Template: fripost/seed_urandom_progress_title Type: text Description: Seeding /dev/urandom with ${BYTES} bytes from /dev/random Template: fripost/seed_urandom_progress_info Type: text Description: This may take some time. Template: fripost/mdadm_create_progress_title Type: text Description: Creating ${LEVEL} array on ${MD} with ${DEVICES} Template: fripost/mdadm_create_progress_info Type: text Description: ${CURRENT}/${SIZE} blocks ${INFO} Template: debian-installer/fripost-partman/title Type: text Description: Partition disks using a shell script Template: fripost/partition-script Type: text Description: Which script should be used for partitioning? The path should be absolute, and the script must be executable. Template: fripost/wipe-device Type: select Default: zero Choices: none, zero, urandom, random Description: Which kind of data fill the disk with before encryption? 'none' means disks will NOT wiped, otherwise use /dev/{zero,urandom,random} as the source data to fill disks with. Beware that the later two may drain the entropy pool of the system! Template: fripost/wipe-device_progress_title Type: text Description: Filling ${DISK} with ${SIZE} ${WHAT} Template: fripost/wipe-device_progress_info Type: text Description: ${COMMAND} Template: fripost/encrypt Type: boolean Default: true Description: Should the system disk be fully encrypted? (Excluding /boot.) Template: fripost/encryption-password Type: password Default: Description: Password for full-disk encryption: If left empty, a SSH daemon will be fired and the automatic install will be interupted, waiting for the user to dump the password on the standard input. Template: fripost/ssh-keypair-generation_progress_title Type: text Description: Generating public/private ${TYPE} key pair Template: fripost/encryption-slurpkey_title Type: note Description: Waiting for passphrase Template: fripost/encryption-slurpkey_text Type: text Description: Press 'continue' once you have sent the key You now need to send the encryption key for the LUKS/dm-crypt volume to this special-purpose SSH server: . ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -T root@${IPv4} < /path/to/key . To defeat MiTM-attacks, please ensure that the server fingerprint matches . ${SSHFPR_SERVER} . Key(s) that are granted access have the following fingerprint: . ${SSHFPR_AUTHORIZED} . Note: This server is ephemeral, and will be replaced with a full-blown daemon toward the end of the installation. Using /dev/null as the Known Hosts File is meant to tell the SSH client not to remember its public key. Template: fripost/cryptsetup-genkey_progress_title Type: text Description: Generating volume key Template: fripost/cryptsetup-genkey_progress_info Type: text Description: This may take some time. Template: fripost/mkfs_progress_title Type: text Description: Formatting ${DEVICE} as ${TYPE} Template: fripost/mkfs_progress_info Type: text Description: ${STAGE}