#!/usr/bin/perl -T #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fripost's admin panel - PSGI application # Copyright © 2012-2018 Fripost # Copyright © 2012-2018 Guilhem Moulin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use Digest::SHA "hmac_sha256"; use MIME::Base64 qw/encode_base64 decode_base64 encode_base64url/; use Crypt::URandom "urandom"; use HTML::Template (); use Plack::Builder (); use Plack::Session::Store::Cache (); use Plack::Session::State::Cookie (); use URI::Escape "uri_unescape"; use CGI "escapeHTML"; # XXX use HTML::Escape::escape_html() instead use lib "lib"; use Fripost (); use Fripost::Session (); use Fripost::Util "read_config"; my %CONFIG = read_config(); $CONFIG{www} //= {}; $CONFIG{www}->{"templates-directory"} //= "./templates/html"; # Generate or decode the HMAC key if ((my $v = $CONFIG{www}->{"hmac-key"} // "") eq "") { print STDERR "Generating new random key for HMAC-SHA256...\n"; $CONFIG{www}->{"hmac-key"} = urandom(32); } else { my $key = decode_base64($v); # decode_base64() silently ignores invalid characters so we # re-encode the output to validate it die "Invalid base64 value: $v\n" if encode_base64($key, "") ne $v; $CONFIG{www}->{"hmac-key"} = $key; } # Where to redirect authenticated users my $WELCOME_PAGE = "/overview"; ######################################################################## # # throw(FORMAT, [ARG, ..]) # Format the error message in $ERRSTR and throw an exception. our $ERRSTR; sub throw($;@) { my $format = shift; chomp $format; $format =~ s#C<(%\p{PosixAlpha})>#$1#g; $ERRSTR = sprintf($format, map {escapeHTML($_)} @_); die "I'm a bug, please report"; # we should never see this } # csrf_token_validate(REQ) # Throw an exception if the "csrf-token" POST parameter isn't a valid # CSRF token. sub csrf_token_validate($) { my $req = shift; my $sid = $req->session_options->{id}; my $key = $CONFIG{www}->{"hmac-key"} // die; my $token = $req->body_parameters->get("csrf-token"); throw("CSRF token validation failed.") unless defined $sid and defined $token and # tokens are valid for 1 day $token =~ s/\A([0-9]+)-// and (time - $1) <= 86400 and $token eq encode_base64url( hmac_sha256($1 . $sid, $key) ); } # render(REQ, TEMPLATE, [VAR1 => VAL1, ..]) # Render an HTML template, embedding a CSRF token and possibly other # variables. sub render($$%) { my $sid = shift->session_options->{id} // die; my $filename = shift; my %params = @_; my $tmpl = HTML::Template::->new( path => $CONFIG{www}->{"templates-directory"} , filename => $filename , cache => $ENV{PLACK_ENV} eq "development" ? 0 : 1 , loop_context_vars => 1 ); my $timestamp = time; my $digest = hmac_sha256($timestamp . $sid, $CONFIG{www}->{"hmac-key"}); $params{CSRF_TOKEN} = $timestamp ."-". encode_base64url($digest); $tmpl->param(%params); return [ 200, ["Content-Type" => "text/html"], [$tmpl->output] ]; } # redirect(CODE => LOCATION) # Produce a redirection page with the given code and location. sub redirect($$) { my ($code, $location) = @_; return [ $code, ["Location" => $location], [] ]; } ######################################################################## # Configure middleware for session cache and cookie # $ENV{PLACK_ENV} //= "development"; my $builder = Plack::Builder::->new(); { my %cookie_opts; foreach (qw/domain path/) { my $v = $CONFIG{www}->{"cookie-$_"}; $cookie_opts{$_} = $v if defined $v and $v ne ""; } foreach (qw/httponly secure/) { my $v = $CONFIG{www}->{"cookie-$_"} // continue; $cookie_opts{$_} = lc $v eq "true" ? 1 : lc $v eq "false" ? 0 : undef; } my $cache = Fripost::Util::session_cache(%{$CONFIG{www}}); $builder->add_middleware( "Session" , store => Plack::Session::Store::Cache::->new(cache => $cache) , state => Plack::Session::State::Cookie::->new( # fresh session IDs have 192 bits of entropy (32 characters in base64) sid_generator => sub() { encode_base64url(urandom(24), "") } , sid_validator => qr/\A[A-Za-z0-9\-_]{32}\z/ , %cookie_opts ) ) } if ($ENV{PLACK_ENV} eq "development") { # don't rely on system CSS/JS/fonts libraries in dev mode my %resources = qw{ css/bootstrap.min.css https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css css/font-awesome.min.css https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css js/bootstrap.min.js https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js js/jquery.min.js https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js }; warn "WARNING: Development mode, with cross-site requests!\n" ."In production, serve static files locally using a reverse proxy instead.\n"; foreach my $r (keys %resources) { $builder->mount( "/static/$r" => sub($) { redirect(303 => $resources{$r}) } ); } # serve our own existing static files $builder->add_middleware("Static", path => qr{\A/static/}, pass_through => 1); } ######################################################################## # Mount the login page # $builder->mount("/login" => sub($) { my $req = Plack::Request::->new(shift); my %tmpl_params = (ALERT => ""); local $ERRSTR = undef; if ($req->method eq "POST") { my $r = eval { csrf_token_validate($req); # don't connect to the backend if the CSRF token is invalid my $fp = Fripost::->new(%CONFIG, onerror => \&throw); # append the default domain to bare usernames my $username = $req->body_parameters->get("username"); $username .= "@" . $CONFIG{www}->{"default-domain"} if defined $username and defined $CONFIG{www}->{"default-domain"} and $username !~ /[\@\N{U+FE6B}\N{U+FF20}]/; # try to authenticate now $fp->login($username, $req->body_parameters->get("password")); # $creds contains its own authentication ID; we're can't use # the session ID because the new one isn't available until # after the function exits $req->session->{credentials} = Fripost::Session::->create($fp); # login was successful; get a new session ID now, to protect # against session fixation attacks $req->session_options->{change_id}++; }; if (defined $r) { my $goto = $req->query_parameters->get("goto"); $goto = uri_unescape($goto) if defined $goto; return redirect(302 => $goto // $WELCOME_PAGE); } elsif (not defined $ERRSTR) { die "Internal error: ", $@; } else { delete $req->session->{credentials}; $tmpl_params{ALERT} = $ERRSTR; $tmpl_params{ALERT_TYPE} = "danger"; } } elsif (defined $req->session->{credentials}) { # already logged in my $goto = $req->query_parameters->get("goto"); $goto = uri_unescape($goto) if defined $goto; return redirect(302 => $goto // $WELCOME_PAGE); } else { if ($req->query_parameters->get("signoff")) { $tmpl_params{ALERT_TYPE} = "success"; $tmpl_params{ALERT} = "You successfully logged out."; } } $tmpl_params{DOMAIN} = $CONFIG{www}->{"cookie-domain"}; render( $req, "login.html", %tmpl_params ); }); ######################################################################## # Mount the logout page # $builder->mount("/logout" => sub($) { my $req = Plack::Request::->new(shift); local $ERRSTR = undef; if ($req->method eq "POST") { # log out out via POST and validate the CSRF token if (defined (eval { csrf_token_validate($req) })) { # silently try to destroy the session on the LDAP backend Fripost::Session::destroy($req->session->{credentials}, %CONFIG, onerror => sub($@) {} ); # force the session to expire in our local cache delete $req->session->{credentials}; $req->session_options->{expire} = 1; return redirect( 302 => "/login?signoff=1" ); } elsif (not defined $ERRSTR) { die "Internal error: ", $@; } } # refuse to log out otherwise, redirect to the welcome page instead return redirect( 302 => $WELCOME_PAGE ); }); ######################################################################## # Mount the overview page # $builder->mount($WELCOME_PAGE => sub($) { my $req = Plack::Request::->new(shift); return redirect( 302 => "/login" ) # skip "?goto=..." for the default page unless defined $req->session->{credentials}; local $ERRSTR = undef; my %tmpl_params; my $r = eval { # auth using the session credentials (refresh the entry) Fripost::Session::authenticate($req->session->{credentials}, %CONFIG, onerror => \&throw ); }; if (defined $r) { $tmpl_params{AUTHZID} = $req->session->{credentials}->{authzid}; } elsif (not defined $ERRSTR) { die "Internal error: ", $@; } else { # something went wrong... } render( $req, "overview.html", %tmpl_params ); }); ######################################################################## # Add a catch-all: redirect all other segments to the welcome page. # $builder->mount( "/" => sub($) { redirect( 303 => $WELCOME_PAGE ) } ); $builder->to_app();