path: root/lib/Fripost/Panel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Fripost/Panel')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Fripost/Panel/Interface.pm b/lib/Fripost/Panel/Interface.pm
index a0c9dd9..7f7d770 100644
--- a/lib/Fripost/Panel/Interface.pm
+++ b/lib/Fripost/Panel/Interface.pm
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ sub ListLocals : Runmode {
my @lists = grep { $_->{type} eq 'list' } @locals;
# Add a link to the list (external) homepage.
- map { $_->{listURL} = $CFG{'listurl_'.$_->{transport}}.
- email_to_ascii($_->{name}.'@'.$domainname) }
+ map { $_->{list_URL} = $CFG{'listurl_'.$_->{transport}}.
+ email_to_ascii($_->{name}.'@'.$domainname) }
my $template = $self->load_tmpl( 'list-locals.html', cache => 1,
@@ -256,258 +256,183 @@ sub ListLocals : Runmode {
# Can the user add lists?
$template->param( canAddList => $domain->{permissions} =~ /[lop]/ );
$template->param( listCanAddList => [ map { {item => encode_entities($_)} }
- @{$domain->{canAddList}} ] )
+ @{$domain->{canAddList}} ] )
if $domain->{permissions} =~ /[op]/;
# Should we list lists?
$template->param( listLists => $#lists >= 0 ||
$domain->{permissions} =~ /[lop]/ );
$template->param( lists => [
- map { {&fill_HTML_template_from_entry ($_, -loop => ['destination'])} }
+ map { { &fill_HTML_template_from_entry ($_, -loop => ['destination'] )
+ , isPending => $_->{isPending}
+ } }
@lists ]);
return $template->output;
-# In this Run Mode authenticated users can edit the entry (if they have
-# the permission).
-sub EditLocal : Runmode {
+# In this Run Mode authenticated users can add users, aliases and lists
+# (if they have the permission).
+sub AddLocal : Runmode {
my $self = shift;
my %CFG = $self->cfg;
my $q = $self->query;
- return $self->redirect('../') if defined $q->param('cancel');
+ return $self->redirect('./') if defined $q->param('cancel'); # Cancellation
+ # Get the domain name from the URL.
+ my $domainname = ($self->split_path)[1];
+ my $t = $q->param('t') // return $self->redirect('./');
+ return $self->redirect('./') unless grep { $t eq $_ } qw/user alias list/;
my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
- # Search for *the* matching user, alias or list.
- my ($d,$l) = ($self->split_path)[1,2];
- $fp->domain->get ($d, -die => 404, -assert_exist => 1);
- my %local = $fp->local->get ($l.'@'.$d, -die => 404,
- -concat => "\x{0D}\x{0A}" );
- die "Unknown type" unless grep { $local{type} eq $_ }
- qw/user alias list/;
- die "404\n" if $local{ispending};
my $error; # Tells whether the change submission has failed.
- my $t = $local{type};
- if (defined $q->param('a') and $q->param('a') eq 'delete') {
- # Delete the entry
- $error = $fp->$t->delete($l.'@'.$d, -die => 0);
- unless ($error) {
- $fp->done;
- return $self->redirect('../');
- }
- }
if (defined $q->param('submit')) {
# Changes have been submitted: process them
- my %entry;
- if ($t eq 'user') {
- $entry{user} = $l.'@'.$d;
- $entry{forwards} = $q->param('forwards') // undef;
- if (($q->param('oldpw') // '') ne '' or
- ($q->param('newpw') // '') ne '' or
- ($q->param('newpw2') // '') ne '') {
- # If the user tries to change the password, we make her
- # bind first, to prevent an attacker from setting a
- # custom password and accessing the emails.
- if ($q->param('newpw') ne $q->param('newpw2')) {
- $error = "Passwords do not match";
- }
- elsif (length $q->param('newpw') < $CFG{password_min_length}) {
- $error = "Password should be at least "
- .$CFG{password_min_length}
- ." characters long.";
- }
- else {
- my $fp;
- eval {
- my $u = email_to_unicode($self->authen->username);
- $fp = Fripost::Schema::->auth(
- $u,
- $q->param('oldpw') // '',
- %CFG,
- -die => "Wrong password (for ‘".$u."’)." );
- };
- $error = $@ || $fp->user->passwd(
- $entry{user},
- Fripost::Password::hash($q->param('newpw') // '')
- );
- $fp->done if defined $fp;
- }
+ my $local = &parse_CGI_query($q);
+ $local->{type} = $q->param('t');
+ $local->{name} = $q->param('name').'@'.$domainname;
+ my %rest;
+ if ($q->param('password') || $q->param('password2')) {
+ if ($q->param('password') ne $q->param('password2')) {
+ $error = "Passwords do not match";
+ # TODO: ! move that to Password.pm
+ elsif (length $q->param('password') < $CFG{password_min_length}) {
+ $error = "Password should be at least "
+ .$CFG{password_min_length}
+ ." characters long.";
+ }
+ else {
+ $local->{password} = Fripost::Password::hash($q->param('password'));
+ }
+ # TODO: inherit the user quota from the postmaster's?
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $entry{alias} = $l.'@'.$d;
- $entry{maildrop} = $q->param('maildrop') // undef;
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $entry{list} = $l.'@'.$d;
- $entry{transport} = $q->param('transport') // undef;
- }
- $entry{isactive} = $q->param('isactive') // 1;
- $entry{description} = $q->param('description') // undef;
- $error = $fp->$t->replace( \%entry, -concat => "(\n|\x{0D}\x{0A})")
- unless $error;
- }
+ $local->{password} = $q->param('password') if $t eq 'list';
- my $template = $self->load_tmpl( "edit-$t.html", cache => 1 );
- $template->param( $self->userInfo );
- $template->param( domain => encode_entities($d) );
+ $rest{gpg} = { use_agent => 0
+ , keydir => $CFG{gpghome}
+ , key => $CFG{gpg_private_key_id}
+ , passphrase => $CFG{gpg_private_key_passphrase}
+ };
- if ($error and defined $q->param('submit')) {
- # Preserve the (incorrect) form, except the passwords
- if ($t eq 'user') {
- $template->param( user => encode_entities($l)
- , forwards => $q->param('forwards') // undef );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $template->param( alias => encode_entities($l)
- , maildrop => $q->param('maildrop') // undef );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $template->param( list => encode_entities($l) );
- }
- $template->param( isactive => $q->param('isactive') // 1
- , description => $q->param('description') // undef );
- }
- else {
- %local = $fp->local->get ($l.'@'.$d, -die => 404,
- -concat => "\x{0D}\x{0A}" );
- if ($t eq 'user') {
- $template->param( user => encode_entities($local{user})
- , forwards => encode_entities($local{forwards}) );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $template->param( alias => encode_entities($local{alias})
- , maildrop => encode_entities($local{maildrop}) );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $template->param( list => encode_entities($local{list}) );
+ unless ($error) {
+ my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
+ $fp->domain->search ($domainname, -filter => 'unlocked', -count => 1)
+ or die "404\n";
+ $fp->local->add( $local, %rest, -error => \$error );
+ $fp->done;
+ return $self->redirect('./') unless $error;
- $template->param( isactive => $local{isactive}
- , description => $local{description} );
- $fp->done;
- my $news = (defined $q->param('submit') or
- (defined $q->param('a') and $q->param('a') eq 'delete'));
- $template->param( newChanges => $news );
+ # Do not send passwords back to the sender.
+ $q->delete(qw/password password2/);
+ my $template = $self->load_tmpl( "add-$t.html", cache => 1 );
+ $template->param( $self->userInfo
+ , domainname => encode_entities($domainname)
+ , &fill_HTML_template_from_query ($q));
+ $template->param( transport =>
+ [ { item => 'mailman', selected => $q->param('transport') eq 'mailman', name => 'GNU Mailman' }
+ , { item => 'schleuder', selected => $q->param('transport') eq 'schleuder', name => 'Schleuder' }
+ ]) # TODO ugly
+ if $t eq 'list' and defined $q->param('transport');
$template->param( error => encode_entities ($error) ) if $error;
- $template->param( canDelete => 1 ) if $t eq 'alias';
- $template->param( listURL => $CFG{'listurl_'.$local{transport}}.
- email_to_ascii($l.'@'.$d) )
- if $t eq 'list';
- $q->delete('a');
return $template->output;
-# In this Run Mode authenticated users can add users, aliases and lists
-# (if they have the permission).
-sub AddLocal : Runmode {
+# In this Run Mode authenticated users can edit the entry (if they have
+# the permission).
+sub EditLocal : Runmode {
my $self = shift;
my %CFG = $self->cfg;
my $q = $self->query;
- return $self->redirect('./') if defined $q->param('cancel');
+ return $self->redirect('./') if defined $q->param('cancel'); # Cancellation
+ # Get the domain name from the URL.
+ my ($localname,$domainname) = ($self->split_path)[2,1];
+ my $name = $localname.'@'.$domainname;
+ my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
+ # Search for *the* matching user, alias or list.
+ $fp->domain->search ($domainname, -filter => 'unlocked', -count => 1)
+ or die "404\n";
+ my $local = $fp->local->search ($name, -filter => 'unlocked')
+ or die "404\n";
- my $d = ($self->split_path)[1];
- my $t = $q->param('t') // die "Undefined type";
my $error; # Tells whether the change submission has failed.
+ if (defined $q->param('a') and $q->param('a') eq 'delete') {
+ # Delete the entry
+ $fp->local->delete($name, -error => \$error );
+ unless ($error) {
+ $fp->done;
+ return $self->redirect('../');
+ }
+ }
+ $fp->done;
if (defined $q->param('submit')) {
# Changes have been submitted: process them
- my %entry;
+ my $local = &parse_CGI_query($q);
+ $local->{type} = $q->param('t');
+ $local->{name} = $name;
my %rest;
- if ($t eq 'user') {
- $entry{user} = $q->param('user').'@'.$d;
- $entry{forwards} = $q->param('forwards');
- if ($q->param('password') ne $q->param('password2')) {
- $error = "Passwords do not match";
- }
- elsif (length $q->param('password') < $CFG{password_min_length}) {
- $error = "Password should be at least "
- .$CFG{password_min_length}
- ." characters long.";
- }
- else {
- $entry{password} = Fripost::Password::hash($q->param('password'));
- }
- # TODO: inherit the quota from the postmaster's?
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $entry{alias} = $q->param('alias').'@'.$d;
- $entry{maildrop} = $q->param('maildrop');
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $entry{list} = $q->param('list').'@'.$d;
- $entry{transport} = $q->param('transport');
+ if ($q->param('password') || $q->param('password2')) {
if ($q->param('password') ne $q->param('password2')) {
$error = "Passwords do not match";
+ # TODO: ! move that to Password.pm
+ # TODO: change password
elsif (length $q->param('password') < $CFG{password_min_length}) {
$error = "Password should be at least "
." characters long.";
else {
- $rest{gpg} = { use_agent => 0
- , keydir => $CFG{gpghome}
- , key => $CFG{gpg_private_key_id}
- , passphrase => $CFG{gpg_private_key_passphrase}
- };
- $entry{password} = $q->param('password');
+ $local->{password} = Fripost::Password::hash($q->param('password'));
- else {
- # Unknown type
- return $self->redirect('./');
- }
- $entry{isactive} = $q->param('isactive') // 1;
- $entry{description} = $q->param('description') // undef;
- unless ($error) {
- my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
- $fp->domain->get ($d, -die => 404, -assert_exist => 1);
- $error = $fp->$t->add( \%entry, -concat => "(\n|\x{0D}\x{0A})", %rest);
- $fp->done;
- return $self->redirect('./') unless $error;
- }
- my $template = $self->load_tmpl( "add-$t.html", cache => 1 );
- $template->param( $self->userInfo );
- $template->param( domain => encode_entities($d) );
+ # Do not send passwords back to the sender.
+ $q->delete(qw/password password2/);
+ my $t = $local->{type};
+ my $template = $self->load_tmpl( "edit-$t.html", cache => 1 );
+ $template->param( $self->userInfo
+ , localpart => encode_entities($localname)
+ , domainpart => encode_entities($domainname) );
if ($error) {
# Preserve the (incorrect) form, except the passwords
- if ($t eq 'user') {
- $template->param( user => $q->param('user') // undef
- , forwards => $q->param('forwards') // undef );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $template->param( alias => $q->param('alias') // undef
- , maildrop => $q->param('maildrop') // undef );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $template->param( list => $q->param('list') // undef
- , isenc => $q->param('transport') eq 'schleuder' );
- }
- else {
- # Unknown type
- return $self->redirect('./');
- }
- $template->param( isactive => $q->param('isactive') // 1
- , description => $q->param('description') // undef
- , error => encode_entities ($error) );
+ $template->param( &fill_HTML_template_from_query ($q) );
else {
- $template->param( isactive => 1 );
+ $template->param( &fill_HTML_template_from_entry ($local,
+ -hide => [qw/quota transport/]) );
+ # TODO: submit
+ my $news = (defined $q->param('submit') or
+ (defined $q->param('a') and $q->param('a') eq 'delete'));
+ $template->param( newChanges => $news );
+ $template->param( error => encode_entities ($error) ) if $error;
+ $template->param( canDelete => 1 ) if $t eq 'alias';
+ $template->param( list_URL => $CFG{'listurl_'.$local->{transport}}.
+ email_to_ascii($name) )
+ if $t eq 'list';
+ $q->delete('a');
return $template->output;
sub mkURL {
my $host = shift;
my @path = map { encodeURIComponent($_) } @_;