Tags: [[wiki]] [[website]] Redesign the Fripost's wiki to function as a outsider facing website and merge the content of the org-mode based into the wiki. [[gustav]] is working on the branch *fripost-wiki#ge-move-website*. Regarding redesign, the following are requirements: * Visitors of [https://fripost.org] should be brought to the "Hem" page * Visitors of [https://wiki.fripost.org] should be bought to the wiki index page. * The pages "Hem", "Om", "Gå med", and "Kontakt" should be locked from external edits, and edit buttons and navigation should be hidden. * The "FAQ" page should shared between the website and the wiki: It should be editable but still displayed as if it was part of the website. Regarding merging, the following is the checklist: * In *from_wiki*, the following pages should be attended and possibly added to the wiki. * *budget.txt* (what to do?) * *faq.txt* (what to do?) * *fscons.txt* (what to do?) * *index.txt* (what to do?) * *ordlista.txt* (what to do?) * *princip.txt* (what to do?) * *protokoll.txt* (what to do?) * *sidospår.txt* (what to do?) * *stadgar.txt* (what to do?) * *teknik.txt* (what to do?) * *årsmöte.txt* (what to do?) * In *sites* the following pages should be attended and possibly be added to the wiki * *certs* (what to do?) * *certs.asc* (what to do?) * *default.css* (what to do?) * *faq.org* (what to do?) * *gnutiken.org* (what to do?) * *index.en.org* (what to do?) * *index.org* (what to do?) * *kontakt.en.org* (what to do?) * *kontakt.org* (what to do?) * *logo2011.eps* (what to do?) * *medlemskap.en.org* (what to do?) * *medlemskap.org* (what to do?) * *organisation.org* (what to do?) * *progressbar-example.html* (what to do?) * *robots.txt* (what to do?) * *sitemap.org* (what to do?) * Describe the press presence according to the following files * *images/press/spionen2011_liten.jpg* * *images/press/fripost_fria_tidningen_2011_1.jpg* * *images/press/fripost_fria_tidningen_2011_2.jpg* * Check whether the content in *material* is available from the *propaganda* git repository. If it isn't, do something about it