#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fripost tools - backend library # Copyright © 2012-2018 Fripost # Copyright © 2012-2018 Guilhem Moulin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #---------------------------------------------------------------------- package Fripost v0.0.1; use warnings; use strict; use Net::LDAP (); use Net::LDAP::Constant qw/LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS/; use Net::LDAP::Extension::WhoAmI (); use Net::LDAP::Util "escape_dn_value"; use Net::IDN::Encode "domain_to_ascii"; ######################################################################## # # new(OPTION => VALUE) # Create a new Fripost object. sub new($%) { my $class = shift; my %conf = @_; my $uri = $conf{ldap}->{uri} // die; my $fpr = $conf{ldap}->{"ssl-fingerprint"}; my %args = ( raw => qr/(?:^fripostOpenPGPKeyring\b|;binary$)/i ); $args{verify} //= ($uri =~ /\Aldaps:\/\// and not defined $fpr) ? "require" : "none"; my $ldap = Net::LDAP::->new($uri, %args) // die "LDAP connection to $uri failed"; if (defined $fpr) { my $cert = $ldap->certificate->peer_certificate; die("Aborting LDAP connection to $uri: fingerprint mismatch") unless $fpr->( Net::SSLeay::X509_get_X509_PUBKEY($cert) ); } undef $conf{ldap}->{suffix} if ($conf{ldap}->{suffix} // "") eq ""; bless {_ldap => $ldap, _config => \%conf}, $class; } sub DESTROY { my $ldap = shift->{_ldap} // return; $ldap->unbind(); } # croak(FORMAT, [ARG..]) # Format the message and throw an exception. sub croak($$@) { my $self = shift; my $format = shift; if (defined (my $throw = $self->{_config}->{onerror})) { $throw->($format, @_); } else { $format =~ s/[A-Z]<(%\p{PosixAlpha})>/$1/g; # Remove all markup die sprintf("Error: ".$format, @_); } } # login(USER@DOMAIN, PASSWORD) # Login to the LDAP backend (with a simple bind). LDAP errors other # than 49 (INVALID_CREDENTIALS) are treated as internal backend # errors and shown to the user. sub login($$$) { my ($self, $username, $password) = @_; # convert IDNA domain names to ASCII my ($l, $d) = ($1, $2) if $username =~ /\A(\p{ASCII}*)[\@\N{U+FE6B}\N{U+FF20}](.*)\z/; eval { $d = domain_to_ascii($d) if defined $d and $d =~ /\P{ASCII}/ }; $self->croak("Invalid username: C<%s>\n", $username // "") if $@ or ($l // "") eq "" or ($d // "") eq ""; my $dn = "fvl=".escape_dn_value($l).",fvd=".escape_dn_value($d); $dn .= ",".$self->{_config}->{ldap}->{suffix} if defined $self->{_config}->{ldap}->{suffix}; my $r = $self->{_ldap}->bind($dn, password => $password); if ($r->code == LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS) { $self->croak("Invalid username or password.\n"); } elsif ($r->code != LDAP_SUCCESS) { $self->croak("LDAP error code %i: %s\n", $r->code, $r->error); } } # whoami() # Perform the LDAP "Who Am I?" (RFC 4532) extended operation. sub whoami($) { my $self = shift; my $dse = $self->{_ldap}->root_dse(); $self->croak("LDAP server doesn't support \"Who am I?\" operation.") unless $dse->supported_extension(""); my $r = $self->{_ldap}->who_am_i(); $self->croak("LDAP error code %i: %s\n", $r->code, $r->error) unless $r->code == LDAP_SUCCESS; return $r->response(); } 1;