% Make tags available This is the difficultmost. Collect YAML meta block *tag* and *tags* fields (as scalars or lists) and amend to the mainline tag work. ## Info Tags and labels are used to for many things, such as filtering for inline. The [tag directive][drtv:tag] is standard usage. Maintenance is through [tag plugin][pln:tag]. [drtv:tag]: https://ikiwiki.info/ikiwiki/directive/tag/ [pln:tag]: https://ikiwiki.info/ikiwiki/plugins/tag/ ## Progression notes Questions, which is execution order? If parsing with *htmlize* happens before, that should be a good start. Possible places for source code: */IkiWiki/Plugin/tag.pm*. After copying to local dir, and adding some debug code, this is snippet of output: ``` D: tag:import: Run. D: pandoc:import: Run. D: tag:getopt: Run. D: tag:checkconfig: Run. D: tag:preprocess_tag: Run for test, test and 0. D: tag:preprocess_tag: Run for test, test and 0. D: IkiWiki.pm:htmlize: Run for test, HASH(0x563f41723878), D: pandoc:htmlize: Run for test D: pandoc:htmlize: Pandoc command: pandoc -f markdown -t json --email-obfuscation=none D: pandoc:htmlize: Pandoc command: pandoc -f json -thtml5 --email-obfuscation=none--filter=pandoc-citeproc D: pandoc:htmlize: Return. D: pandoc:pageactions: Run for test D: tag:pagetemplate: Run for test, test, page. D: pandoc:pagetemplate: Run for test and page ``` Thus it seems tag plugin gets all the execution before Pandoc plugin, for pulling all tag related info. This will be a hard one to break.