From 3f39d4c36bf0a6f315d52877d6ec13dff1400aa2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stefan Kangas Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:49:19 +0100 Subject: Remove raw HTML files. --- contact.html | 61 ------------------------ faq.html | 79 ------------------------------- index.html | 136 ------------------------------------------------------ membership.html | 112 -------------------------------------------- organisation.html | 122 ------------------------------------------------ 5 files changed, 510 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 contact.html delete mode 100644 faq.html delete mode 100644 index.html delete mode 100644 membership.html delete mode 100644 organisation.html diff --git a/contact.html b/contact.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3eafe9b..0000000 --- a/contact.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - -Fripost - föreningen för fri e-post - - - -


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To contact us, send an email to our president Stefan Kangas at - -

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If you use IRC, you may want to join #fripost at -

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Mailing lists

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Internally, we use a mailing list to communicate. If you are a member but not yet on the list, contact us so we can add you.

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The list is open for all members and participation is strictly voluntary. -

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Vanliga frågor (FAQ)

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Vad är fria e-postföreningen?Vi är en grupp som organiserat oss för att försvara våra intressen i en -alltmer digitaliserad värld. Detta genom att sätta igång en autonom och tekniskt -riktig infrastruktur för e-post.

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Vi vill ta tillbaka makten över vår egen information och vårt privatliv.

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Hur skiljer vi oss från andra e-postleverantörer?

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Vi är ingen e-postleverantör! Vi är en förening som förvisso tillhandahåller -e-posttjänster för medlemmarna, men det är fel att tänka på medlemsskapet som -ett kundförhållande. Rätt är att se det som att man som medlem bestämt sig för -att organiserat och tillsammans med andra ta kontroll över (en del av) sin -kommunikation. Jämför oss hellre med facket eller Hyresgästföreningen än med -Bredbandsbolaget eller Bahnhof.

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Om du ändå vill ha en lista, här är den:

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  • Inget vinstintresse. Alla pengar vi får in går till föreningens verksamhet, -som är att hålla igång eposttjänster och informationsspridning.
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  • Genomskinlighet. Allt som sker beslutas demokratiskt och öppet.
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  • Medlemmarna har makten. På föreningens årsmöten formar vi föreningen -gemensamt, fattar viktiga beslut och stakar ut den riktning vi ska gå i -framtiden.
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Strävar ni efter världsdominans?

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Nej. Vi hoppas att folk kopierar vårt koncept och bygger demokratiskt -kontrollerad infrastruktur för e-post och allt annat. Helst skulle vi se att det -fanns en Folkets tekniska infrastrukturkommité i varje kvarter, men än så -länge...

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Technology has never been neutral. The ownership structure of technology companies and their endeavour for profit ensures that usage of their services for work and communication will never be free. At the same time, only a fraction of the everyday Internet users have knowledge and resources enough to create free alternatives on their own. The question is also: What can reasonably be expected from an average user in terms of engagement in their privacy and freedom? -

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Together we have the knowledge, resources, and drive, to step by step free our every day computer usage. -

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For any one individual, the goal of user freedom may be unattainable. Together, we can move mountains. -

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We are proud to present the newly formed Association for Free Email, Fripost. With a distributed network of servers, Fripost will deliver a free and reliable email service. -

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Free your mailing!

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The Internet is the most important communication medium in the majority of the industrialised world. For those who take user freedom seriously it is saddening to see how the Internet has changed from being a highly distributed network to the increasingly privatised web we encounter today. A few strong parties control major segments of important infrastructure that millions of users depend on every day. -

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Software as a Service


A concept introduced in the spirit of centralisation is Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS means that users perform their computer work on or through a network server on the Internet or a local network. Examples of SaaS are Amazon Cloud and Google Docs. One of the main problems with SaaS is that the users has no control over their data. -

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Privacy and Surveillance


With large clientele comes a lot of power. Large transnational operators, such as Google, are profiting from efficient use of privacy invading schemes. Together with e.g. Google's email service one also gets things that was probably not asked for: advertisement, semantic analysis of email contents, and spying. One part of Google's marketing strategy is to sell the collected information to third party. -

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The Free Email Association


Fripost was founded in order to take back a small, but important, part of our Internet life, namely the email communication infrastructure. We gather around several servers that receive and stores the memabers' email. The reliability of the service is of course of great importance. -

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Apart from reliability, also integrity preserving, democratic participation and transparency are the watchwords of Fripost. The association will never be interested in the content of its members' emails or other dealings. The association never supplies information regarding members activities to third party. Fripost keeps logs, and that is a part of all responsible service. But these logs are only for reliable maintenance, and will never be used for other purposes. -

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All work within the association is voluntary. The association is administrated by a democratically elected board, and the server administrators are chosen on democratic grounds. -

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What's the Difference?


With mail services on today's market, users have no power over their mailing, and must follow suit the provider's all whims. In that sense, those services can never be regarded as free, as in freedom. However, the email service provided through Fripost is free! This because of the co-ownership of the association's means and the democratic structure of non-profit organisations. No private for-profit corporation can offer that, at whatever price. -

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Through collective organisation, Fripost render it possible for individuals to bring yet another part of their computer usage under their own control. -

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User freedom is possible!

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Join Now


So far we have a running test system; the software setup is working, but we have not yet bought the hardware we want to use. The association rely on donations and unconditional, unlimited loans, but to achieve sufficient dependability, we need to do investments in storage and server hosting. -

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300 SEK – A small price for freedom

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The starting budget needed is about 15 000 SEK. With a member fee of 300 SEK we will need 50 members before we can really get going. -

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Plusgiro -477884-1 -
Bankgiro -311-5060 -
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You may also use cash payment. -

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Participate Even More


Fripost is based on voluntary work. There are always things to do for those who want to get involved. Most of Fripost's members, however, just configure their clients and free their mailing. -

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More information is available through

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Fripost started as a project within Göteborg Fellowship of FSFE, but is now is an independent association. -

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A version of this text is available through a leaflet, which you can print and use to spread the word. -

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See the membership page for more information about how to join. Warm Welcomes! -

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How to join Fripost

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In order to have the actual service up and running, we are dependent on getting a sufficient amount of members joining. The starting budget needed is about 15000 SEK. With a member fee of 300 SEK we will need 50 members before we can really get going. -

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To become a member, you must live in Sweden. Please note that there is absolutely no requirement that you are a Swedish citizen, the only requirement is that you live here. -

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To join, send an email to our president Stefan Kangas,, and make a payment according to below. -

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Member information


Fripost cares about its members integrity, and encourages vigilance against giving out personal information. In that spirit Fripost offers anonymous memberships, for which the only information needed is -

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  • The desired email address (e.g. -
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However, in order to make it possible for Fripost to reach to you with important information, you may want to provide -

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  • Full name -
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  • Current email address (recommended) -
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  • Phone number -
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  • Physical address -
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  • Whether you want to join the member mailing list -
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The member mailing list is the main channel for information within the association. Members are not added by default, so you have to explicitly state that you what to be added to the list. -

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The easiest way to pay the membership fee of 300 SEK is through -

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Plusgiro -477884-1 -
Bankgiro -311-5060 -
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Give your name or user name in the message field. It is also possible to use cash payment, but in that case contact Stefan Kangas. -

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The deal

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A membership means

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  • One email address, one inbox, and the possibility of one extra alias at -
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  • The possibility to associate one domain of your own to -
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  • Unlimited number of aliases on the associated domain. -
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Föreningen Fripost

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Fripost är en förening. Det betyder att alla beslut om föreningens inriktning -fattas gemensamt av våra medlemmar. Demokratiskt. Som medlem kan du delta på -alla möten, inklusive styrelsens möten. Det huvudsakliga sättet att påverka är -emellertid genom föreningens årsmöten. Det är inte bara de som har tid att vara -med på alla möten som ska ha möjlighet att påverka föreningen. Nästa årsmöte är -planerat någon gång till våren 2011.

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Vi strävar hela tiden efter att förbättra föreningens genomskinlighet. Det -ska vara lätt att hitta information om föreningens verksamhet, vare sig det -gäller nästa träff, senaste mötesprotokollet eller information om våra tekniska -system.

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Våra tekniska lösningar dokumenterar vi utförligt och historik över -förändringar sparar vi med ett versionshanteringssystem som heter git. Det gör -det enkelt för den som vill att följa administratörernas arbete på nära håll. -Du kan hitta dokumentationen här.

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På den här sidan hittar du mer information om föreningen. Om någonting saknas -eller är oklart, tveka inte att höra av dig med dina -synpunkter. Kontaktuppgifter hittar du här.

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Styrelsens uppgifter

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Enligt föreningens stadgar ska styrelsen:

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  • Arbeta för att ta emot medlemmarnas e-post på ett tillförlitligt sätt
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  • Sörja för god transparens vad gäller administration, ekonomi och styrning
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  • Arbeta för att skydda medlemmarnas integritet, d.v.s. att aldrig -
    • Läsa eller analysera medlemmars e-posttrafik, manuellt eller automatiskt
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    • Samla statistik om, eller analysera medlemmarnas e-posttrafik via föreningens servrar
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    • Under inga omständigheter lämna ut uppgifter om medlemmar, deras e-posttrafik, eller andra förehavanden till tredje part
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Styrelsens sammansättning


Stefan Kangas (ordförande)
-Gustav Eek
-Leif-Jöran Olsson
-Stian Rødven Eide (suppleant)
-Ver Takeo (suppleant)

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Administrativa rättigheter

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Administratörsrättigheter ges av styrelsen efter behov. För närvarande har -Stefan Kangas, Gustav Eek och Leif-Jöran Olsson administratörsrättigheter på -samtliga system.

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Mötesrapporter och protokoll

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2010-12-09 Öppet möte om kryptering av e-post

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Styrelsen träffades som hastigast innan mötet för att diskutera arbetet. Fokus ligger på att bygga upp serverinfrastrukturen just nu, ett arbete som kommer ske under hela jullovet. Tahoe Filesystem diskuterades.

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Leif-Jöran berättade om kryptering och signering av e-post och alla som ville fick byta PGP-nycklar och intygas för cacert. -

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2010-11-17 Styrelsemöte

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Protokoll styrelsemöte 2010-11-17

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2010-11-07 FSCONS

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Gustav Eek och Stefan Kangas höll en presentation om Fripost på FSCONS. Läs deras abstract här.

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2010-11-04 Föreningen bildades

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Efter ett långt arbete grundade vi formellt föreningen.

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Protokoll från årsmötet 2010-11-04

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