path: root/lib/Fripost/Schema/Domain.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Fripost/Schema/Domain.pm')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Schema/Domain.pm b/lib/Fripost/Schema/Domain.pm
index e86822f..993d771 100644
--- a/lib/Fripost/Schema/Domain.pm
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Schema/Domain.pm
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ use Fripost::Schema::Util qw/concat get_perms explode must_attrs
email_valid canonical_dn/;
use Net::IDN::Encode qw/domain_to_ascii domain_to_unicode
email_to_ascii email_to_unicode/;
+use Encode;
+use Net::Domain::TLD 'tld_exists';
+use Net::DNS::Dig;
+use Net::Whois::Parser 'parse_whois';
+use String::Random;
+use Template;
+use MIME::Entity;
=head1 METHODS
@@ -44,7 +51,8 @@ sub search {
scope => 'one',
deref => 'never',
filter => 'objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain',
- attrs => [ qw/fvd description fripostIsStatusActive/ ]
+ attrs => [ qw/fvd description fripostIsStatusActive
+ fripostIsStatusPending/ ]
if ($domains->code) {
die $options{'-die'}."\n" if defined $options{'-die'};
@@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ sub search {
return map { { domain => domain_to_unicode($_->get_value('fvd'))
, isactive => $_->get_value('fripostIsStatusActive') eq 'TRUE'
+ , ispending => defined $_->get_value('fripostIsStatusPending')
, description => concat($concat, $_->get_value('description'))
@@ -148,10 +157,158 @@ sub replace {
+sub list_postmasters {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $hostname = shift;
+ my @postmasters;
+ my $tld = domain_to_ascii($hostname);
+ my $domain;
+ until ( tld_exists($tld) ) {
+ die "‘".$hostname."’ has an Invalid TLD.\n" unless $tld =~ /\./;
+ $domain = $tld;
+ my %mx = Net::DNS::Dig->new()->for( $domain, 'MX' )->rdata;
+ push @postmasters, 'postmaster@'.$domain # RFC 822, appendix C.6
+ if grep {!/\bfripost\.org$/} (values %mx);
+ $tld =~ s/^[^\.]*\.//;
+ }
+ my $info = parse_whois( domain => $domain );
+# die "Cannot WHOIS ‘".$domain."’.\n" unless defined $info;
+ # TODO: there is a bug with the encoding
+ if (defined $info) {
+ push @postmasters, @{$info->{emails}};
+ }
+ my %hash;
+ $hash{$_} = 1 for grep {email_valid($_ // '', -nodie => 1 )}
+ @postmasters;
+ sort keys %hash;
sub add {
- die "TODO";
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $d = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ foreach (qw/description catchalls canAddAlias canAddList/) {
+ $d->{$_} = explode ($options{'-concat'}, $d->{$_})
+ if defined $d->{$_};
+ }
+ eval {
+ my $domain = $d->{domain};
+ Encode::_utf8_on($domain);
+ &_is_valid($d);
+ my $dn = canonical_dn( {fvd => $d->{domain}}, @{$self->suffix} );
+ my $mesg = $self->ldap->search(
+ base => $dn,
+ scope => 'base',
+ deref => 'never',
+ filter => 'objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain',
+ attrs => [] );
+ if ($mesg->code == 0) {
+ die "Domain ‘".$domain."’ already exists.\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($mesg->code != 32) {
+ die $mesg->error."\n";
+ }
+ return if $options{'-dry-run'};
+ my %attrs = ( objectClass => 'FripostVirtualDomain'
+ , fripostIsStatusActive => $d->{isactive} ?
+ 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'
+ );
+ $attrs{description} = $d->{description}
+ if defined $d->{description} and @{$d->{description}};
+ $attrs{fripostOptionalMaildrop} = $d->{catchalls}
+ if defined $d->{catchalls} and @{$d->{catchalls}};
+ if (defined $d->{owner}) {
+ $attrs{fripostOwner} = $self->_fvu2dn($d->{owner})
+ if $d->{owner} ne '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $attrs{fripostOwner} = $self->whoami;
+ }
+ my $token;
+ if (defined $d->{send_token_to}) {
+ $token = String::Random::->new->randregex('\w{32}');
+ $attrs{fripostIsStatusPending} = $token
+ }
+ $mesg = $self->ldap->add( $dn, attrs => [ %attrs ] );
+ die $mesg->error."\n" if $mesg->code;
+ if (defined $d->{send_token_to}) {
+ my $tt = Template->new({
+ INCLUDE_PATH => './templates', # TODO: use a config option
+ }) or die $Template::ERROR."\n";
+ my $data;
+ my $vars = { domain => $domain, token => $token };
+ $vars->{unlockurl} = $options{'-domainurl'}.'?unlock='.$token
+ if defined $options{'-domainurl'};
+ $tt->process( 'new-domain.tt', $vars, \$data)
+ or die $tt->error."\n";
+ my $mail = MIME::Entity::->build(
+ From => 'Fripost Admin Panel <AdminWebPanel@fripost.org>',
+ To => $d->{send_token_to},
+ Subject => "Your new domain ".$d->{domain},
+ Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
+ Charset => 'utf-8',
+ Data => $data
+ );
+ $mail->send;
+ }
+ };
+ return $@;
+sub unlock {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $d = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ eval {
+ my $dn = canonical_dn({fvd => domain_to_ascii($d)}, @{$self->suffix});
+ my $domains = $self->ldap->search(
+ base => $dn,
+ scope => 'base',
+ deref => 'never',
+ filter => '(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain)'.
+ '(fripostIsStatusPending=*))',
+ attrs => [ 'fripostIsStatusPending' ]
+ );
+ die $domains->error."\n" if $domains->code;
+ my $domain = $domains->pop_entry;
+ die "No such such domain: ‘".$d."’\n" unless defined $domain;
+ die "Wrong unlock code for ‘".$d."’\n"
+ unless $domain->get_value('fripostIsStatusPending') eq $code;
+ # TODO: a more secure option would be to add a 'userPassword'
+ # attribute to domains. We can bind as the domain to check the
+ # validity of the token and add an ACL rule to give =z rights on
+ # self and =0 for everyone else.
+ my $mesg = $self->ldap->modify( $dn, delete => 'fripostIsStatusPending' );
+ die $mesg->error."\n" if $mesg->code;
+ };
+ return $@;
@@ -179,6 +336,9 @@ sub _is_valid {
@{$d->{canAddAlias}} ];
$d->{canAddList} = [ map { email_valid($_, -prefix => 'fake') }
@{$d->{canAddList}} ];
+ $d->{send_token_to} = email_valid( $d->{send_token_to} )
+ if defined $d->{send_token_to};