path: root/lib/modules/openldap
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/modules/openldap')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/modules/openldap b/lib/modules/openldap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7293b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/modules/openldap
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# Manage OpenLDAP databases
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Guilhem Moulin <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import ldap, ldap.sasl
+from ldap.filter import filter_format
+from ldap.dn import dn2str,explode_dn,str2dn
+from ldap.modlist import addModlist
+from ldif import LDIFParser
+from functools import partial
+import re, pwd
+import tempfile, atexit
+# Dirty hack to check equality between the targetted LDIF and that
+# currently in the directory. The value of some configuration (olc*)
+# attributes is automatically indexed when added; for those we'll add
+# explicit indices to what we find in the LDIF.
+indexedAttributes = frozenset([
+ 'olcAttributeTypes',
+ 'olcObjectClasses',
+ 'olcAccess',
+ 'olcSyncrepl',
+ 'olcOverlay',
+ 'olcLimits',
+# Another hack. Configuration entries sometimes pollutes the DNs with
+# indices, thus it's not possible to directly use them as base.
+# Instead, we use their parent as a pase, and search for the *unique*
+# match with the same ObjectClass and the matching extra attributes.
+# ('%s' in the attribute value is replaced with the value of the source
+# entry.)
+indexedDN = {
+ 'olcSchemaConfig': [('cn', '{*}%s')],
+ 'olcHdbConfig': [('olcDbDirectory', '%s' )],
+ 'olcOverlayConfig': [('olcOverlay', '%s' )],
+# Allow for flexible ACLs for user using SASL's EXTERNAL mechanism.
+# "username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" is replaced by
+# "gidNumber=106+uidNumber=102,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" where
+# 102 is postfix's UID and 106 its primary GID.
+# (Regular expressions are not allowed.)
+sasl_ext_re = re.compile( r"""(?P<start>\sby\s+dn(?:\.exact)?)=
+ (?P<quote>['\"]?)username=(?P<user>[a-z][-a-z0-9_]*),
+ (?P<end>cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth)
+ (?P=quote)\s"""
+ , re.VERBOSE )
+multispaces = re.compile( r"\s+" )
+pwd_dict = {}
+def acl_sasl_ext(m):
+ u ='user')
+ if u not in pwd_dict.keys():
+ pwd_dict[u] = pwd.getpwnam(u)
+ return '%s="gidNumber=%d+uidNumber=%d,%s" ' % ('start')
+ , pwd_dict[u].pw_gid
+ , pwd_dict[u].pw_uid
+ ,'end')
+ )
+# Run the given callback on each DN seen. If its return value is not
+# None, update the changed variable.
+class LDIFCallback(LDIFParser):
+ def __init__(self, module, input, callback):
+ LDIFParser.__init__(self,input)
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.changed = False
+ def handle(self,dn,entry):
+ b = self.callback(dn,entry)
+ if b is not None:
+ self.changed |= b
+# Run slapcat(8) on the given suffix or DB number (suffix takes
+# precedence) with an optional filter. (This is useful for offline
+# searches, or one needs to bypass ACLs.) Returns an open pipe to the
+# subprocess.
+def slapcat(filter=None, suffix=None, idx=0):
+ cmd = [ os.path.join(os.sep, 'usr', 'sbin', 'slapcat') ]
+ if filter is not None:
+ cmd.extend([ '-a', filter ])
+ if suffix is not None:
+ if type(suffix) is not str:
+ suffix = dn2str(suffix)
+ cmd.extend([ '-b', suffix ])
+ else:
+ cmd.append( '-n%d' % idx )
+ return subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ , stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb') )
+# Start / stop / whatever a service.
+def service(name, state):
+ cmd = [ os.path.join(os.sep, 'usr', 'sbin', 'service'), name, state ]
+ subprocess.check_call( cmd, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')
+ , stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
+# Check if the given dn is already present in the directory.
+# Returns None if doesn't exist, and give the dn,entry otherwise
+def flexibleSearch(module, l, dn, entry):
+ idxClasses = set(entry['objectClass']).intersection(indexedDN.keys())
+ if not idxClasses:
+ base = dn
+ scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
+ f = 'objectClass=*'
+ else:
+ # Search on the parent instead, and try to use a precise filter
+ dn = str2dn(dn)
+ h,t,_ = dn.pop(0)[0]
+ base = dn2str(dn)
+ scope = ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL
+ f = []
+ for c in idxClasses:
+ f.append ( filter_format('objectClass=%s', [c]) )
+ for a,v in indexedDN[c]:
+ if a == h:
+ v2 = t
+ elif a not in entry.keys() or len(entry[a]) > 1:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Multiple values found! This is a bug. Please report.")
+ else:
+ v2 = entry[a][0]
+ f.append ( filter_format(a+'='+v, [v2]) )
+ if len(f) == 1:
+ f = f[0]
+ else:
+ f = '(&(' + ')('.join(f) + '))'
+ r = l.search_s( base, scope, filterstr=f )
+ if len(r) > 1:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Multiple results found! This is a bug. Please report.")
+ elif r:
+ return r.pop()
+# Add or modify (only the attributes that differ from those in the
+# directory) the entry for that DN.
+# l must be an LDAPObject, and should provide an open connection to the
+# directory with disclose/search/write access.
+def processEntry(module, l, dn, entry):
+ changed = False
+ for x in indexedAttributes.intersection(entry.keys()):
+ # remove useless extra spaces in ACLs etc
+ entry[x] = map( partial(multispaces.sub, ' '), entry[x] )
+ r = flexibleSearch( module, l, dn, entry )
+ if r is None:
+ changed = True
+ if module.check_mode:
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg="add DN %s" % dn)
+ if 'olcAccess' in entry.keys():
+ # replace "username=...,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth"
+ # by a DN with proper gidNumber and uidNumber
+ entry['olcAccess'] = map ( partial(sasl_ext_re.sub, acl_sasl_ext)
+ , entry['olcAccess'] )
+ l.add_s( dn, addModlist(entry) )
+ else:
+ d,e = r
+ fst = str2dn(dn).pop(0)[0][0]
+ diff = []
+ for a,v in e.iteritems():
+ if a not in entry.keys():
+ if a != fst:
+ # delete all values except for the first attribute,
+ # which is implicit
+ diff.append(( ldap.MOD_DELETE, a, None ))
+ elif a in indexedAttributes:
+ if a == 'olcAccess':
+ # replace "username=...,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth"
+ # by a DN with proper gidNumber and uidNumber
+ entry[a] = map ( partial(sasl_ext_re.sub, acl_sasl_ext)
+ , entry[a] )
+ # add explicit indices in the entry from the LDIF
+ entry[a] = map( (lambda x: '{%d}%s' % x)
+ , zip(range(len(entry[a])),entry[a]) )
+ if v != entry[a]:
+ diff.append(( ldap.MOD_REPLACE, a, entry[a] ))
+ elif v != entry[a]:
+ # for non-indexed attribute, we update values in the
+ # symmetric difference only
+ s1 = set(v)
+ s2 = set(entry[a])
+ if s1.isdisjoint(s2):
+ # replace the former values with the new ones
+ diff.append(( ldap.MOD_REPLACE, a, entry[a] ))
+ else:
+ x = list(s1.difference(s2))
+ if x:
+ diff.append(( ldap.MOD_DELETE, a, x ))
+ y = list(s2.difference(s1))
+ if y:
+ diff.append(( ldap.MOD_ADD, a, y ))
+ # add attributes that weren't in e
+ for a in set(entry).difference(e.keys()):
+ diff.append(( ldap.MOD_ADD, a, entry[a] ))
+ if diff:
+ changed = True
+ if module.check_mode:
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg="mod DN %s" % dn)
+ l.modify_s( d, diff )
+ return changed
+# Load the given module.
+def loadModule(module, l, name):
+ changed = False
+ f = filter_format( '(&(objectClass=olcModuleList)(olcModuleLoad=%s))', [name] )
+ r = l.search_s( 'cn=config', ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filterstr = f, attrlist = [''] )
+ if not r:
+ changed = True
+ if module.check_mode:
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg="add module %s" % name)
+ l.modify_s( 'cn=module{0},cn=config'
+ , [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'olcModuleLoad', name)] )
+ return changed
+# Find the database associated with a given attribute (eg,
+# olcDbDirectory or olcSuffix).
+def getDN_DB(module, l, a, v, attrlist=['']):
+ f = filter_format( '(&(objectClass=olcDatabaseConfig)('+a+'=%s))', [v] )
+ return l.search_s( 'cn=config'
+ , filterstr = f
+ , attrlist = attrlist )
+# Clear the given DB directory and delete the associated database. Fail
+# if non empty, unless all existing DNS are in skipdns.
+def wontRemove(module, skipdns, d, _):
+ if d not in skipdns:
+ module.fail_json(msg="won't remove '%s'" % d)
+def removeDB(module, dbdir, skipdn=None):
+ changed = False
+ if not os.path.exists(dbdir):
+ return False
+ l = ldap.initialize( 'ldapi://' )
+ l.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', ldap.sasl.external())
+ r = getDN_DB( module, l, 'olcDbDirectory', dbdir, attrlist=['olcSuffix'] )
+ l.unbind_s()
+ if len(r) > 1:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Multiple results found! This is a bug. Please report.")
+ elif r:
+ dn,entry = r.pop()
+ suffix = entry['olcSuffix'][0]
+ skipdns = [suffix]
+ if skipdn is not None:
+ skipdns.extend([ "%s,%s" % (s,suffix) for s in skipdn ])
+ # here we need to use slapcat not search_s, because we may
+ # not have read access on the database (even though we're
+ # root!).
+ p = slapcat( suffix=suffix )
+ parser = LDIFCallback( module, p.stdout
+ , partial(wontRemove,module,skipdns) )
+ parser.parse()
+ changed = True
+ if module.check_mode:
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg="remove dir %s" % dbdir)
+ # slapd doesn't support database deletion, so we need to turn it
+ # off and remove it from slapd.d manually.
+ service( 'slapd', 'stop' )
+ path = [ os.sep, 'etc', 'ldap', 'slapd.d' ]
+ ldif = explode_dn(dn)[::-1]
+ ldif[-1] += ".ldif"
+ path.extend( ldif )
+ os.unlink( os.path.join(*path) )
+ # delete all children in path, but not the path directory itself.
+ for file in os.listdir(dbdir):
+ os.unlink( os.path.join(dbdir, file) )
+ service( 'slapd', 'start' )
+ return changed
+# Convert a *.schema file into *.ldif format. The algorithm can be found
+# in /etc/ldap/schema/openldap.ldif .
+def slapd_to_ldif(src, name):
+ s = open( src, 'r' )
+ d = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ atexit.register(lambda: os.unlink( ))
+ d.write('dn: cn=%s,cn=schema,cn=config\n' % name)
+ d.write('objectClass: olcSchemaConfig\n')
+ re1 = re.compile( r'^objectIdentifier\s(.*)', re.I )
+ re2 = re.compile( r'^objectClass\s(.*)', re.I )
+ re3 = re.compile( r'^attributeType\s(.*)', re.I )
+ reSp = re.compile( r'^\s+' )
+ for line in s.readlines():
+ if line == '\n':
+ line = '#\n'
+ m1 = re1.match(line)
+ m2 = re2.match(line)
+ m3 = re3.match(line)
+ if m1 is not None:
+ line = 'olcObjectIdentifier: %s' %
+ elif m2 is not None:
+ line = 'olcObjectClasses: %s' %
+ elif m3 is not None:
+ line = 'olcAttributeTypes: %s' %
+ d.write( reSp.sub(line, ' ') )
+ s.close()
+ d.close()
+ return
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ dbdirectory = dict( default=None ),
+ ignoredn = dict( default=None ),
+ state = dict( default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
+ target = dict( default=None ),
+ module = dict( default=None ),
+ suffix = dict( default=None ),
+ format = dict( default="ldif", choices=["ldif","slapd.conf"] ),
+ name = dict( default=None ),
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ params = module.params
+ state = params['state']
+ dbdirectory = params['dbdirectory']
+ ignoredn = params['ignoredn']
+ target = params['target']
+ mod = params['module']
+ suffix = params['suffix']
+ form = params['format']
+ name = params['name']
+ if ignoredn is not None:
+ ignoredn = ignoredn.split(':')
+ changed = False
+ try:
+ if state == "absent":
+ if dbdirectory is not None:
+ changed = removeDB(module,dbdirectory,skipdn=ignoredn)
+ # TODO: might be useful to be able remove DNs
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg="missing dbdirectory")
+ elif state == "present":
+ if form == 'slapd.conf':
+ if name is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="missing name")
+ target = slapd_to_ldif(target, name)
+ if target is None and mod is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="missing target or module")
+ # bind only once per LDIF file for performance
+ l = ldap.initialize( 'ldapi://' )
+ l.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', ldap.sasl.external())
+ if mod is None:
+ callback = partial(processEntry,module,l)
+ else:
+ changed |= loadModule (module, l, '' % mod)
+ if target is None and suffix is None:
+ l.unbind_s()
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed)
+ if target is None or suffix is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="missing target or suffix")
+ r = getDN_DB(module, l, 'olcSuffix', suffix)
+ if not r:
+ module.fail_json(msg="No database found for suffix %s" % suffix)
+ elif len(r) > 1:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Multiple results found! This is a bug. Please report.")
+ else:
+ d = 'olcOverlay=%s,%s' % (mod, r.pop()[0])
+ callback = lambda _,e: processEntry(module,l,d,e)
+ parser = LDIFCallback( module, open(target, 'r'), callback )
+ parser.parse()
+ changed = parser.changed
+ l.unbind_s()
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
+ module.fail_json(rv=e.returncode, msg=e.output.rstrip())
+ except ldap.LDAPError, e:
+ e = e.args[0]
+ if 'info' in e.keys():
+ msg = e['info']
+ elif 'desc' in e.keys():
+ msg = e['desc']
+ else:
+ msg = str(e)
+ module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ except KeyError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/