#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010_000; use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME fripost-mkpass - Create a random new password, and returns its hash =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I] =head1 DESCRIPTION Use I if given, otherwise generate a random new password, and print both the clear copy and a salted SHA-1 hash. =cut use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; our $VERSION = '0.01'; use Getopt::Long qw /:config noauto_abbrev no_ignore_case gnu_compat bundling permute nogetopt_compat auto_version auto_help/; use Pod::Usage; use Fripost::Password; GetOptions( "man" => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) } ) or pod2usage(2); # Generate password my $password = $ARGV[0]; $password //= mkpasswd(); # Show the information that will be inserted say "Password: " . $password; say "Salted SHA-1: " . hash(SHA1, undef, $password); =head1 AUTHORS Stefan Kangas C<< >> Guilhem Moulin C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010,2011 Stefan Kangas. Copyright 2012 Guilhem Moulin. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. =cut