diff options
authorStefan Kangas <skangas@skangas.se>2011-12-22 01:17:59 +0100
committerStefan Kangas <skangas@skangas.se>2011-12-22 01:17:59 +0100
commit3fa81210c383a3c56630e52361a888452e87bb09 (patch)
parent99c8b1c5af93091e528c937f12b3a3fb96afc388 (diff)
parent13e34233603d50074b089c9ce8410deef5013feb (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of zetkin.marxist.se:fripost-admin
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/admin-log.org b/admin-log.org
index 0b97094..8e0aa84 100644
--- a/admin-log.org
+++ b/admin-log.org
@@ -79,45 +79,71 @@ The =/etc/fstab= is no longer correct since "ext4dev" is not a supported file sy
- create an SQL-script that tests all privileges, and try it on /roundcube@localhost/ and /roundcube@%/.
- create that user on /antilop/
+ <2011-12-21 ons> When users are added, the passwords are generated on a local computer, e.g. /cantor/ using the Perl function
+ : sub smd5 {
+ : my $pw = shift;
+ : my $salt = shift || &make_salt();
+ : return "{SMD5}" . pad_base64( MIME::Base64::encode( Digest::MD5::md5( $pw . $salt ) . $salt, '' ) );
+ : }
+ written by Dominik Schulz, but suggested on Dovecote's wiki: [[http://wiki.dovecot.org/Authentication/PasswordSchemes]["Password Shemes"]]. Dot (.) means /concatenation/. This gives a salted 64-base MD5 encryption.
+ Reading Roundcube's password plugin's README, suggests we should use the last two examples in section 2.1. Also read [[http://www.roundcubeforum.net/7-third-party-contributions/46-api-based-plugins/6624-dovecot-sql-driver-password.html]["Dovecot-SQL Driver for Password"]] on Roundcube's wiki carefully. The password seem to be doubled salted.
* Preparation for migration of IMAP from /antilop/ to /mistral/ <2011-12-20 tis>
+** Åtgärder <2011-12-21 ons>
+ - Undersök inställningarna för IMAP
** Administrator's user accounts.
- The administrators /gustav/, /ljo/, and /skangas/ are in /\/etc\/sudoers/, and \/
+ The administrators /gustav/, /ljo/, and /skangas/ are in /\/etc\/sudoers/, and /\/home\/<name>\// name directories are copied from /antilop/.
** Files from /etc.
- Files to transfer to /mistral/ are:
+ <2011-12-20 tis> Files to transfer to /mistral/ are:
: bacula/ dovecot/ etckeeper/ logcheck/ mysql/ ossec-init.conf postfix/ rkhunter.conf rsyslog.conf ssh/sshd_config ssl/
- Archived in /\/home\/gustav\/ect-antilop-2011-12-20.tar.gz/, ready for transfer.
+ Archived in /\/home\/gustav\/ect-antilop-2011-12-20.tar.gz/, ready for transfer.
-** check when done
+ <2011-12-21 ons> LJO transferred all gz-files to /mistral/. All config files are also installed on the system, so there should be nothing left to do (almoast). Check POSTFIX configuration once again.
- - that /etc/cron.d and friends are the same as on /antilop/
+** Check when done
-** change luks keys
+ - that /\/etc\/cron.d/ and friends are the same as on /antilop/ <2011-12-20 tis>
+ - POSTFIX configuration <2011-12-21 ons>
+** Mounting of file systems, etc.
- Basically, you just add an additional password(LUKS allows up to 8 different passwords for the same volume) and delete the original password. Here's a link that describes the process in detail:
+ <2011-12-21 ons> The partition /\/dev\/mapper\/fripost/ -> /\/home\/mail/ is created and encrypted. Maybe the mount and encryption procedure needs to go through again.
+** Change luks keys
+Cite from Internet.
- : # cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdc1
+Basically, you just add an additional password(LUKS allows up to 8 different passwords for the same volume) and delete the original password. Here's a link that describes the process in detail:
-Enter any LUKS passphrase: (enter an existing password for this partition)
-key slot 0 unlocked.
-Enter new passphrase for key slot: (enter the extra password)
+: # cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdc1
: # cryptsetup luksDelKey /dev/sdc1 0
-** paket
+** Packets
+ <2011-12-20 tis> Alla paket som ska installeras och tas bort, både från dpkg-selections på antilop och från fripost-docs, finns i /\/home\/gustav\/selections-2011-12-20.tar.gz/ på antilop.
+ <2011-12-21 ons> LJO transferred all gz-files to /mistral/. All packets of interest are installed and those that should be removed are pruned.
+** OSsec
+ <2011-12-21 ons> OSsec is installed and running. Hope that the settings are good.
+** Synk of Maildir dirs.
- Alla paket som ska installeras och tas bort, både från dpkg-selections på antilop och från fripost-docs, finns i /home/gustav/selections-2011-12-20.tar.gz på antilop.
+ <2011-12-21 ons> LJO synced mails once.
** WIP: making the switch