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Warning: emails are not delivered to inactive entries.

Change password

Current password
New password
Repeat new password
Note: You need to enter your (@'s) current password first. Leave these fields empty if you do not want to change the password.


An optional description.

Mail forwarding

An optional list of destinations (one e-mail address per line) that will receive mail for . (Note: When not empty, this list cancels delivery to this user, so do not forget to list here as well if you want this mailbox to be delivered too.)

Anti-Spam and message filter

Deliver messages marked as follows, maybe ignoring a discard action below. Note: Checks are done if a recipient requires it, so you will be keeping training your filter unless you also choose to bypass checks. Virus
Banned files
Bad headers
Could not check

Message checks to bypass. Note: Each check is run as soon as a recipient requires it, so you also need to check the above if you want to to guarantee the delivery for multi-recipient messages. Virus
Banned files
Bad headers

Score at which header tags are added. Default: 0.0
Subject to prepend when score exceeds the above.
Score at which a message is marked as spam. Default: 5.0
Subject to prepend when score exceeds the above.
Score at which a message is marked as extreme spam. Default: 5.0
Subject to prepend when score exceeds the above.
Score at which a message bounces back to the sender. Default: 5.0
Score at which a message is quarantined. Default: 5.0
Score at which a message is discarded. Default: 5.0
Notes: Although SpamAssassin's scores range from 0 to 1000, with a well-trained filter it is unlikely that a clean message scores more than 5. It only makes sense (and is therefore required) to keep the above scores ordered when defined. Also, bouncing spam is probably useless, since spammers are often using forged e-mails; To disable bouncing, set the quarantine level to the bounce level. The following macros can be used in the subject prefixes: _SCORE_ (spam level), _REQD_ (minimum spam level), _YESNO_ (marqued as spam Yes/No), _YESNOCAPS_ (marqued as spam YES/NO), _HOSTNAME_ (hostname), _DATE_ (RFC 2822 date), _U_ (ISO-8601 UTC timestamp), _LOGID_ (internal log ID), and _MAILID_ (message ID).

Warn the recipients (you, and possibly others) for messages marked as follows. This can be useful for quarantined and/or discarded messages. Virus
Banned files
Bad headers

An email address where to forward (aka. quarantine) messages, depending on how they have been classified. (Note: The last item is independent of the others, so a message may be forwarded to two different destinations.) Virus
Banned files
Bad headers
Could not check
All messages

Address extension to be added to the recipient(s), depending on how the message has been classified. (Adding the extension to the recipient will result into viruses being sent to .) Virus
Banned files
Bad header

An email address to which notifications (reports) are sent, depending on how messages are classified. Virus
New virus
Banned files
Bad header
E-mail addresses (one per line) to whitelist. Messages from the listed sender will bypass any check. (Note: Senders can always be forged!)
E-mail addresses (one per line) to blacklist. Messages from the listed sender will always be marked as spam. (Note: Senders can always be forged!)
A list (one per line) of filename extensions (e.g., .exe) to ban.