diff options
authorGustav Eek <gustav.eek@proceranetworks.com>2014-02-12 20:53:08 +0100
committerGustav Eek <gustav.eek@proceranetworks.com>2014-02-13 07:20:36 +0100
commit65c47dfeb7ef9a8ffae7b0dc407548cb4b5d0b18 (patch)
parent789e778f5dec7ce6c3c231916001e6527e7c230a (diff)
New makefile procedure added for 2014
The procedure consists of that a common makefile holds all crucial procedures. The makefiles in the different directories are just wrappers. This commit contains those modifications for 2014. It remains to implement the same for previous years.
2 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2014/Makefile b/2014/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc286bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2014/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Makefile for minutes of 2014
+MINUTES = 2014-02-11-board
+common-makefile = ../resources/Makefile-common
+ @make -s -f $(common-makefile) help
+all: $(MINUTES)
+ make -f $(common-makefile) compile FILE=$*
+ make -f $(common-makefile) send SEND_FILES="$(MINUTES)"
+ make -f $(common-makefile) clean
diff --git a/resources/Makefile-common b/resources/Makefile-common
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba957f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/Makefile-common
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This Makefile is used as common denominator for the compilation of a
+# PDF file from a minutes.
+# Commands
+# compile: Create the pdf file
+# Mandatory arguments
+# FILE -- name of tex file without surfixes
+# Optional arguments
+# PREAMBLE -- path to preamble without surfixes (defaults)
+# FILES_TEX -- list of dependency tex-files without surfixes
+# FILES_JPG -- list of dependency jgp-images without surfixes
+# send: Sends pdf files to server
+# Mandatory arguments
+# SEND_FILES -- list of files to send (without prefixes)
+# clean: clears all generated files
+PREAMBLE = ../preamble/preamble
+input = $(FILE).tex
+output = $(FILE).pdf
+preamble = $(PREAMBLE).tex
+files-tex = $(foreach f, $(FILES_TEX), $(f).tex)
+files-jgp = $(foreach f, $(FILES_JPG), $(f).jpg)
+send-files = $(foreach f, $(SEND_FILES), $(f).pdf)
+compile: $(output)
+# The most general latex compilation command
+$(output): $(input) $(preamble) $(files-tex) $(files-jpg)
+ latex_count=5 ;\
+ latex_log=$$(echo $@ | sed 's/.pdf/.log/') ;\
+ pdflatex $< ;\
+ while egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' $$latex_log && [ $$latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\
+ do echo "Rerunning latex...." ; pdflatex $< ;\
+ latex_count=`expr $$latex_count - 1`;\
+ done;
+# Clean up
+ rm -f *.aux *.bbl *.dvi *.log *.nav *.out *.snm *.toc *~
+# Sends to fripost.org for publication
+ rsync -ruvp --chmod=Dugo+rx,Fugo+r $(send-files) fripost@fripost.org:fripost.org/minutes/
+# Help
+ @echo 'This script do not run without arguments. Run for example:'
+ @echo
+ @echo ' $ make 2014-02-13-board-notes.pdf'
+ @echo ' $ make all'
+ @echo ' $ make send'
+ @echo ' $ make clean'