path: root/lib/FPanel/Interface.pm
diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem.moulin@fripost.org>2012-09-09 21:01:45 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem.moulin@fripost.org>2012-09-09 21:01:45 +0200
commitec17f0ce71a233025768a54b4a1beae34e2b8a45 (patch)
treeb19780f706ae5d228322b3f601c30dbf84e08bf6 /lib/FPanel/Interface.pm
parent740b76159edede54d04100b3168e43975c34b5e0 (diff)
lib/FPanel/ → lib/Fripost/Panel/
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/FPanel/Interface.pm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 437 deletions
diff --git a/lib/FPanel/Interface.pm b/lib/FPanel/Interface.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 053e1a2..0000000
--- a/lib/FPanel/Interface.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-package FPanel::Interface;
-use 5.010_000;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-=head1 NAME
-Interface.pm -
-use Fripost::Schema;
-use Fripost::Password;
-use parent 'FPanel::Login';
-use HTML::Entities;
-# This method is called right before the 'setup' method below. It
-# inherits the configuration from the super class.
-sub cgiapp_init {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->SUPER::cgiapp_init;
- # Every single Run Mode here is protected
- $self->authen->protected_runmodes( ':all' );
-# This is the first page seen by authenticated users. It lists the known
-# domains.
-sub ListDomains : StartRunmode {
- my $self = shift;
- my %CFG = $self->cfg;
- my ($ul,$ud) = split /\@/, $self->authen->username, 2;
- my $fp = Fripost::Schema->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
- my @domains = $fp->domain->search( -concat => "\n", -die => 403);
- $fp->done;
- my $template = $self->load_tmpl( 'list-domains.html', cache => 1, utf8 => 1
- , loop_context_vars => 1
- , global_vars => 1 );
- $template->param( url => $self->query->url
- , user_localpart => $ul
- , user_domainpart => $ud
- , domains => [ @domains ]
- );
- return $template->output;
-# This Run Mode lists the known mailboxes, aliases and lists under the current
-# domain.
-sub ListLocals : Runmode {
- my $self = shift;
- my %CFG = $self->cfg;
- my ($ul,$ud) = split /\@/, $self->authen->username, 2;
- my $d = (split /\//, $ENV{PATH_INFO}, 3)[1];
- my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
- # Query *the* matching domain
- my %domain = $fp->domain->get( $d, -die => 404 );
- # Query the mailboxes, aliases and lists under the given domain. We
- # don't die with a HTTP error code here, as it is not supposed to
- # crash.
- my @mailboxes = $fp->mailbox->search( $d );
- my @aliases = $fp->alias->search( $d );
- my @lists = $fp->list->search( $d );
- $fp->done;
- my $template = $self->load_tmpl( 'list-locals.html', cache => 1, utf8 => 1
- , loop_context_vars => 1
- , global_vars => 1 );
- $template->param( url => $self->query->url
- , user_localpart => $ul
- , user_domainpart => $ud
- );
- $template->param( domain => $domain{domain}
- , isactive => $domain{isactive}
- , description => join ("\n", @{$domain{description}}) );
- # Can the user edit the domain (change description, toggle
- # activation, modify catchalls?)
- $template->param( canEditDomain => $domain{permissions} =~ /[op]/ );
- # Can the user add mailboxes?
- $template->param( canAddMailbox => $domain{permissions} =~ /p/ );
- # Should we list mailboxes?
- $template->param( listMailboxes => $#mailboxes >= 0 ||
- $domain{permissions} =~ /p/ );
- $template->param( mailboxes => [
- map { { user => $_->{user}
- , description => join ("\n", @{$_->{description}})
- , isactive => $_->{isactive}
- , forwards => [ map { {forward => $_} } @{$_->{forwards}} ]
- , quota => $_->{quota}
- };
- }
- @mailboxes
- ]);
- # Can the user add aliases?
- $template->param( canAddalias => $domain{permissions} =~ /[aop]/ );
- # Should we list aliases?
- $template->param( listAliases => $#aliases >= 0 ||
- $domain{permissions} =~ /[aop]/ );
- $template->param( aliases => [
- map { { alias => $_->{alias}
- , description => join ("\n", @{$_->{description}})
- , isactive => $_->{isactive}
- , destinations => [ map { {destination => $_} }
- @{$_->{maildrop}} ]
- };
- }
- @aliases
- ]);
- $template->param( catchalls => [ map { {catchall => $_} }
- @{$domain{catchalls}} ]
- , CAodd => not $#aliases % 2);
- # Can the user add lists?
- $template->param( canAddList => $domain{permissions} =~ /[lop]/ );
- # Should we list lists?
- $template->param( listLists => $#lists >= 0 || $domain{permissions} =~ /[lop]/ );
- $template->param( lists => [
- map { { list => $_->{list}
- , description => join ("\n", @{$_->{description}})
- , isactive => $_->{isactive}
- , transport => $_->{transport}
- };
- }
- @lists
- ]);
- return $template->output;
-# In this Run Mode authenticated users can edit the domain description
-# and catchalls, and toggle activation (if they have the permission).
-sub EditDomain : Runmode {
- my $self = shift;
- my %CFG = $self->cfg;
- my ($ul,$ud) = split /\@/, $self->authen->username, 2;
- my $d = (split /\//, $ENV{PATH_INFO}, 3)[1];
- my $q = $self->query;
- return $self->redirect($q->url .'/') if defined $q->param('cancel');
- my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
- my $error; # Tells whether the change submission has failed.
- if (defined $q->param('submit')) {
- # Changes have been submitted: process them
- $error = $fp->domain->replace({
- domain => $d,
- isactive => $q->param('isactive'),
- description => $q->param('description'),
- catchalls => $q->param('catchalls')
- }, -concat => "(\n|\x{0D}\x{0A})");
- }
- my %domain = $fp->domain->get( $d, -die => 404 );
- $fp->done;
- my $template = $self->load_tmpl( 'edit-domain.html', cache => 1, utf8 => 1
- , loop_context_vars => 1
- , global_vars => 1 );
- $template->param( url => $self->query->url
- , user_localpart => $ul
- , user_domainpart => $ud
- , domain => $d
- );
- if ($error) {
- # Preserve the (incorrect) form
- $template->param( isactive => $q->param('isactive')
- , description => $q->param('description')
- , catchalls => $q->param('catchalls')
- , error => encode_entities ($error, "‘‘") );
- }
- else {
- $template->param( isactive => $domain{isactive}
- , description => join ("\x{0D}\x{0A}",
- @{$domain{description}})
- , catchalls => join ("\x{0D}\x{0A}",
- @{$domain{catchalls}}) );
- }
- $template->param( newChanges => defined $self->query->param('submit') );
- return $template->output;
-# In this Run Mode authenticated users can edit the entry (if they have
-# the permission).
-sub EditLocal : Runmode {
- my $self = shift;
- my %CFG = $self->cfg;
- my ($ul,$ud) = split /\@/, $self->authen->username, 2;
- my ($null,$d,$l,$crap) = split /\//, $ENV{PATH_INFO}, 4;
- my $q = $self->query;
- return $self->redirect($q->url.'/'.$d.'/') if defined $q->param('cancel');
- my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
- my $error; # Tells whether the change submission has failed.
- if (defined $q->param('submit')) {
- # Changes have been submitted: process them
- my $t = $q->param('t') // die "Undefined type";
- my %entry;
- if ($t eq 'mailbox') {
- $entry{user} = $l.'@'.$d;
- $entry{forwards} = $q->param('forwards');
- if ($q->param('oldpw') ne '' or
- $q->param('newpw') ne '' or
- $q->param('newpw2') ne '') {
- # If the user tries to change the password, we make her
- # bind first, to prevent an attacker from setting a
- # custom password and accessing the emails.
- if ($q->param('newpw') ne $q->param('newpw2')) {
- $error = "Passwords do not match";
- }
- elsif (length $q->param('newpw') < $CFG{password_min_length}) {
- $error = "Password should be at least "
- .$CFG{password_min_length}
- ." characters long.";
- }
- else {
- my $fp;
- eval {
- $fp = Fripost::Schema::->auth(
- $self->authen->username,
- $q->param('oldpw'),
- ldap_uri => $CFG{ldap_uri},
- ldap_suffix => $CFG{ldap_suffix},
- -die => "Wrong password (for ‘"
- .$self->authen->username."‘)." );
- };
- $error = $@ || $fp->mailbox->passwd(
- $entry{user},
- Fripost::Password::hash($q->param('newpw'))
- );
- $fp->done if defined $fp;
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $entry{alias} = $l.'@'.$d;
- $entry{maildrop} = $q->param('maildrop');
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $entry{list} = $l.'@'.$d;
- $entry{transport} = $q->param('transport');
- }
- else {
- # Unknown type
- return $self->redirect($q->url .'/'. $d .'/');
- }
- $entry{isactive} = $q->param('isactive');
- $entry{description} = $q->param('description');
- $error = $fp->$t->replace( \%entry, -concat => "(\n|\x{0D}\x{0A})")
- unless $error;
- }
- # Search for *the* matching mailbox, alias or list.
- my %local = $fp->local->get ($l, $d, -die => 404,
- -concat => "\x{0D}\x{0A}");
- $fp->done;
- my $template = $self->load_tmpl( "edit-$local{type}.html",
- cache => 1, utf8 => 1 );
- $template->param( url => $self->query->url
- , user_localpart => $ul
- , user_domainpart => $ud
- , domain => $d
- );
- if ($error) {
- # Preserve the (incorrect) form, except the passwords
- if ($local{type} eq 'mailbox') {
- $template->param( user => $l
- , forwards => $q->param('forwards') );
- }
- elsif ($local{type} eq 'alias') {
- $template->param( alias => $l
- , maildrop => $q->param('maildrop') );
- }
- elsif ($local{type} eq 'list') {
- $template->param( list => $l );
- }
- else {
- # Unknown type
- return $self->redirect($q->url.'/'.$d.'/');
- }
- $template->param( isactive => $q->param('isactive')
- , description => $q->param('description')
- , error => encode_entities ($error, "‘‘") );
- }
- else {
- if ($local{type} eq 'mailbox') {
- $template->param( user => $local{user}
- , forwards => $local{forwards} );
- }
- elsif ($local{type} eq 'alias') {
- $template->param( alias => $local{alias}
- , maildrop => $local{maildrop} );
- }
- elsif ($local{type} eq 'list') {
- $template->param( list => $local{list} );
- }
- else {
- # Unknown type
- return $self->redirect($q->url.'/'.$d.'/');
- }
- $template->param( isactive => $local{isactive}
- , description => $local{description} );
- }
- $template->param( newChanges => defined $self->query->param('submit') );
- return $template->output;
-# In this Run Mode authenticated users can add mailboxes, aliases and
-# lists (if they have the permission).
-sub AddLocal : Runmode {
- my $self = shift;
- my %CFG = $self->cfg;
- my ($ul,$ud) = split /\@/, $self->authen->username, 2;
- my $d = (split /\//, $ENV{PATH_INFO}, 3)[1];
- my $q = $self->query;
- return $self->redirect($q->url.'/'.$d.'/') if defined $q->param('cancel');
- my $t = $q->param('t') // die "Undefined type";
- my $error; # Tells whether the change submission has failed.
- if (defined $q->param('submit')) {
- # Changes have been submitted: process them
- my %entry;
- if ($t eq 'mailbox') {
- $entry{user} = $q->param('user').'@'.$d;
- $entry{forwards} = $q->param('forwards');
- if ($q->param('password') ne $q->param('password2')) {
- $error = "Passwords do not match";
- }
- elsif (length $q->param('password') < $CFG{password_min_length}) {
- $error = "Password should be at least "
- .$CFG{password_min_length}
- ." characters long.";
- }
- else {
- $entry{password} = Fripost::Password::hash($q->param('password'));
- }
- # TODO: inherit the quota from the postmaster's?
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $entry{alias} = $q->param('alias').'@'.$d;
- $entry{maildrop} = $q->param('maildrop');
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $entry{list} = $q->param('list').'@'.$d;
- $entry{transport} = $q->param('transport');
- }
- else {
- # Unknown type
- return $self->redirect($q->url.'/'.$d.'/');
- }
- $entry{isactive} = $q->param('isactive');
- $entry{description} = $q->param('description');
- unless ($error) {
- my $fp = Fripost::Schema::->SASLauth( $self->authen->username, %CFG );
- $error = $fp->$t->add( \%entry, -concat => "(\n|\x{0D}\x{0A})");
- $fp->done;
- return $self->redirect($q->url.'/'.$d.'/') unless $error;
- }
- }
- my $template = $self->load_tmpl( "add-$t.html", cache => 1, utf8 => 1 );
- $template->param( url => $self->query->url
- , user_localpart => $ul
- , user_domainpart => $ud
- , domain => $d
- );
- if ($error) {
- # Preserve the (incorrect) form, except the passwords
- if ($t eq 'mailbox') {
- $template->param( user => $q->param('user')
- , forwards => $q->param('forwards') );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'alias') {
- $template->param( alias => $q->param('alias')
- , maildrop => $q->param('maildrop') );
- }
- elsif ($t eq 'list') {
- $template->param( list => $q->param('list')
- , isenc => $q->param('transport') eq 'schleuder' );
- }
- else {
- # Unknown type
- return $self->redirect($q->url.'/'.$d.'/');
- }
- $template->param( isactive => $q->param('isactive')
- , description => $q->param('description')
- , error => encode_entities ($error, "‘‘") );
- }
- else {
- $template->param( isactive => 1 );
- }
- return $template->output;
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Guilhem Moulin C<< <guilhem at fripost.org> >>
-Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.