--- title: Additional considerations for a Fripost wiki preview ... Here follows a few additional configuration considerations. These are not mandatory for a naked preview setup. To follow instructions, however, a setup according to [Create a Fripost wiki preview](/create-a-wiki-preview) is presumed. [[!toc]] Absolute paths ============== Many links on the Fripost wiki are absolute. That means that you sometimes will not be able to follow homepage page and wiki page links between your local preview wiki. For testing purposes, that can sometimes be necessary. The best strategy is to edit your */etc/hosts* table and make *fripost.org* and *wiki.fripost.org* point to *localhost*. Of course your web server need to be configured to serve those pages: ``` cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/localhost.fripost.conf \ | sed 's/\.localhost/\.org/g' \ | sudo tee /etc/nginx/sites-available/org.fripost.conf sudo ln -s -r -t /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ /etc/nginx/sites-available/org.fripost.conf sudo nginx -t && sudo systemctl restart nginx.service ``` Modify the */etc/hosts* file: ``` sed -n '/fripost.localhost/ {s/\.localhost/.org/g; p}' < /etc/hosts | sudo tee /tmp/hosts grep -q wiki.fripost.org /etc/hosts \ || sudo sed -i '/::1.*fripost.localhost/ r /tmp/hosts' /etc/hosts ``` You might experience strange effects from that the web-browser has cached DNS information. Search Internet for how to flush your browser's DNS cache. Public www locations (userdir) ============================== For to be able to access `http://localhost/~user` the "userdir" functionality is needed. For Nginx, put the following in e.g. */etc/nginx/sites-available/localhost*: ``` server { location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ { alias /home/$1/public_html$2; index index.html index.htm autoindex on; } } ``` This is of limited use in the context of Fripost's wiki.