package Fripost::Schema::Type::Alias; use 5.010_000; use warnings; use strict; use base qw/Net::LDAP/; our $VERSION = '0.01'; ####################################################################### # Search an alias, and return the corresponding entries if found. If no # alias is given, returns all aliases. # Filters on values of both keys `address' and `goto' (unless they are # undefined). sub search { my $self = shift; my $alias = shift; my ($username, $domain); ($username, $domain) = split /\@/, $alias->{address}, 2 if defined $alias->{address}; if ((defined $username) and not (defined $domain)) { $domain = $username; undef $username; } my $base = $self->{_options}->{base_dn}; $base = join ',', ( 'dc='.$domain, $base ) if defined $domain; my @filters = ('(ObjectClass=virtualAliases)'); push @filters, '(mailLocalAddress=' .$username. ')' if defined $username; push @filters, '(mailTarget=' .$alias->{goto}. ')' if defined $alias->{goto}; my $filter = Fripost::Schema::Utils::mkAndFilter( @filters ); if ($self->{_options}->{debug}) { say STDERR "DEBUG: Search base: " .$base; say STDERR "DEBUG: Search filter: " .$filter; } my $res = $self->{_ldap}->search( base => $base, scope => 'subtree', attrs => [ 'mailLocalAddress', 'mailTarget', 'isActive' ], filter => $filter ); die "Error: " .$res->error. "\n" if $res->code; return $res; } # Add the given alias sub add { my $self = shift; my $alias = shift; # TODO: detect cycles die "Error: Cannot create alias `" .$alias->{address}. "' targetting to itself.\n" if $alias->{address} eq $alias->{goto}; my ($username, $domain) = split /\@/, $alias->{address}, 2; my $base = join ',', ( 'mailTarget='.$alias->{goto} , 'dc='. $domain , $self->{_options}->{base_dn} ); my @attrs = ( mailLocalAddress => $username ); my $res; if ($self->search({ goto => $alias->{goto}, address => $domain })->count) { say STDERR "DEBUG: Modify base: " .$base if ($self->{_options}->{debug}); $res = $self->{_ldap}->modify( $base, add => [ @attrs ] ); } else { say STDERR "DEBUG: Add base: " .$base if ($self->{_options}->{debug}); $res = $self->{_ldap}->add( $base, attrs => [ objectClass => [ 'inetLocalMailRecipient', 'virtualAliases' ] , @attrs , isActive => $alias->{isActive} ] ); } die "Error: " .$res->error. "\n" if $res->code; return $res; } ####################################################################### 1; =head1 NAME Fripost::Schema::Type::Alias - =head1 AUTHOR Guilhem Moulin C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin, all rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. =cut 1; # End of __END__