path: root/schemas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'schemas')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/schemas/Makefile b/schemas/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e81fda..0000000
--- a/schemas/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-BUILD=ldap network
-RUBBER=rubber --warn boxes --warn refs
-PDF=$(patsubst %, %.pdf, $(BUILD))
-SVG=$(patsubst %, %.svg, $(BUILD))
-.PHONY: all force clean cleanall
-# let rubber take care of the pdf dependencies
-.PHONY: $(BUILD) all dvi ps pdf force clean wc
-all: pdf
-dvi: pdf
-ps: pdf
-pdf: $(PDF)
-svg: $(SVG)
-%.pdf: %.tex
- $(RUBBER) --pdf $<
-%.svg: %.pdf
- inkscape $^ --export-plain-svg=$@
- for I in $(BUILD); do $(RUBBER) --force --pdf "$$I"; done
- for I in $(BUILD); do $(RUBBER) --clean --ps --pdf "$$I"; done
- rm $(SVG)
-wc: $(PDF)
- @for I in $^; do echo -n "$$I: "; ps2ascii "$$I" | wc -w; done
diff --git a/schemas/ldap.tex b/schemas/ldap.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index d4a681e..0000000
--- a/schemas/ldap.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- {\begin{minipage}[t][0pt][t]{10cm}
- \texttt{#1}
- \\[.1\baselineskip] \phantom{cn=}%
- \begin{tabular}[!t]{@{}>{\ttfamily\bgroup}l<{\egroup}@{:~}%
- >{\sffamily\bgroup}l<{\egroup}@{}}%
- }
- { \end{tabular}
- \end{minipage}}
- ldaptree/.style = {
- grow via three points={one child at (1cm,-1.5\baselineskip) and two children at (1cm,-1.5\baselineskip) and (1cm,-3\baselineskip)},
- growth parent anchor=south west,
- edge from parent path={($(\tikzparentnode.south west)+(2.5ex,0)$) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)},
- },
- every node/.style = {anchor=west},
- dn/.style = {font=\ttfamily}
- \node[dn] { {o=mailhosting,dc=fripost,dc=org} }
- child {
- node[dn] { ou=managers }
- child {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{cn=gustav}
- userPassword & \{SSHA\}xxxxxx
- \end{entry}
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child[dn] {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{cn=ljo}
- userPassword & \dots
- \end{entry}
- }
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child {
- node[dn] { ou=services }
- child {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{cn=SMTP}
- userPassword & \{SSHA\}xxxxxx
- \end{entry}
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{cn=SASLauth}
- userPassword & \dots
- \end{entry}
- }
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child {
- node[dn] { ou=virtual }
- child {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{dc=fripost.org}
- isActive & TRUE
- \end{entry}
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child
- {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{mailTarget=user@fripost.org}
- mailLocalAddress & user-alias \\
- isActive & TRUE
- \end{entry}
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child
- { node { \dn{mailTarget=\dots} }
- }
- child
- {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{uid=user}
- userPassword & \{SSHA\}xxxxxx \\
- isactive & TRUE
- \end{entry}
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child
- { node { \dn{uid=\dots} }
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{dc=example.org}
- owner & \texttt{uid=user,dc=fripost.org,ou=virtual,\dots} \\
- isActive & TRUE
- \end{entry}
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child
- {
- node {
- \begin{entry}{mailTarget=user@fripost.org}
- mailLocalAddress & user \\
- isActive & TRUE
- \end{entry}
- }
- }
- child [missing] {}
- child [missing] {}
- child
- { node { \dn{mailTarget=\dots} }
- }
- child
- { node { \dn{uid=\dots} }
- }
- }
- };
diff --git a/schemas/network.tex b/schemas/network.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 3565826..0000000
--- a/schemas/network.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
- \node[fill=yellow!20, rounded corners, draw=black!50, dashed,
- fit=#2,inner sep=7pt,
- label=below:\texttt{#1}] {};
- \end{pgfonlayer}
-\tikzstyle{service}=[draw, fill=blue!20,
- text width=5em, text centered,
- minimum height=2.5em,
- drop shadow]
-\tikzstyle{what} = [sloped,font=\footnotesize]
-\tikzstyle{proto} = [sloped,font=\footnotesize\ttfamily]
-\tikzstyle{port} = [sloped,font=\tiny\ttfamily]
-\tikzstyle{TODO} = [draw=red]
- \begin{scope}[node distance=5pt]
- % The member's machine
- \node (IMAP-client)[service] {IMAP client};
- \node (SMTP-client)[service] [above=of IMAP-client] {SMTP client};
- \node (web-browser)[service] [below=of IMAP-client] {Web browser};
- \machine[\textnormal{Your machine}]{ (SMTP-client) (IMAP-client) (web-browser) }
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[xshift=8cm, node distance=2cm and 2cm, on grid]
- % mistral
- \node (o) {};
- \node (LDAP-producer) [service] [above right=of o] {LDAP server};
- \node (SMTP-server-IMAP)[service] [above left=of o] {SMTP server};
- \node (IMAP-server) [service] [below left=of o] {IMAP server};
- \node (mailboxes) [service] [below right=of o] {Mailboxes};
- \machine[mistral]{ (IMAP-server) (LDAP-producer) (mailboxes) }
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[xshift=8cm, yshift=-7cm]
- % harvey
- \node (webmail)[service] {Webmail};
- \machine[harvey]{ (webmail) }
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[xshift=8cm, yshift=7cm, node distance=2cm and 2cm, on grid]
- % luxemburg, elefant
- \node (o) {};
- \node (SMTP-server) [service] [left=of o] {SMTP server};
- \node (LDAP-consumer)[service] [right=of o] {LDAP replicate};
- \machine[luxemburg\textnormal{,} elefant]{ (SMTP-server) (LDAP-consumer) }
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[xshift=16cm, node distance=1.25cm, on grid]
- % gnu
- \node (o) {};
- \node (MSA)[service] [above=of o] {MSA};
- \node (MTA)[service] [below=of o] {MTA};
- \machine[gnu]{ (MSA) (MTA) }
- \end{scope}
- \path[use as bounding box]
- (current bounding box.north east) -- (current bounding box.south west);
- \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
- \draw[->] (IMAP-server)
- .. controls +(30:2cm) and +(-120:2cm) ..
- (LDAP-producer)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {LDAP}
- node[pos=0.5,below,what] {auth. bind}
- node[pos=0.92,above,port] {389};
- \draw[->] (IMAP-client.east)
- .. controls +(1.5cm,0) and +(-1.5cm,0) ..
- (IMAP-server.west)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {IMAPS}
- node[pos=0.5,below,what] {\texttt{getmail}}
- node[pos=0.95,above,port] {993};
- \draw[->] (web-browser.south)
- .. controls +(0,-4cm) and +(-3.5cm,0) ..
- (webmail.west)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {HTTPS}
- node[pos=0.97,above,port] {443};
- \draw[->] (webmail.north)
- .. controls +(0,1.5cm) and +(0,-1.5cm) ..
- (IMAP-server.south)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {IMAPS}
- node[pos=0.94,above,port] {993};
- \draw[->] (webmail.30)
- .. controls +(30:8cm) and +(0,-2.5cm) ..
- (LDAP-producer.south)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {LDAP \textnormal{(over \texttt{SSH})}}
- node[pos=0.15,above,what] {auth. bind to}
- node[pos=0.15,below,what] {change password}
- node[pos=0.96,above,port] {389};
- \draw[->] (MSA) edge
- node[above,proto] {ESMTP}
- node[pos=0.9,below,port] {25}
- (MTA);
- \draw[->] (MSA.west)
- .. controls +(-2cm,0) and +(2cm,0) ..
- (LDAP-producer.east)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {LDAP \textnormal{(over \texttt{SSH})}}
- node[pos=0.5,below,what] {auth. bind}
- node[pos=0.96,below,port] {389};
- \draw[->,TODO] (SMTP-client.north)
- .. controls +(0,5cm) and +(-5cm,0) ..
- ($0.5*(SMTP-server)+0.5*(LDAP-consumer)+(0,1.5cm)$)
- node[pos=1,above,proto] {ESMTPSA}
- node[pos=1,below,what] {\texttt{sendmail}}
- .. controls +(5cm,0) and +(0,5cm) ..
- (MSA.north)
- node[pos=0.99,above,port] {587};
- \draw[->] (SMTP-server) edge
- node[above,proto] {LDAPI}
- node[below,what] {virtual lookups}
- (LDAP-consumer);
- \draw[->] (SMTP-server-IMAP) edge
- node[above,proto] {LDAPI}
- node[below,what] {virtual lookups}
- (LDAP-producer);
- \draw[->] (SMTP-server) edge
- node[above,proto] {ESMTP \textnormal{(over \texttt{SSH})}}
- node[pos=0.96,below,port] {25}
- (SMTP-server-IMAP);
- \draw[->] (SMTP-server-IMAP) edge
- node[below,what] {\texttt{deliver}}
- (IMAP-server);
- \draw[->] (IMAP-server) edge
- node[below,what] {read, write}
- (mailboxes);
- \draw[->] (LDAP-consumer.south)
- .. controls +(0,-1.5cm) and +(0,1.5cm) ..
- (LDAP-producer.north)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {LDAP \textnormal{(over \texttt{SSH})}}
- node[pos=0.5,below,what] {\texttt{syncrepl}}
- node[pos=0.95,above,port] {389};
- \draw[->,TODO] (webmail.east)
- .. controls +(3.5cm,0) and +(0,-4cm) ..
- (MTA.south)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {ESMTPS}
- node[pos=0.5,below,what] {\texttt{sendmail}}
- node[pos=0.97,above,port] {25};
- \draw[->,path fading=west]
- ($(SMTP-server.west)+(-5cm,2cm)$)
- .. controls +(2cm,0) and +(-2cm,0) ..
- (SMTP-server.west);
- \draw[dashed,path fading=east]
- ($(SMTP-server.west)+(-5cm,2cm)$)
- .. controls +(2cm,0) and +(-2cm,0) ..
- (SMTP-server.west);
- \path ($(SMTP-server.west)+(-5cm,2cm)$)
- .. controls +(2cm,0) and +(-2cm,0) ..
- (SMTP-server.west)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {ESMTP}
- node[pos=0.97,above,port] {25};
- \draw[path fading=east,TODO]
- (MTA.east)
- .. controls +(2cm,0) and +(0,2cm) ..
- ($(MTA.east)+(2cm,-5cm)$);
- \draw[->,dashed,path fading=west,TODO]
- (MTA.east)
- .. controls +(2cm,0) and +(0,2cm) ..
- ($(MTA.east)+(2cm,-5cm)$)
- node[pos=0.5,above,proto] {ESMTP}
- node[pos=0.97,above,port] {25};
- \end{pgfonlayer}