#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010_000; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 NAME deleteExpiredEntries.pl - Clean the LDAP directory out of expired entries. =head1 SYNOPSIS B [maximum age in seconds] =cut ####################################################################### # use Pod::Usage; use Config::Auto; use lib 'lib'; use Fripost::Schema::Auth; use POSIX 'strftime'; # TODO: put that in a config file my $config = { ldap_bind_dn => [ 'cn=DeletePendingEntries','ou=services','o=mailHosting','dc=fripost,dc=dev' ] , ldap_uri => 'ldap://' , ldap_suffix => [ 'ou=virtual','o=mailHosting','dc=fripost,dc=dev' ] }; my $fp = Fripost::Schema::Auth->auth( undef, 'deletependingentries', %$config ); my $maxage = $ARGV[0] // 86400; # 24h by default my $now = int(strftime "%s", gmtime); my $maxdate = Net::LDAP::Util::escape_filter_value( strftime ("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ", localtime($now - $maxage)) ); my $entries = $fp->ldap->search ( base => Fripost::Schema::Util::canonical_dn(@{$fp->suffix}), scope => 'subtree', deref => 'never', filter => "(&(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry) (createTimestamp<=$maxdate))", attrs => [ '1.1' ], callback => \&delete_entry ); die $entries->error."\n" if $entries->code; $fp->done; sub delete_entry { my ($mesg, $obj) = @_; if (defined $obj and $obj->isa('Net::LDAP::Entry')) { print STDERR "Deleting DN ".$obj->dn."\n"; $obj->delete; my $mesg = $obj->update($fp->ldap); die $mesg->error."\n" if $mesg->code; } $mesg->pop_entry; } ####################################################################### # =head1 AUTHOR Guilhem Moulin C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 Guilhem Moulin. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. =cut