# Konfigurera en e-postklient *Här hittar du information om hur du konfigurerar din e-postklient för Fripost. Du kan också alltid använda [webbmejlen](https://mail.fripost.org/).* ## Automatisk konfiguration med Icedove/Tunderbird Fripost stödjer [automatisk kontokonfiguration](https://support.mozilla.org/sv/kb/Automatic-Account-Configuration) med e-postklienten Icedove/Tunderbird (version 3.1 och senare). Allt du behöver göra är att skapa ett nytt konto och fylla i dina uppgifter. Sedan kan du hoppa över de nästa två stegen eftersom inställningarna för in- och utkommande post görs automatiskt. För att skapa ett nytt konto, gå till `Inställningar -> Kontoinställningar`, klicka på rullgardinsmenyn `Kontoåtgärder` nere till vänster och välj `Lägg till e-postkonto`. Nu öppnas ett nytt fönster. Fyll i dina uppgifter och klicka på `Fortsätt`. Sådär! Nu kan du både skicka och ta emot e-brev i Icedove/Thunderbird. ## Inställningar för inkommande e-post * IMAP: `imap.fripost.org` * Port: `993` * Anslutning: `SSL/TLS` (inte `STARTTLS`) * Användarnamn: `USERNAME` (eller `USERNAME@fripost.org`) * Lösenord: `XXXXXXXX` **OBS!** E-postklienten *Evolution*, som följer med GNOME, verkar inte ha några inställningar för port. Ange därför servern `imap.fripost.org:993` ## Inställningar för utgående e-post Fripost har numera en SMTP-server för utgående e-post. Ställ in enligt nedan. * SMTP och värd: `smtp.fripost.org` * Anslutning: `STARTTLS` (inte `SSL/TLS`) * Port: `587` * Domän (där det behövs): `fripost.org` * Användare: `USERNAME` (eller `USERNAME@fripost.org`) Du kan också använda din Internetleverantörs server. I så fall behöver du inte ange användare. Vi listar några vanliga här nedan.
Leverantör | SMTP-server | Autentisering |
Bahnhof | mail2.bahnhof.se | Ingen |
Bredbandsbolaget | smtp.bredband.net | ? |
ComHem | mailout.comhem.se | Ingen |
Tele2 | mail.tele2.se | Ja |
Telenor | smtp.telenor.se | ? |
Telia |
smtprelay1.telia.com mailout.telia.com mail1.telia.com |
? |
Leverantör | SMTP-server | Autentisering |
Telenor | smtp.euromail.se | Nej |
# The Fripost account account fripost host smtp.fripost.org tls_starttls on port 587 domain fripost.org from USERNAME@fripost.org user USERNAME@fripost.org password XXXXXXXX## Postfix för utgående e-post You can either use single relayhost for all messages, or configure multiple relayhosts and let Postfix choose based on the envelope sender address. Pick (only one) of the following sections. ### Single relayhost (`smtp.fripost.org:587`) for all outgoing messages Create a file `/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd` sudo install -m 0400 /dev/null /etc/postfix/sasl/passwd (it should only be readable by the superuser). Edit it and enter your credentials in the following format: [smtp.fripost.org]:587 USERNAME@fripost.org:XXXXXXXX Now you need to hash the file using `postmap(1)`: sudo postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd (Postfix doesn't read the file directly, but the compiled lookup table. Thus you'll have to run that command again whenever the file is updated.) Now add the following to `/etc/postfix/main.cf`: mynetworks_style = host inet_interfaces = loopback-only relayhost = [smtp.fripost.org]:587 smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous smtp_tls_security_level = fingerprint smtp_tls_fingerprint_digest = sha256 smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers = high smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3, !TLSv1, !TLSv1.1 smtp_tls_fingerprint_cert_match = 92:BF:5E:D5:B0:4E:10:19:20:08:C4:70:D6:F3:F7:EC:5F:6E:75:D2:1F:9B:FF:4D:49:BD:B0:8A:68:90:49:BF (See `postconf(5)` for details on the SSL/TLS client policy. The fingerprint of our [server certificate](http://git.fripost.org/fripost-ansible/plain/certs/public/smtp.fripost.org.pem)'s public key can be found [here](https://fripost.org/certs.asc).) Be sure to reload (or even restart) Postfix after changing the configuration. In doubt, run `service postfix restart` or `systemctl restart postfix`. ### Sender-dependent relayhost This is slightly more advanced than the previous configuration. The point here is to configure multiple relayhosts and let Postfix choose based on the envelope sender address. This is useful if you want to use `smtp.fripost.org:587` for personal messages and a corporate relayhost `smtp.example.org:587` for professional messages, for instance. Create a file `/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd` as before (ensure that only the superuser can read it!), and enter all your credentials: [smtp.fripost.org]:587 USERNAME1@fripost.org:XXXXXXXX [smtp.example.org]:587 USERNAME2@example.org:XXXXXXXX Next, write your SSL/TLS client policy in `/etc/postfix/tls_policy` [smtp.example.org]:587 secure ciphers=high protocols=!SSLv2:!SSLv3 [smtp.fripost.org]:587 fingerprint ciphers=high protocols=!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1:!TLSv1.1 match=92:BF:5E:D5:B0:4E:10:19:20:08:C4:70:D6:F3:F7:EC:5F:6E:75:D2:1F:9B:FF:4D:49:BD:B0:8A:68:90:49:BF (see `postconf(5)` for details; the fingerprint of our [server certificate](http://git.fripost.org/fripost-ansible/plain/certs/public/smtp.fripost.org.pem)'s public key can be found [here](https://fripost.org/certs.asc)), and your relayhost policy in `/etc/postfix/relayhost_map` @fripost.org [smtp.fripost.org]:587 @example.org [smtp.example.org]:587 Here, we tell Postfix to use the `smtp.fripost.org:587` relayhost for which the envelope sender address is under the `fripost.org` domain, and the `smtp.example.org:587` relayhost for which the envelope sender address is under the `example.org` domain. (The brackets around the hostname tell Postfix not perform MX lookups.) Ensure to compile the lookup tables for all files that have been edited: sudo postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd sudo postmap hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy sudo postmap hash:/etc/postfix/relayhost_map The configuration in `/etc/postfix/main.cf` is like that of the previous section, except that we're replacing the `smtp_tls_*` options by `smtp_tls_policy_maps`. We also keep a default `relayhost` value for envelope sender addresses that don't map the `relayhost_map` lookup table. mynetworks_style = host inet_interfaces = loopback-only relayhost = [smtp.fripost.org]:587 smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:$config_directory/relayhost_map smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous smtp_tls_policy_maps = hash:$config_directory/tls_policy smtp_tls_fingerprint_digest = sha256 Be sure to reload (or even restart) Postfix after changing the configuration. In doubt, run `service postfix restart` or `systemctl restart postfix`.