids the creation of such
+multi-recipient aliases, unless B<--force> is set.
+=item B<fripost> alias-search [B<-f>|B<--from>] [B<-g>|B<--goto>] [I<address>]
+C<alias-search> is used to list virtual aliases whose value or target
+matches exactly I<address>.
+As of the current version, wilcards are not allowed in I<address>; This
+will be fixed soon.
+To list matching aliases (resp., targets) only, use the flag B<-f>
+(resp., B<-g>).
+If no I<address> is given, C<alias-search> lists all existing virtual
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<--pretend>
+Dry-run all operations that is, do not modify the virtual lookup tables.
+But still queries the LDAP server to ensure that the modification would
+be safe. (For instance, ensure that a new user is not already existing.)
+=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
+The LDAP URI to connect to.
+Overrides the value read from the configuration file (see
+B<CONFIGURATION>) if present.
+=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
+The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
+Overrides the value read from the configuration file (see
+B<CONFIGURATION>) if present.
+If not set (the default), B<fripost> binds anonymously.
+=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
+The password to to bind with.
+Overrides the value read from the configuration file (see
+B<CONFIGURATION>) if present.
+=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
+The root DN for every communication to the LDAP server.
+Overrides the value read from the configuration file (see
+B<CONFIGURATION>) if present.
+=item B<--sign>[B<=>I<name>]
+Use I<name> as the key to sign all non-empty emails. If I<name> is empty
+or not given, use the first key found in the secret keyring, see
+B<gpg>(1). A running gpg-agent is required if the private key is
+protected by a passphrase.
+Overrides the value read from the configuration file (see
+B<CONFIGURATION>) if present.
+=item B<encrypt=>{I<never>|I<may>|I<secure>}
+Tells whether non-empty emails should be encrypted.
+No email will be encrypted if I<never> is chosen (the default).
+I<may> turns on opportunistic encryption that is, emails will be
+encrypted as soon as the recipient is a usable user ID in the public
+I<secure> will disallow the sending of all non-empty clear emails.
+Overrides the value read from the configuration file (see
+B<CONFIGURATION>) if present.
+=item B<encrypt-to=>I<name>
+If one of the I<may> or I<secure> encryption level is chosen, encrypt
+for the user ID I<name>.
+=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
+Verbose mode.
+=item B<-d>, B<--debug>
+Debug mode.
+The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>, and has a
+lower precedence than the I<OPTIONS> above.
+Valid keys include:
+=over 4
+=item I<server_host>
+The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
+=item I<admin_email>
+The I<From:> e-mail address to use. Defaults to C<admin@fripost.org>.
+=item I<bind_dn>
+The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
+(If not set, B<fripost> binds anonymously.)
+=item I<bind_pw>
+The password to to bind with.
+=item I<base_dn>
+The root DN for every communication to the LDAP server.
+=item I<sign>
+The key used to sign all non-empty emails. If no key is given,
+use the first one found in the secret keyring, see B<gpg>(1).
+A running gpg-agent is required if the private key is
+protected by a passphrase.
+=item I<encrypt>
+Tells whether non-empty emails should be encrypted.
+No email will be encrypted if I<never> is chosen (the default).
+I<may> turns on opportunistic encryption that is, emails will be
+encrypted as soon as the recipient is a usable user ID in the public
+I<secure> will disallow the sending of all non-empty clear emails (not
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Env qw /HOME/;
+use File::Spec::Functions;
+use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
+ gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
+ auto_version/;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use YAML::Syck;
+use Fripost::Schema;
+use Fripost::Commands::mkpass;
+use Fripost::Commands::user_add;
+use Fripost::Commands::user_search;
+use Fripost::Commands::user_passwd;
+use Fripost::Commands::domain_add;
+use Fripost::Commands::domain_search;
+use Fripost::Commands::alias_add;
+use Fripost::Commands::alias_search;
+## Get global command line options
+our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
+ 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
+ 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
+ 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
+ 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
+ 'pretend' => \$conf->{pretend},
+ 'sign:s' => \$conf->{sign},
+ 'encrypt=s' => \$conf->{encrypt},
+ 'encrypt-to=s' => \$conf->{encrypt_to},
+ 'd|debug' => \$conf->{debug},
+ 'v|verbose' => \$conf->{verbose},
+ 'h|help' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
+ -sections => [ qw/SYNOPSIS COMMANDS/ ],
+ -verbose => 99) },
+ 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
+ -verbose => 2) },
+ 'password=s' => \$conf->{password},
+ 'force' => \$conf->{force},
+ 'f|from' => \$conf->{from},
+ 'g|goto' => \$conf->{goto},
+) or pod2usage(2);
+## Set the default values
+$conf->{server_host} //= 'ldap://';
+$conf->{bind_dn} //= '';
+$conf->{base_dn} //= '';
+$conf->{admin_email} //= 'admin@fripost.org';
+$conf->{encrypt} //= 'never';
+die "Illegal encrypt level: `$conf->{encrypt}'.\n"
+ unless grep {$_ eq $conf->{encrypt}} qw /never may secure/;
+## Get the command
+my $cmd = shift;
+my $main;
+$cmd //= '';
+if ($cmd eq 'mkpass') {
+ &Fripost::Commands::mkpass::main (@ARGV);
+ exit 0;
+elsif ($cmd eq 'user-add') {
+ $main = "Fripost::Commands::user_add::main";
+elsif ($cmd eq 'user-search') {
+ $main = "Fripost::Commands::user_search::main";
+elsif ($cmd eq 'user-passwd') {
+ $main = "Fripost::Commands::user_passwd::main";
+elsif ($cmd eq 'domain-add') {
+ $main = "Fripost::Commands::domain_add::main";
+elsif ($cmd eq 'domain-search') {
+ $main = "Fripost::Commands::domain_search::main";
+elsif ($cmd eq 'alias-add') {
+ $main = "Fripost::Commands::alias_add::main";
+elsif ($cmd eq 'alias-search') {
+ $main = "Fripost::Commands::alias_search::main";
+else {
+ pod2usage( -exitstatus => 1,
+ -verbose => 0,
+ -msg => "Unknown command: `$cmd'.");
+## Connect to the LDAP server
+my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
+ no strict "refs";
+ &$main ($ldap, $conf, @ARGV);
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2010-2012 Stefan Kangas.
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-adduser b/fripost-adduser
deleted file mode 100755
index fc37489..0000000
--- a/fripost-adduser
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-adduser - Add a new mailbox to the system
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-adduser> [B<--verbose>] [B<--debug>] [B<--pretend>] [I<username>]
-B<fripost-adduser> adds a new virtual mailbox to the system, unless
-B<--pretend> is set.
-If I<username> or I<password> are not given, the user is prompted for
-If I<username> is not fully qualified, C<fripost.org> is appended.
-If I<username> is already an existing username or alias,
-B<fripost-adduser> raises an error.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--pretend>
-Only simulates the insertion. (But still query the LDAP server to ensure
-that I<username> is not already in the database.)
-=item B<--password=>I<password>
-By default, the user is prompted for his/her new password, which is
-hashed, salted and then added to the LDAP entry.
-By using B<--password>, I<password> is inserted RAW in the database.
-This can be useful if the user does not want to give the clear copy but
-only a hash, for example.
-Using this option disables the sending of credentials.
-=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-adduser> binds anonymously.)
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
-The password to to bind with.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-adduser>.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
-Verbose mode.
-=item B<--debug>
-Debug mode.
-The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>.
-Valid keys include:
-=over 4
-=item I<server_host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
-=item I<admin_email>
-The I<From:> e-mail address to use. Defaults to C<admin@fripost.org>.
-=item I<bind_dn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-adduser> binds anonymously.)
-=item I<bind_pw>
-The password to to bind with.
-=item I<base_dn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-adduser>.
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Env qw /HOME/;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Encode qw(encode);
-use File::Slurp qw(slurp);
-use Fripost::Password;
-use Fripost::Prompt;
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use MIME::Lite;
-use MIME::QuotedPrint;
-use Template;
-use YAML::Syck;
-## Get command line options
-our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
- 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
- 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
- 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
- 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
- 'pretend' => \$conf->{pretend},
- 'debug' => \$conf->{debug},
- 'v|verbose' => \$conf->{verbose},
- 'password=s' => \$conf->{password},
- 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
-) or pod2usage(2);
-sub dsay { say STDERR @_ if $conf->{debug}; }
-sub vsay { say STDERR @_ if $conf->{verbose} || $conf->{debug}; }
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
-# Define the new user
-my $user;
-my ($domain, $login);
- my $username;
- if (defined $ARGV[0]) {
- $username = fix_username ($ARGV[0]);
- Email::Valid->address($username)
- or die "Error: $username is not a valid e-mail.\n";
- }
- else {
- $username = prompt_email("New username: ", 'is_user');
- }
- ($login, $domain) = split /\@/, $username, 2;
- my $isActive = 'TRUE';
- my ($userPassword, $clearPassword);
- if ( defined $conf->{password} ) {
- $userPassword = $conf->{password};
- }
- else {
- $clearPassword = prompt_password();
- $userPassword = hash( $clearPassword );
- }
- $user = {
- username => $username,
- isActive => $isActive,
- userPassword => $userPassword,
- };
- $user->{clearPassword} = $clearPassword unless defined $conf->{password};
- say "User name: $user->{username}";
- say "Password: (hidden)";
- confirm_or_abort();
- # Error if the domain is unknown.
- die "Error: Unknown domain `" .$domain. "'.\n"
- unless $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain })->count;
- # Ensure that the username doesn't already exist.
- die "Error: User `" .$user->{username}. "' already exists.\n"
- if $ldap->user->search({ username => $user->{username} })->count;
- # Ensure that the username doesn't correspond to an existing alias.
- my $res = $ldap->alias->search({ address => $user->{username} });
- if ($res->count) {
- print STDERR "Error: Alias $user->{username} already exists. ";
- print STDERR "(Targetting to ";
- print STDERR (join ', ', map { $_->{goto} } $res->entries);
- say STDERR ".)";
- exit 1;
- }
-## Insert the new user
-if ($conf->{pretend}) {
- vsay "Did not create user since we are pretending.";
-else {
- my %user = %$user;
- delete $user{clearPassword};
- $ldap->user->add(\%user);
- say "New account $user{username} added.";
-### Prepare sending emails
-my $tt = Template->new({
- INCLUDE_PATH => "$Bin/templ",
-}) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
-my $admin_email = $conf->{admin_email};
-$admin_email //= 'admin@fripost.org';
-my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
- From => encode('MIME-Q', 'Friposts administratörer') . ' <' .$admin_email. '>',
- Subject => encode('MIME-Q', 'Välkommen till Fripost!'),
- Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
-$msg->attr('content-type.charset' => 'utf-8');
-### Send welcome email to new user
- my ($vars, $data);
- $vars = {};
- $tt->process('new_user_mail.tt', $vars, \$data)
- || die $tt->error(), '\n';
- $msg->data($data);
- $msg->replace(To => $user->{username});
- unless ($conf->{pretend}) {
- $msg->send() unless $conf->{pretend};
- say "Sent welcome message.";
- }
- dsay "-----------------------------------";
- dsay "| Welcome mail |";
- dsay "-----------------------------------";
- dsay decode_qp($msg->as_string);
- dsay "-----------------------------------";
-### Subscribe user to announce-list
-if (confirm("Subscribe user to announce mailing list? ")) {
- $msg->replace(From => $user->{username});
- $msg->replace(To => 'announce-subscribe@lists.fripost.org');
- $msg->replace(Subject => '');
- $msg->replace(Data => '');
- $msg->send();
-### Send login credentials to new user
-if (exists $user->{clearPassword}) {
- my ($vars, $data);
- $vars = {
- user => $user->{username},
- pass => $user->{clearPassword},
- };
- $tt->process('user_info.tt', $vars, \$data)
- || die $tt->error(), '\n';
- $msg->data($data);
- dsay "-----------------------------------";
- dsay "| Login credentials mail |";
- dsay "-----------------------------------";
- dsay decode_qp($msg->as_string);
- dsay "-----------------------------------";
- confirm_or_abort("Send email with login information? ");
- my $to = prompt_email("Where should the email be sent? ");
- $msg->replace(To => $to);
- if (!$conf->{pretend}) {
- $msg->send;
- say "Credentials sent.";
- }
- else {
- say "Pretending, will not send credentials.";
- }
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-mkpass b/fripost-mkpass
deleted file mode 100755
index 6728f74..0000000
--- a/fripost-mkpass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-mkpass - Create a random new password, and returns its hash
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-mkpass> [I<password>]
-Use I<password> if given, otherwise generate a random new password, and
-print both the clear copy and a salted SHA-1 hash.
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Fripost::Password;
-GetOptions( "man" => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
- ) or pod2usage(2);
-# Generate password
-my $password = $ARGV[0];
-$password //= mkpasswd();
-# Show the information that will be inserted
-say "Password: " . $password;
-say "Salted SHA-1: " . hash($password, SHA1, undef);
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-newalias b/fripost-newalias
deleted file mode 100755
index 3fc68f8..0000000
--- a/fripost-newalias
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-newalias - Add a new alias to the system
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-newalias> [B<--verbose>] [B<--debug>] [B<--pretend>]
-[B<--force>] [I<goto> [I<from>...]]
-B<fripost-newalias> adds a new virtual alias to the system, unless
-B<--pretend> is set.
-If I<goto> or I<from> are not given, the user is prompted for them.
-If I<goto> is not fully qualified, C<fripost.org> is appended.
-If I<from> is already an existing username or alias,
-B<fripost-newalias> raises an error.
-Inserted aliases conform to Postfix's B<virtual>(5) alias table format,
-with the restriction that I<from> has to be either in the form:
-=over 4
-=item .
-I<user>@I<domain>, to redirect emails for I<user>@I<domain> to I<goto>, or
-=item .
-@I<domain>, to catch all emails for users in I<domain> and redirect them
-to I<goto>.
-This form has the lowest precedence: If there is an alias from
-I<user>@I<domain> to I<goto2>, emails to I<user>@I<domain> will be
-redirected to I<goto2> only.
-See B<virtual>(5) for details and warnings.
-If serveral entries are matching, for instance if there are an alias from
-I<user>@I<domain> to I<goto> and another for I<user>@I<domain> to
-I<goto2>, emails to I<user>@I<domain> will be redirected to BOTH I<goto>
-and I<goto2>. Note that B<fripost-newalias> forbids the creation of such
-aliases, unless B<--force> is set.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--pretend>
-Only simulates the insertion. (But still query the LDAP server to ensure
-that the virtual domains of aliases are know, for example.)
-=item B<--force>
-Force creating the creation, even if I<from> is already an alias. Also,
-disable the sending of the confirmation.
-=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-newalias> binds anonymously.)
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
-The password to to bind with.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-newalias>.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
-Verbose mode.
-=item B<--debug>
-Debug mode.
-The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>.
-Valid keys include:
-=over 4
-=item I<server_host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
-=item I<admin_email>
-The I<From:> e-mail address to use. Defaults to C<admin@fripost.org>.
-=item I<bind_dn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-newalias> binds anonymously.)
-=item I<bind_pw>
-The password to to bind with.
-=item I<base_dn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-newalias>.
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Env qw /HOME/;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use Encode qw(encode);
-use Email::Valid;
-use Fripost::Prompt;
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use IO::Prompter;
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use MIME::Lite;
-use MIME::QuotedPrint;
-use Template;
-use YAML::Syck;
-## Get command line options
-our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
- 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
- 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
- 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
- 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
- 'pretend' => \$conf->{pretend},
- 'force' => \$conf->{force},
- 'debug' => \$conf->{debug},
- 'v|verbose' => \$conf->{verbose},
- 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
-) or pod2usage(2);
-sub vsay { say STDERR @_ if $conf->{verbose} || $conf->{debug}; }
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
-# Get information
-my $goto = fix_username(shift @ARGV);
-my @addr = @ARGV;
-$goto //= prompt_email("Alias goto address: ", 'is_user');
-@addr || push @addr, (split /, */, prompt "Alias from address(es): ");
-# Show goto adress
-say "goto adress: $goto";
-# Show from adresses
-@addr = grep {
- if (Email::Valid->address('fake'.$_)) {
- # Warn if the domain is unknown.
- my $domain = (split /\@/, $_, 2)[1];
- if ($ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain })->count) {
- 1;
- }
- else {
- warn "WARN: Skipping unknown domain `" .$domain. "'.\n";
- undef;
- }
- }
- else {
- warn "WARN: Skipping invalid address `" .$_. "'.\n";
- undef;
- }
-} @addr;
-if (@addr == 0) {
- warn "No valid destination adresses. Aborting...\n";
- exit 1;
-say "from adress(es): " . (join ", ", @addr);
-## Insert alias into database
-for my $addr (@addr) {
- my ($u,$d) = split /\@/, $addr, 2;
- my $rs;
- # Ensure that the alias doesn't already exist.
- $rs = $ldap->alias->search({ address => $addr });
- if ($rs->count and not (defined $conf->{force})) {
- print STDERR "Error: Alias $addr already exists. ";
- print STDERR "(Targetting to ";
- print STDERR (join ', ', map { $_->{goto} } $rs->entries);
- say STDERR ".)";
- exit 1;
- }
- die "Error: Username $addr exists.\n"
- if ($ldap->user->search({ username => $addr })->count);
- if (!$conf->{pretend}) {
- $ldap->alias->add({ address => $addr, goto => $goto,
- isActive => 'TRUE' });
- say "New alias added from $addr to $goto.";
- } else {
- vsay "Pretending, will not add alias."
- }
-### Prepare sending emails
-my $tt = Template->new({
- INCLUDE_PATH => "$Bin/templ",
-}) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
-my $admin_email = $conf->{admin_email};
-$admin_email //= 'admin@fripost.org';
-my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
- From => encode('MIME-Q', 'Friposts administratörer') . ' <' .$admin_email. '>',
- Subject => encode('MIME-Q', 'Nya alias till din inkorg'),
- Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
-unless (defined $conf->{force}) {
- my ($vars, $data);
- $vars = {
- addrs => \@addr,
- };
- $tt->process('new_alias.tt', $vars, \$data)
- || die $tt->error(), '\n';
- $msg->data($data);
- $msg->replace(To => $goto);
- if (!$conf->{pretend}) {
- confirm_or_abort("Send confirmation? ");
- $msg->send;
- say "Sent verification.";
- }
- else {
- vsay "Pretending, will not send verification.";
- }
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-newdomain b/fripost-newdomain
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f204ee..0000000
--- a/fripost-newdomain
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-newdomain - Add a new domain to the system
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-newdomain> [B<--verbose>] [B<--debug>] [B<--pretend>]
-[B<--owner=>I<username>] [I<domain>]
-B<fripost-newdomain> adds a new virtual domain to the system, unless
-B<--pretend> is set.
-If I<domain> is not given, the user is prompted for it.
-By default, B<fripost-newdomain> prompts for the owner of the new
-domain; Use B<--owner=>I<''> to create a "global" domain, only managed
-by the administrators.
-Several users can manage the same domain together.
-If B<fripost-newdomain> warns if it is asked to register an existing
-domain to a new owner.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--pretend>
-Only simulates the insertion. (But still query the LDAP server to ensure
-that I<domain> is not already in the database, and that the owner
-=item B<--owner=>I<username>
-By default, the user is prompted for the owner of the new domain. It is
-possible to use this option instead. Also, to create a domain that is
-not owned by anyone, hence only managed by the administrators, use
-=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-newdomain> binds anonymously.)
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
-The password to to bind with.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-newdomain>.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
-Verbose mode.
-=item B<--debug>
-Debug mode.
-The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>.
-Valid keys include:
-=over 4
-=item I<server_host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
-=item I<bind_dn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-newdomain> binds anonymously.)
-=item I<bind_pw>
-The password to to bind with.
-=item I<base_dn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-newdomain>.
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Env qw /HOME/;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Fripost::Password;
-use Fripost::Prompt;
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Email::Valid;
-use IO::Prompter;
-use YAML::Syck;
-## Get command line options
-our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
- 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
- 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
- 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
- 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
- 'pretend' => \$conf->{pretend},
- 'owner=s' => \$conf->{owner},
- 'debug' => \$conf->{debug},
- 'v|verbose' => \$conf->{verbose},
- 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
-) or pod2usage(2);
-sub vsay { say STDERR @_ if $conf->{verbose} || $conf->{debug}; }
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
-# Define the domain that is to be added.
-my %domain;
-$domain{domain} = $ARGV[0];
-$domain{domain} //= prompt "Domain name: ";
-$domain{isActive} = 'TRUE';
-# Ensure that the domain is valid.
- or die "Error: Invalid domain `$domain{domain}'.\n";
-if (defined $conf->{owner}) {
- if ($conf->{owner} eq '') {
- $domain{owner} = undef
- }
- else {
- Email::Valid->address($conf->{owner})
- or die "Error: $conf->{owner} is not a valid e-mail.\n";
- $domain{owner} = $conf->{owner};
- }
-else {
- $domain{owner} = prompt_email("Belongs to user: ", 'is_user');
- # Check that the owner exists.
- die "Error: Unknown user `" .$domain{owner}. "'.\n"
- unless (not defined $domain{owner})
- or $ldap->user->search({ username => $domain{owner} })->count;
- # Check that the owner doesn't already own this very domain, or that the
- # domain isn't an existing "global" domain.
- if ($ldap->domain->search(\%domain)->count) {
- print STDERR "Error: Domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' already exists";
- print STDERR " for user `" .$domain{owner}. "'" if defined $domain{owner};
- say STDERR ".";
- exit 1;
- }
- # If the domain exists (but is eg, owned by someone else), produce a
- # warning.
- my $res = $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain{domain} });
- if ($res->count) {
- print STDERR "WARN: Domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' already exists.";
- my @owners;
- map { push @owners, @{$_->{owner}} if defined $_->{owner} } $res->entries;
- if (@owners) {
- print STDERR " (Owned by ";
- print STDERR (join ', ', map { '`' .$_. "'"} @owners);
- print STDERR ".)";
- }
- print STDERR "\n";
- }
-if ($conf->{pretend}) {
- vsay "Nothing to do since we are only pretending...";
- exit 0;
-# Add the domain.
-if (defined $domain{owner}) {
- print "New domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' added";
- print " for user `" .$domain{owner}. "'" if defined $domain{owner};
- say ".";
-else {
- say "New non self-managed domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' added.";
-# Create aliases.
-sub create_alias {
- my ($ldap, $from, $to) = @_;
- my %alias = (address => $from, goto => $to);
- my $res = $ldap->alias->search(\%alias);
- if ($res->count) {
- print STDERR "WARN: Alias $alias{address} already exists.";
- print STDERR "(Targetting to ";
- print STDERR (join ', ', map { $_->{goto} } $res->entries);
- say STDERR ".)";
- return unless grep { $_->{goto} eq $alias{goto} } $res->entries;
- }
- $alias{isActive} = 'TRUE';
- $ldap->alias->add( \%alias );
- say "Created alias from $from to $to.";
-create_alias($ldap, 'abuse@' . $domain{domain} ,'abuse@fripost.org');
-create_alias($ldap, 'postmaster@' . $domain{domain},'postmaster@fripost.org');
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-passwd b/fripost-passwd
deleted file mode 100755
index 4374e47..0000000
--- a/fripost-passwd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-passwd - Change password of user
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-passwd> [B<--verbose>] [B<--debug>] [B<--pretend>] [I<username>]
-B<fripost-passwd> changes the password of I<username>, unless B<--pretend>
-is set.
-If I<username> or I<password> are not given, the user is prompted for them.
-If I<username> is not fully qualified, C<fripost.org> is appended.
-If I<username> is not an existing username, B<fripost-passwd> raises an
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--pretend>
-Only simulates the insertion. (But still query the LDAP server to ensure
-that I<username> is a known user.)
-=item B<--password=>I<password>
-By default, the user is prompted for his/her new password, which is
-hashed, salted and then added to the LDAP entry.
-By using B<--password>, I<password> is inserted RAW in the database.
-This can be useful if the user does not want to give the clear copy but
-only a hash, for example.
-=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
-=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-passwd> binds anonymously.)
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
-The password to to bind with.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-passwd>.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
-Verbose mode.
-=item B<--debug>
-Debug mode.
-The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>.
-Valid keys include:
-=over 4
-=item I<server_host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. It has to be set, either in the
-configuration file, or using the command line option B<--server_host>.
-=item I<bind_dn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-passwd> binds anonymously.)
-=item I<bind_pw>
-The password to to bind with.
-=item I<base_dn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-passwd>.
-# TODO: add flag --reset to automatically generate a new password and
-# send it to the user (in case he/she has forgotten the password).
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Env qw /HOME/;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use Fripost::Password;
-use Fripost::Prompt;
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use YAML::Syck;
-## Get command line options
-our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
- 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
- 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
- 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
- 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
- 'pretend' => \$conf->{pretend},
- 'debug' => \$conf->{debug},
- 'v|verbose' => \$conf->{verbose},
- 'password=s' => \$conf->{password},
- 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
-) or pod2usage(2);
-sub vsay { say STDERR @_ if $conf->{verbose} || $conf->{debug}; }
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
-my $username;
-if (defined $ARGV[0]) {
- $username = fix_username ($ARGV[0]);
- Email::Valid->address($username)
- or die "Error: `" .$username. "' is not a valid e-mail.\n";
-else {
- $username = prompt_email("Username: ", 'is_user');
-my $password = $conf->{password};
-$password //= hash( prompt_password() );
-# Ensure that the user exists.
-my $domain = (split /\@/, $username, 2)[1];
-die "Error: Unknown domain `" .$domain. "'.\n"
- unless $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain })->count;
-die "Error: Unknown user `" .$username. "'.\n"
- unless $ldap->user->search({ username => $username })->count;
-if ($conf->{pretend}) {
- vsay "Nothing to do since we are pretending...";
- exit 0;
-# Change the password.
-$ldap->user->passwd({ username => $username, userPassword => $password });
-say "Updated password for $username.";
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2010 Stefan Kangas.
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-searchalias b/fripost-searchalias
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c4bb9f..0000000
--- a/fripost-searchalias
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-searchalias - List matching aliases
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-searchalias> [B<--debug>] [B<-f|--from>] [B<-g|--goto>] [address]
-B<fripost-searchalias> [B<--man>]
-B<fripost-seardomain> list virtual aliases matching exactly I<from>,
-targetting to I<goto>.
-If no I<from> is given, list all aliases whose target matches I<goto>.
-If neither I<goto> nor I<from> are given, B<fripost-searchalias> list
-all existing virtual aliases.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-searchalias> binds anonymously.)
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
-The password to to bind with.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-searchalias>.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<-d>, B<--debug>
-Debug mode.
-=item B<-f>, B<--from>
-Match on 'from' addresses.
-The default is to match both the 'from' and 'goto' address.
-=item B<-g>, B<--goto>
-Match on 'goto' addresses.
-The default is to match both the 'from' and 'goto' address.
-The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>.
-Valid keys include:
-=over 4
-=item I<server_host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
-=item I<bind_dn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-searchalias> binds anonymously.)
-=item I<bind_pw>
-The password to to bind with.
-=item I<base_dn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-searchalias>.
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Env qw /HOME/;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use YAML::Syck;
-## Get command line options
-our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
- 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
- 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
- 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
- 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
- 'debug|d' => \$conf->{debug},
- 'from|f' => \$conf->{from},
- 'goto|g' => \$conf->{goto},
- 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
-) or pod2usage(2);
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
-sub perform_search {
- my %alias = @_;
- foreach my $alias ($ldap->alias->search( \%alias )->entries) {
- say "" . ($alias->{isActive} ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE")
- . " alias for " . $alias->{goto} . " are "
- . (join ', ', @{$alias->{address}});
- }
-my $search = $ARGV[0];
-my $f = $conf->{from};
-my $g = $conf->{goto};
-my $from = $f || !$f && !$g;
-my $goto = $g || !$f && !$g;
-if ($from) {
- perform_search(address => $search);
- my ($u,$d) = split /\@/, $search, 2;
- $d = $u if (defined $u) and not (defined $d);
- $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $d })->count
- or die "Error: Unknown domain `$d'.\n";
-if ($goto) {
- perform_search(goto => $search);
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-Copyright 2012 Stefan Kangas <skangas@skangas.se>.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-searchdomain b/fripost-searchdomain
deleted file mode 100755
index 0896683..0000000
--- a/fripost-searchdomain
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-searchdomain - List matching domains
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-searchdomain> [B<--debug>] [I<domain> [I<owner>]]
-B<fripost-seardomain> list virtual domains matching exactly I<domain>,
-and whose owner is I<owner>.
-Wildcards I<*> can appear in I<domain>, to match zero or more characters.
-If no I<owner> is given, list all domains I<domain>, regardless of the
-owner; If I<owner> is the empty string I<''>, list only the non
-self-managed domains.
-If neither I<domain> nor I<owner> are given, B<fripost-searchdomain> lists
-all existing virtual domains.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-searchdomain> binds anonymously.)
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
-The password to to bind with.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-searchdomain>.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<-d>, B<--debug>
-Debug mode.
-The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>.
-Valid keys include:
-=over 4
-=item I<server_host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
-=item I<bind_dn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-searchdomain> binds anonymously.)
-=item I<bind_pw>
-The password to to bind with.
-=item I<base_dn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-searchdomain>.
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Env qw /HOME/;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use YAML::Syck;
-## Get command line options
-our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
- 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
- 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
- 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
- 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
- 'pretend' => \$conf->{pretend},
- 'debug|d' => \$conf->{debug},
- 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
-) or pod2usage(2);
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
-my %domain;
-$domain{domain} = $ARGV[0] if defined $ARGV[0];
-$domain{owner} = $ARGV[1] if defined $ARGV[1];
-foreach my $domain ($ldap->domain->search( \%domain )->entries) {
- say '' . ($domain->{isActive} ? 'ACTIVE' : 'INACTIVE')
- . ' domain ' . $domain->{domain}
- . ' is owned by '
- . (defined $domain->{owner} ? join ', ', @{$domain->{owner}}
- : '(none)');
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/fripost-searchuser b/fripost-searchuser
deleted file mode 100755
index c7b2b9b..0000000
--- a/fripost-searchuser
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-use 5.010_000;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-fripost-searchuser - List matching users
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<fripost-searchuser> [B<--debug>] [I<username>]
-B<fripost-searchuser> lists virtual mailboxes whose username exactly matches
-Wildcards I<*> can appear in I<username>, to match zero or more characters.
-If no I<username> is given, B<fripost-searchuser> list all existing mailboxes.
-If I<username> has no domain part, lists matching users for any domains.
-Otherwise, B<fripost-searchuser> first searches for matching domains,
-and then for each of them, looks up the matching users.
-Because of these multiple searches, the use of wildcards on the domain
-part of I<username> may be inefficient.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--server_host=>I<host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_dn=>I<binddn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-searchuser> binds anonymously.)
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--bind_pw=>I<password>
-The password to to bind with.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--base_dn=>I<basedn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-searchuser>.
-The default value is read from the configuration file, see B<CONFIGURATION>.
-=item B<--debug>
-Debug mode.
-The configuration is read from the file C<$HOME/.fripost.yml>.
-Valid keys include:
-=over 4
-=item I<server_host>
-The LDAP URI to connect to. Defaults to C<ldap://>.
-=item I<bind_dn>
-The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP directory.
-(If not set, B<fripost-searchuser> binds anonymously.)
-=item I<bind_pw>
-The password to to bind with.
-=item I<base_dn>
-The root DN for everything done by B<fripost-searchuser>.
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Env qw /HOME/;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case
- gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat
- auto_version auto_help/;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use YAML::Syck;
-## Get command line options
-our $conf = LoadFile( catfile ($HOME, '.fripost.yml') );
- 'server_host=s' => \$conf->{server_host},
- 'base_dn=s' => \$conf->{base_dn},
- 'bind_dn=s' => \$conf->{bind_dn},
- 'bind_pw=s' => \$conf->{bind_pw},
- 'pretend' => \$conf->{pretend},
- 'debug' => \$conf->{debug},
- 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0,
- -verbose => 2) }
-) or pod2usage(2);
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-my $ldap = Fripost::Schema->new( $conf );
-my %user;
-$user{username} = $ARGV[0] if defined $ARGV[0];
-foreach my $user ($ldap->user->search( \%user )->entries) {
- say '' . ($user->{isActive} ? 'ACTIVE' : 'INACTIVE')
- . ' user ' . $user->{username};
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/alias_add.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/alias_add.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f86b1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/alias_add.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::alias_add;
+use 5.010_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+alias_add - Add a new virtual alias
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Email::Valid;
+use IO::Prompter;
+use Fripost::Prompt;
+use Fripost::Schema;
+use Fripost::Email;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub main {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ # Get information
+ my $goto = fix_username(shift);
+ $goto //= prompt_email("Alias goto address: ", 'is_user');
+ my @addr = @_;
+ @addr || push @addr, (split /, */, prompt "Alias from address(es): ");
+ # Show goto adress
+ say "Goto adress: $goto";
+ # Show from adresses
+ @addr = grep {
+ if (Email::Valid->address('fake'.$_)) {
+ # Warn if the domain is unknown.
+ my $domain = (split /\@/, $_, 2)[1];
+ if ($ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain })->count) {
+ 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "WARN: Skipping unknown domain `" .$domain. "'.\n";
+ undef;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "WARN: Skipping invalid address `" .$_. "'.\n";
+ undef;
+ }
+ } @addr;
+ if (@addr == 0) {
+ warn "No valid destination adresses. Aborting...\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ say "From adress(es): " . (join ", ", @addr);
+ confirm_or_abort();
+ my $msg = new_alias_info_message ($conf, $goto, \@addr);
+ ## Insert alias
+ for my $addr (@addr) {
+ my ($u,$d) = split /\@/, $addr, 2;
+ # Ensure that the alias doesn't already exist.
+ my $rs = $ldap->alias->search({ address => $addr });
+ if ($rs->count and not (defined $conf->{force})) {
+ print STDERR "Error: Alias $addr already exists. ";
+ print STDERR "(Targetting to ";
+ print STDERR (join ', ', map { $_->{goto} } $rs->entries);
+ say STDERR ".)";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ die "Error: Username $addr exists.\n"
+ if ($ldap->user->search({ username => $addr })->count);
+ if ($conf->{pretend}) {
+ say STDERR "Did not create alias since we are pretending."
+ if $conf->{verbose} or $conf->{debug};
+ }
+ else {
+ $ldap->alias->add({ address => $addr, goto => $goto,
+ isActive => 'TRUE' });
+ say "New alias added from $addr to $goto.";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($conf->{pretend}) {
+ say STDERR "Did not send confirmation since we are pretending."
+ if $conf->{verbose} or $conf->{debug};
+ }
+ else {
+ if (confirm_or_abort("Send confirmation? ")) {
+ $msg->send();
+ say "Sent confirmation (". (security_status $msg) .").";
+ }
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of alias_add.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/alias_search.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/alias_search.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e638ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/alias_search.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::alias_search;
+use 5.010_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+alias_search.pm - List matching virtual aliases
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Fripost::Schema;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub perform_search {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ foreach my $alias ($ldap->alias->search( $_[0] )->entries) {
+ say "" . ($alias->{isActive} ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE")
+ . " alias for " . $alias->{goto} . " are "
+ . (join ', ', @{$alias->{address}});
+ }
+sub main {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $search = $_[0];
+ my $f = $conf->{from};
+ my $g = $conf->{goto};
+ my $from = $f || !$f && !$g;
+ my $goto = $g || !$f && !$g;
+ if ($from) {
+ perform_search($ldap, {address => $search});
+ my ($u,$d) = split /\@/, $search, 2;
+ $d = $u if (defined $u) and not (defined $d);
+ $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $d })->count
+ or die "Error: Unknown domain `$d'.\n";
+ }
+ if ($goto) {
+ perform_search($ldap, {goto => $search});
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+Copyright 2012 Stefan Kangas <skangas@skangas.se>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of alias_search.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/domain_add.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/domain_add.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a727623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/domain_add.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::domain_add;
+use 5.010_000;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+domain_add - Add a new virtual domain.
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Fripost::Password;
+use Fripost::Prompt;
+use Fripost::Schema;
+use Email::Valid;
+use IO::Prompter;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub main {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ # Define the domain that is to be added.
+ my %domain;
+ $domain{domain} = $_[0];
+ $domain{domain} //= prompt "Domain name: ";
+ $domain{isActive} = 'TRUE';
+ # Ensure that the domain is valid.
+ die "Error: Invalid domain `$domain{domain}'.\n"
+ unless Email::Valid->address('fake@'.$domain{domain});
+ $domain{owner} = $_[1];
+ $domain{owner} //= prompt_email("Belongs to user: ", 'is_user');
+ if ($domain{owner} eq '') {
+ $domain{owner} = undef
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Error: $domain{owner} is not a valid e-mail.\n"
+ unless Email::Valid->address($domain{owner});
+ }
+ # Check that the owner exists.
+ die "Error: Unknown user `" .$domain{owner}. "'.\n"
+ unless (not defined $domain{owner})
+ or $ldap->user->search({ username => $domain{owner} })->count;
+ # Check that the owner doesn't already own this very domain, or that the
+ # domain isn't an existing "global" domain.
+ if ($ldap->domain->search(\%domain)->count) {
+ print STDERR "Error: Domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' already exists";
+ print STDERR " for user `" .$domain{owner}. "'" if defined $domain{owner};
+ say STDERR ".";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # If the domain exists (but is eg, owned by someone else), produce a
+ # warning.
+ my $res = $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain{domain} });
+ if ($res->count) {
+ print STDERR "WARN: Domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' already exists.";
+ my @owners;
+ map { push @owners, @{$_->{owner}} if defined $_->{owner} } $res->entries;
+ if (@owners) {
+ print STDERR " (Owned by ";
+ print STDERR (join ', ', map { '`' .$_. "'"} @owners);
+ print STDERR ".)";
+ }
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ }
+ if ($conf->{pretend}) {
+ say STDERR "Did not add the domain since we are pretending."
+ if $conf->{verbose} or $conf->{debug};
+ }
+ else {
+ # Add the domain.
+ $ldap->domain->add(\%domain);
+ if (defined $domain{owner}) {
+ print "New domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' added";
+ print " for user `" .$domain{owner}. "'" if defined $domain{owner};
+ say ".";
+ }
+ else {
+ say "New non self-managed domain `" .$domain{domain}. "' added.";
+ }
+ create_alias($ldap, 'abuse@' . $domain{domain},
+ 'abuse@fripost.org');
+ create_alias($ldap, 'postmaster@' . $domain{domain},
+ 'postmaster@fripost.org');
+ }
+# Create aliases.
+sub create_alias {
+ my ($ldap, $from, $to) = @_;
+ my %alias = (address => $from, goto => $to);
+ my $res = $ldap->alias->search(\%alias);
+ if ($res->count) {
+ print STDERR "WARN: Alias $alias{address} already exists.";
+ print STDERR "(Targetting to ";
+ print STDERR (join ', ', map { $_->{goto} } $res->entries);
+ say STDERR ".)";
+ return unless grep { $_->{goto} eq $alias{goto} } $res->entries;
+ }
+ $alias{isActive} = 'TRUE';
+ $ldap->alias->add( \%alias );
+ say "Created alias from $from to $to.";
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of domain_add.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/domain_search.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/domain_search.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aaf775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/domain_search.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::domain_search;
+use 5.010_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+domain_search.pm - List matching virtual domains
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Fripost::Schema;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub main {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my %domain;
+ $domain{domain} = $_[0] if defined $_[0];
+ $domain{owner} = $_[1] if defined $_[1];
+ foreach my $domain ($ldap->domain->search( \%domain )->entries) {
+ say '' . ($domain->{isActive} ? 'ACTIVE' : 'INACTIVE')
+ . ' domain ' . $domain->{domain}
+ . ' is owned by '
+ . (defined $domain->{owner} ? join ', ', @{$domain->{owner}}
+ : '(none)');
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of domain_search.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/mkpass.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/mkpass.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ac2570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/mkpass.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::mkpass;
+use 5.010_000;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+mkpass.pm - Create a random new password, and returns its hash
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Fripost::Password;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our @EXPORT = qw/main/;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+sub main {
+ my $password = shift;
+ $password //= mkpasswd();
+ # Show the information that will be inserted
+ say "Password: " . $password;
+ say "Salted SHA-1: " . hash($password, SHA1, undef);
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of mkpass.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_add.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_add.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ee638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_add.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::user_add;
+use 5.010_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+user_add - Add a new mailbox to the system
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Fripost::Password;
+use Fripost::Prompt;
+use Fripost::Schema;
+use Fripost::Email;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our @EXPORT = qw/main/;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+sub assert {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $username = shift;
+ my ($login, $domain) = split /\@/, $username, 2;
+ # Error if the domain is unknown.
+ die "Error: Unknown domain `" .$domain. "'.\n"
+ unless $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain })->count;
+ # Ensure that the username doesn't already exist.
+ die "Error: User `" .$username. "' already exists.\n"
+ if $ldap->user->search({ username => $username })->count;
+ # Ensure that the username doesn't correspond to an existing alias.
+ my $res = $ldap->alias->search({ address => $username });
+ if ($res->count) {
+ print STDERR "Error: Alias $username already exists. ";
+ print STDERR "(Targetting to ";
+ print STDERR (join ', ', map { $_->{goto} } $res->entries);
+ say STDERR ".)";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+sub main {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ # Define the new user
+ my $username;
+ {
+ if (defined $_[0]) {
+ $username = fix_username ($_[0]);
+ Email::Valid->address($username)
+ or die "Error: $username is not a valid e-mail.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $username = prompt_email( "New username: ", 'is_user' );
+ # TODO: add the assert in the hash.
+ }
+ }
+ &assert ($ldap, $username);
+ my $user;
+ my $clearPassword;
+ {
+ my $isActive = 'TRUE';
+ my $userPassword;
+ if ( defined $conf->{password} ) {
+ $userPassword = $conf->{password};
+ }
+ else {
+ $clearPassword = prompt_password();
+ $userPassword = hash( $clearPassword );
+ }
+ $user = {
+ username => $username,
+ isActive => $isActive,
+ userPassword => $userPassword,
+ };
+ say "User name: $user->{username}";
+ say "Password: (hidden)";
+ confirm_or_abort();
+ }
+ my $welcome = new_welcome_message ($conf, $user->{username});
+ my $info;
+ unless (defined $conf->{password}) {
+ if (confirm "Send email with login information? ") {
+ my $to = prompt_email("Where should the email be sent? ");
+ $info = new_user_info_message ( $conf, $user->{username},
+ $clearPassword,
+ $to );
+ }
+ }
+ if ($conf->{pretend}) {
+ say STDERR "Did not create user since we are pretending."
+ if $conf->{verbose} or $conf->{debug};
+ }
+ else {
+ # Insert the new user
+ my %user = %$user;
+ delete $user{clearPassword};
+ $ldap->user->add(\%user);
+ say STDERR "New account $user{username} added.";
+ # Send the prepared emails
+ $welcome->send();
+ say "Sent welcome message (". (security_status $welcome) .").";
+ # Subscribe user to announce-list
+ subscribe($conf, $username, 'announce@lists.fripost.org')
+ if confirm("Subscribe user to announce mailing list? ");
+ if (defined $info) {
+ $info->send();
+ say "Credentials sent (". (security_status $info) .").";
+ }
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of user_add.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_passwd.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_passwd.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f443ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_passwd.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::user_passwd;
+use 5.010_000;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+user_add - Change user password
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Fripost::Password;
+use Fripost::Prompt;
+use Fripost::Schema;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub main {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $username;
+ if (defined $_[0]) {
+ $username = fix_username ($_[0]);
+ Email::Valid->address($username)
+ or die "Error: `" .$username. "' is not a valid e-mail.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $username = prompt_email("Username: ", 'is_user');
+ }
+ # Ensure that the user exists.
+ my $domain = (split /\@/, $username, 2)[1];
+ die "Error: Unknown domain `" .$domain. "'.\n"
+ unless $ldap->domain->search({ domain => $domain })->count;
+ die "Error: Unknown user `" .$username. "'.\n"
+ unless $ldap->user->search({ username => $username })->count;
+ my $password = $conf->{password};
+ $password //= hash( prompt_password() );
+ if ($conf->{pretend}) {
+ say STDERR "Did not change password since we are pretending."
+ if $conf->{verbose} or $conf->{debug};
+ }
+ else {
+ # Change the password.
+ $ldap->user->passwd({ username => $username,
+ userPassword => $password });
+ say "Updated password for $username.";
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2010 Stefan Kangas.
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of user_passwd.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_search.pm b/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_search.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30ffd4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Commands/user_search.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package Fripost::Commands::user_search;
+use 5.010_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+user_search.pm - List matching virtual users
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Fripost::Schema;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our @EXPORT = qw/main/;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+sub main {
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my %user;
+ $user{username} = $_[0] if defined $_[0];
+ foreach my $user ($ldap->user->search( \%user )->entries) {
+ say '' . ($user->{isActive} ? 'ACTIVE' : 'INACTIVE')
+ . ' user ' . $user->{username};
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of user_search.pm
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Email.pm b/lib/Fripost/Email.pm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..31d0efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Email.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+package Fripost::Email;
+use 5.010_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+Email.pm - Send emails
+our @EXPORT = qw/new_welcome_message
+ new_user_info_message
+ new_alias_info_message
+ subscribe
+ security_status/;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use MIME::Entity;
+use MIME::QuotedPrint;
+use File::Spec qw/devnull/;
+use Encode qw/encode/;
+use Template;
+use Mail::GnuPG;
+use GnuPG::Interface;
+# Create and send an email.
+sub new {
+ my ($conf, $h) = @_;
+ my $msg = MIME::Entity->build(
+ From => encode('MIME-Q', 'Friposts administratörer')
+ . $conf->{admin_email},
+ To => $h->{To},
+ Subject => $h->{Subject},
+ Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
+ Charset => 'utf-8',
+ Data => $h->{Data}
+ );
+ my $encrypt_to = $conf->{encrypt_to};
+ $encrypt_to //= $h->{To};
+ my $encrypt = 0;
+ $encrypt = 1 unless $conf->{encrypt} eq 'never';
+ if ($h->{Data} ne '' and (defined $conf->{sign} or $encrypt)) {
+ # To encrypt, the recipient's key has to be in the public
+ # keyring.
+ if ($encrypt) {
+ my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
+ my $res;
+ {
+ # The only way to supress the warning is to desactivate
+ local *STDERR;
+ open *STDERR, '>', File::Spec->devnull()
+ or die "Can't open ".File::Spec->devnull().": $!";
+ $res = $gnupg->get_public_keys( $encrypt_to );
+ close *STDERR;
+ }
+ unless ($res) {
+ die "Error: Public key not found for $encrypt_to.\n"
+ if $conf->{encrypt} eq 'secure';
+ warn "WARN: Public key not found for $encrypt_to. The e-mail will be sent clear.\n";
+ $encrypt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ my %gpg;
+ $gpg{use_agent} = 1 if defined $conf->{sign};
+ $gpg{always_trust} = 1 if $encrypt;
+ $gpg{key} = $conf->{sign} if defined $conf->{sign} and
+ $conf->{sign} ne '';
+ my $gpg = new Mail::GnuPG( %gpg );
+ my $ret;
+ if ($encrypt) {
+ if (defined $conf->{sign}) {
+ $ret = $gpg->mime_signencrypt( $msg, $encrypt_to );
+ }
+ else {
+ $ret = $gpg->mime_encrypt( $msg, $encrypt_to );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (defined $conf->{sign}) {
+ $ret = $gpg->mime_sign( $msg );
+ }
+ if ($ret) {
+ foreach (@{$gpg->{last_message}}) {
+ warn "WARN: $_";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &debug($msg) if $conf->{debug};
+ return $msg;
+sub debug {
+ say STDERR "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
+ say STDERR decode_qp($_[0]->as_string);
+ say STDERR "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
+# Create a template
+sub template_create {
+ my ($file, $vars) = @_;
+ my $tt = Template->new({
+ INCLUDE_PATH => "$Bin/templ",
+ }) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
+ my $data;
+ $tt->process($file, $vars, \$data)
+ || die $tt->error(), '\n';
+ return $data;
+sub new_welcome_message {
+ my ($conf, $username) = @_;
+ my $data = &template_create( 'new_user_mail.tt', {} );
+ return &new ( $conf,
+ { To => $username
+ , Subject => encode('MIME-Q', 'Välkommen till Fripost!')
+ , Data => $data
+ } );
+sub new_user_info_message {
+ my ($conf, $username, $password, $to) = @_;
+ my $data = &template_create( 'user_info.tt'
+ , { user => $username,
+ pass => $password } );
+ return &new ( $conf,
+ { To => $to
+ , Subject => encode('MIME-Q', 'Välkommen till Fripost!')
+ , Data => $data
+ } );
+sub new_alias_info_message {
+ my ($conf, $goto, $addrs) = @_;
+ my $data = &template_create( 'new_alias.tt'
+ , { addrs => $addrs } );
+ return &new ( $conf,
+ { To => $goto
+ , Subject => encode('MIME-Q', 'Nya alias till din inkorg'),
+ , Data => $data
+ } );
+# Subscribe the user to the given list eg, 'announce@lists.fripost.org'
+sub subscribe {
+ my ($conf, $user, $list) = @_;
+ my ($name, $domain) = split /\@/, $list, 2;
+ $list = $name .'-subscribe@' . $domain;
+ my $msg = MIME::Entity->build(
+ From => $user,
+ To => $list,
+ Subject => '',
+ Data => ''
+ );
+ &debug($msg) if $conf->{debug};
+ $msg->send();
+# Return the security status of the given MIME entity. Note that this
+# check is done *after* the possible encryption, hence it cannot detect
+# Encrypted+Signed emails (they are detected as encrypted only).
+sub security_status {
+ my $msg = $_[0];
+ my $gpg = new Mail::GnuPG( );
+ if ($gpg->is_encrypted ( $msg )) {
+ return 'Encrypted'
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($gpg->is_signed ( $msg )) {
+ return 'Signed, Plain'
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'Plain'
+ }
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stefan Kangas C<< <skangas at skangas.se> >>
+Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
+Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas.
+Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+1; # End of Email.pm