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+Presentation "Demokratisk kommuicationsinfrastruktur som motståndsform" inför FSCONS 2017
+Presentationen bygger på tankar om Fripost i en kontext av Gemensam
+nytta. Inspirationen kommer från Mattei's *Gemensam Nytta*.
+ * *application.mdwn* -- Ansökan till FSCONS 2017
+ * *script.mdwn* -- Manuskriptet
+ * *presentation.mdwn* -- Presentationsorginal
+ * *bibliography.mdwn* -- Vad det låter som
+ * *Makefile* -- Kör *make* för att bygga
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+ * Ugo Mattei 2011, *Gemensam Nytta*, (original *Beni Comuni*), Balders förlag, Riga 2016.
+ * Catharina Thörn 2017, (*Kolla upp titel*), Editorial note (*Ledare?*) in *Dagens ETC*, July 3, 2017.
diff --git a/presentations/common-goods/proposal.mdwn b/presentations/common-goods/proposal.mdwn
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+title: Demokratisk kommuicationsinfrastruktur som motståndsform
+subtitle: Technology infrastructure as a common googd
+author: Gustav Eek <>
+date: tor 13 jul 2017 20:18:26 CEST
+Proposal to FSCONS 2017
+# Abstract
+In this lecture I will present the democratic principles of Fripost
+and demonstrate how also complicated resources, such as infrastructure
+for electronic communication can (and must) (*underställas folkligt
+demokratiska pricesser?*) (I argue that central communication
+infrastructure should be viewed as a resource).
+I will start in a (well known) critique of Garret Hardin's (*Vem
+talade om detta FSCONS 2015?*) classical tragedy of the commons
+(*referens*) (one that has been presented many times before).
+# Description
+The importance of Internet as communication medium can not be
+questioned. For those who take user freedom seriously it is saddening
+to see how the Internet has changed from being a common and highly
+distributed network to the increasingly privatised web we encounter
+In this lecture I will present the democratic principles of Fripost,
+the free email association which was founded as a reaction to that
+development. I will demonstrate how also complicated resources, such
+as infrastructure for electronic communication can (and must)
+(*underställas folkligt demokratiska pricesser?*).
+Fripost and its foundataion and principals has been presented several
+times since its constitution in 2010, also at FSCONS. This
+presentation, however, takes a different and broader stand.
+I will start in a (common) critique of Garret Hardin's (*Vem talade om
+detta FSCONS 2015?*) classical tragedy of the commons (*referens*)
+(one that has been presented many times before). The fault lies in the
+dikotonomy *public-private* and in the idea that every resource needs
+an owning (*huvudmann?*). What is not managed can not yield profit. In
+the case of the (*inhängdad?*) of the commons, management in it self
+causes the scarcity, it is not the scarcity that requires management.
+It is not obvious, however, how digital technology and technology
+based on Internet can be recognised as a resource and common
+good. Though "friendly" in its usage, it is intrinsically intricate
+and complicated in its internals, and the distance is far between the
+providing and consuming ends.
+Here Fripost becomes an example of central communication
+infrastructure that implements democratic "ownership", maintenance,
+and development. And democracy is equal influence: it does not stop at
+gathering of opinion.
+Equal influence is ambitious, and how it is interpreted in Fripost
+will be discussed in its details, but in short the key is that
+Fripost's commitment (*åtagande?*) is equally much social as it is
+technical: all decisions originates from the members, short term as
+well as strategical; activities are balanced between the association's
+three legs: (a) technology, (b) adult education, and (c) propaganda;
+and sustainability is the leading word.
+I humbly recognise that what we do is small in scale and ambition. But
+I still want to put it in the context of important local struggles
+that with global implication. In the world, farmers fight for land,
+urban folks for water, and students for independent universities. We
+fight for the right and free access to Internet and the means for
+communication. Internet is designed to be distributed and for equal
+unlimited access for everyone. That sounds quite much like a common
+good, and commons require equal influence.
+The moral of the presentation is of course that we should fight back
+against the privatisation process, particularly that of the
+web. Fripost illustrates that it is possible and also suggest how it
+can be done.
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+title: Demokratisk kommuicationsinfrastruktur som motståndsform
+subtitle: Technology infrastructure as a common googd
+author: Gustav Eek <>
+date: tor 13 jul 2017 20:18:26 CEST
+# Scattered notes
+**Introduction and background -- importance of the Internet**
+The importance of Internet as communication medium can not be
+questioned. For those who take user freedom seriously it is saddening
+to see how the Internet has changed from being a common and highly
+distributed network to the increasingly privatised web we encounter
+today. The capital constantly require right to increased profit, and
+it constantly seeks new grounds
+\section*{Software as a Service} A concept introduced in the spirit of
+centralisation is \textit{Software as a Service} (SaaS). SaaS means
+that users perform their computer work on or through a network server
+on the Internet or a local network. Examples of SaaS are Amazon Cloud
+and Google Docs. One of the main problems with SaaS is that the users
+has no control over their data.
+\section*{Privacy and Surveillance}
+With large clientele comes a lot of power. Large transnational
+operators, such as Google, are profiting from efficient use of privacy
+invading schemes. Together with e.g.\ Google's email service one also
+gets things that was probably \emph{not} asked for: advertisement,
+semantic analysis of email contents, and spying. One part of Google's
+marketing strategy is to sell the collected information to third
+We formed the association in 2010, seven years ago. Our chairman at
+the time, Stefan Kangas poited out to me, what I did not quite
+understand at the time, but what is becomming increasingly clear to
+me. Fripost is part of a general resistance struggle (motståndskamp)
+of global scale (mot griptången). This was in the early beginning of
+the Arabic spring in Libya.
+(*Citer Mattei s. 64)
+The common good (gemensamt nyttiga) is something that is natural to
+take as given, and it deserves to be.
+**More introduction ideas**
+The importance of Internet as communication medium can not be
+questioned. For those who take user freedom seriously it is saddening
+to see how the Internet has changed from being a common and highly
+distributed network to the increasingly privatised web we encounter
+In this lecture I will present the democratic principles of Fripost
+and demonstrate how also complicated resources, such as infrastructure
+for electronic communication can (and must) (*underställas folkligt
+demokratiska pricesser?*) (I argue that central communication
+infrastructure should be viewed as a resource).
+I will start in a (well known) critique of Garret Hardin's (*Vem
+talade om detta FSCONS 2015?*) classical tragedy of the commons
+(*referens*) (one that has been presented many times before).
+Of course we recognise that this process of privatisation and
+enclosure (*att hägna in?*) is not isolated to Internet
+infrastructure. The capital constantly require right to increased
+profit, and it constantly seeks new grounds. However, the Internet and
+digital technology an area where this process is very (*närvarande?*).
+One of the later (*landvinningar*) is the right consumer data through
+various privacy intrusive software as a service technologies (read
+Google Drive). And of course state and inter state institutions
+rather (*eldar på*) than (*stämmer*) the development.
+**Enclosure vs innovation**
+(*Continuation on "process of privatisation"*). Digital technology is
+intricically intricacy and complicatied in its internals, though still
+"friendly" in its usage. Therfore it can be dificult to distinguish
+privitasation (*inhängnad*) from innovation.
+Side note. In my opinion, private innovation and development is
+natural and of not at all problematic. Of course, however as a note to
+the note, enclosing technology and restricting its usage (e.g. throung
+proprietary software development) is highly non moral and should not
+be accepted.
+Fripost was founded in order to take back a small, but important, part
+of our Internet life, namely the email communication
+infrastructure. We gather around several servers that receive and
+stores the members' email. The reliability of the service is of cause
+of great importance. Therefore the network is arranged with
+reliability in mind, and we hire a hosting service for the main
+We formed Fripost in 2010 in reaction to ... (*Fyll på med Google och
+Facebook, etc*) ...
+Proper democracy.
+Democracy is about influence and power: the power to make decisions
+and have them implemented.
+**Citizen Dialogues**
+Surveys in Sweden say that people show more interest in
+society and politics than some years ago. Still trust and
+participation in municipiatal parlamentary proceses and traditional
+parties decay.
+As a response, the municipalities and regions in Sweden (SKL (*Vad?*))
+suggest so called citizen dialogues (*medborgardialoger*), usually in
+connection with major infrastructure and city development projects, as
+a way gather peoples opinion. This (*tilltag*) is Inspired by Sherry
+Airnstein (*Kolla upp detta*) and planning research from the
+1960'es. Her original ideas, however, had an equality idea
+(*rättvisetanke?*. That idea of equality is totally lost in the way
+these "dialoges" are committed: "Symbolic participation", Airnstein
+would call it. Real participation require delegated power. (Thörn 2017)
+The common good (gemensamt nyttiga) is something that is natural to
+take as given, and it deserves to be.
+**Compararison with other commons: Common intellect**
+I want to put the Internet (and all kinds of tele communication)
+besides other common resources, such as (a) our soil, (b) sources of
+water, (c) libraries and published knowledge, (d) and more.
+Idea (viewpoint) ... owned and managed by one single (*huvudman?*)
+... historically speciffic.
+Common management (not quite managed) of water in rural India is
+described by Vandana Shiva (*provide reference*). Privatisation and
+"management" *caused* scarcity.
+The fault lies in the dikotonomy *public-private* and in the idea that
+every resource needs an owning (*huvudmann?*). What is not managed can
+not yield profit. In the case of the (*inhängdad?*) of the commons,
+management in it self causes the scarcity, it is not the scarcity that
+requires management.
+Logic: if it is not scars it can not be managed, and what is not
+managed can not yield profit.
+Compare owning with being (*äganda med varande*) (Engels). Another
+Ugo Mattei describes this mindset as a *common intellect*.
+(*Beskriv också utarmningarna av jordarna som beskrivs i "Den sista
+skörden" (eller var det "Slutsködat"?). Exemplifiera också med
+Fukuoka's senaste*)
+I humbly recognise that what we do is small in scale and ambition. But
+I still want to put it in the context of important local struggles
+that with global implication. In the world, farmers fight for land,
+urban folks for water, and students for independent universities. We
+fight for the right and free access to Internet and the means for
+communication. Internet is designed to be distributed and for equal
+unlimited access for everyone. That sounds quite much like a common
+good, and commons require equal influence.