package Fripost::Schema::Domain; =head1 NAME - =head1 DESCRIPTION abstracts the LDAP schema definition and provides methods to add, list or delete virtual domains. =cut use 5.010_000; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use parent 'Fripost::Schema'; use Net::LDAP qw/LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT/; use Fripost::Schema::Util qw/concat get_perms explode must_attrs email_valid canonical_dn/; use Net::IDN::Encode qw/domain_to_ascii domain_to_unicode email_to_ascii email_to_unicode/; use Encode; use Net::Domain::TLD 'tld_exists'; use Net::DNS::Dig; use Net::Whois::Parser 'parse_whois'; use String::Random; use Template; use MIME::Entity; =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B (I) List every known (and visible) domain. The output is a array of hash references, sorted by domain names. =cut sub search { my $self = shift; my %options = @_; my $concat = $options{'-concat'}; my $filter = '(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain)'; if (defined $options{'-filter'}) { if ($options{'-filter'} eq 'locked') { # Will only work if we're the owner, but otherwise we # shouldn't see the domain anyway. $filter = '(&'.$filter.'(fripostPendingToken=*))'; } elsif ($options{'-filter'} eq 'nonlocked') { $filter = '(&'.$filter.'(!(fripostPendingToken=*)))'; } else { die "Unknown filter: ".$options{'-filter'}."\n"; } } else { my @domains0 = map {{ %$_, ispending => 1 }} $self->search(%options, -filter => 'locked'); my @domains1 = map {{ %$_, ispending => 0 }} $self->search(%options, -filter => 'nonlocked'); return sort {$a->{domain} cmp $b->{domain}} (@domains0, @domains1); } my $domains = $self->ldap->search( base => canonical_dn(@{$self->suffix}), scope => 'one', deref => 'never', filter => $filter, attrs => [ qw/fvd description fripostIsStatusActive/ ] ); if ($domains->code) { die $options{'-die'}."\n" if defined $options{'-die'}; die $domains->error."\n"; } return map { { domain => domain_to_unicode($_->get_value('fvd')) , isactive => $_->get_value('fripostIsStatusActive') eq 'TRUE' , description => concat($concat, $_->get_value('description')) } } $domains->sorted('fvd') } =item B (I, I) Returns a hash with all the (visible) attributes for the given *non-pending* domain. =cut sub get { my $self = shift; my $d = domain_to_ascii(shift); my %options = @_; my $concat = $options{'-concat'}; my $attrs = $options{'-attrs'} // [ qw/fvd description fripostIsStatusActive fripostOptionalMaildrop fripostCanAddAlias fripostCanAddList fripostOwner fripostPostmaster/ ]; $attrs = [ '1.1' ] if $options{'-assert_exist'}; my $domains = $self->ldap->search( base => canonical_dn({fvd => $d}, @{$self->suffix}), scope => 'base', deref => 'never', filter => '(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain) (!(fripostPendingToken=*)))', attrs => $attrs ); if ($domains->code) { die $options{'-die'}."\n" if defined $options{'-die'}; die $domains->error."\n"; } # The following is not supposed to happen. die "Error: Multiple matching entries found." if $domains->count > 1; my $domain = $domains->pop_entry; unless (defined $domain) { die $options{'-die'}."\n" if defined $options{'-die'}; die "No such such domain: ‘$d’\n"; } return if $options{'-assert_exist'}; return ( domain => domain_to_unicode($domain->get_value('fvd')) , isactive => $domain->get_value('fripostIsStatusActive') eq 'TRUE' , description => concat($concat, $domain->get_value('description')) , catchalls => concat($concat, map { &_email_to_unicode ($_) } $domain->get_value('fripostOptionalMaildrop')) , permissions => get_perms($domain, $self->whoami) , canAddAlias => concat($concat, map { &_email_to_unicode ($self->_dn2fvu($_)) } $domain->get_value('fripostCanAddAlias')) , canAddList => concat($concat, map { &_email_to_unicode ($self->_dn2fvu($_)) } $domain->get_value('fripostCanAddList')) ) } =item B (I, I) Replace an existing domain with the given one. =cut sub replace { my $self = shift; my $d = shift; my %options = @_; foreach (qw/description catchalls canAddAlias canAddList/) { $d->{$_} = explode ($options{'-concat'}, $d->{$_}) if defined $d->{$_}; } eval { &_is_valid($d); my $dn = canonical_dn( {fvd => $d->{domain}}, @{$self->suffix} ); my $mesg = $self->ldap->modify( $dn, replace => { fripostIsStatusActive => $d->{isactive} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE' , description => $d->{description} , fripostOptionalMaildrop => $d->{catchalls} , fripostCanAddAlias => [ map $self->_fvu2dn($_), @{$d->{canAddAlias}} ] , fripostCanAddList => [ map $self->_fvu2dn($_), @{$d->{canAddList}} ] } ); die $mesg->error."\n" if $mesg->code; }; return $@; } sub list_postmasters { my $self = shift; my $hostname = shift; my @postmasters; my $tld = domain_to_ascii($hostname); my $domain; until ( tld_exists($tld) ) { die "‘".$hostname."’ has an Invalid TLD.\n" unless $tld =~ /\./; $domain = $tld; my %mx = Net::DNS::Dig->new()->for( $domain, 'MX' )->rdata; push @postmasters, 'postmaster@'.$domain # RFC 822, appendix C.6 if grep {!/\bfripost\.org$/} (values %mx); $tld =~ s/^[^\.]*\.//; } my $info = parse_whois( domain => $domain ); die "Cannot WHOIS ‘".$domain."’.\n" unless defined $info; if (defined $info) { push @postmasters, @{$info->{emails}}; } my %hash; $hash{$_} = 1 for grep {email_valid($_ // '', -nodie => 1 )} @postmasters; sort keys %hash; } sub add { my $self = shift; my $d = shift; my %options = @_; foreach (qw/description catchalls canAddAlias canAddList/) { $d->{$_} = explode ($options{'-concat'}, $d->{$_}) if defined $d->{$_}; } eval { my $domain = $d->{domain}; Encode::_utf8_on($domain); &_is_valid($d); my $dn = canonical_dn( {fvd => $d->{domain}}, @{$self->suffix} ); my $mesg = $self->ldap->search( base => $dn, scope => 'base', deref => 'never', filter => 'objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain', attrs => [ '1.1' ] ); if ($mesg->code == LDAP_SUCCESS) { die "Domain ‘".$domain."’ already exists.\n"; } elsif ($mesg->code != LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { die $mesg->error."\n"; } return if $options{'-dry-run'}; my %attrs = ( objectClass => 'FripostVirtualDomain' , fripostIsStatusActive => $d->{isactive} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE' ); $attrs{description} = $d->{description} if defined $d->{description} and @{$d->{description}}; $attrs{fripostOptionalMaildrop} = $d->{catchalls} if defined $d->{catchalls} and @{$d->{catchalls}}; if (defined $d->{owner}) { $attrs{fripostOwner} = $self->_fvu2dn($d->{owner}) if $d->{owner} ne ''; } else { $attrs{fripostOwner} = $self->whoami; } my $token; if (defined $d->{send_token_to}) { $token = String::Random::->new->randregex('\w{32}'); $attrs{fripostPendingToken} = $token } $mesg = $self->ldap->add( $dn, attrs => [ %attrs ] ); die $mesg->error."\n" if $mesg->code; if (defined $d->{send_token_to}) { my $tt = Template->new({ INCLUDE_PATH => './templates', # TODO: use a config option INTERPOLATE => 1, }) or die $Template::ERROR."\n"; my $data; my $vars = { domain => $domain, token => $token }; $vars->{unlockurl} = $options{'-domainurl'}.'?unlock='.$token if defined $options{'-domainurl'}; $tt->process( '', $vars, \$data) or die $tt->error."\n"; my $mail = MIME::Entity::->build( From => 'Fripost Admin Panel ', To => $d->{send_token_to}, Subject => "Your new domain ".$d->{domain}, Encoding => 'quoted-printable', Charset => 'utf-8', Data => $data ); $mail->sign( Signature => 'The Fripost administration team.'); $mail->send; } }; return $@; } sub unlock { my $self = shift; my $d = shift; my $token = shift; my $dn = canonical_dn({fvd => domain_to_ascii($d)}, @{$self->suffix}); my $mesg = $self->ldap->compare( $dn , attr => 'fripostPendingToken' , value => $token ); die "Wrong unlock code for ‘".$d."’\n" unless $mesg->code eq LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE; $mesg = $self->ldap->modify( $dn, delete => 'fripostPendingToken' ); die $mesg->error."\n" if $mesg->code; } =back =head1 GLOBAL OPTIONS If the B<-concat> option is present, it will intersperse multi-valued attributes. Otherwise, an array reference containing every values will be returned for these attributes. The B<-die> option, if present, overides LDAP croaks and errors. =cut # Ensure that the given domain is valid. sub _is_valid { my $d = shift; must_attrs( $d, qw/domain isactive/ ); $d->{domain} = email_valid( $d->{domain}, -prefix => 'fake@', -error => 'Invalid domain', -exact => 1 ); $d->{catchalls} = [ map { email_valid($_, -prefix => 'fake') } @{$d->{catchalls}} ]; $d->{canAddAlias} = [ map { email_valid($_, -prefix => 'fake') } @{$d->{canAddAlias}} ]; $d->{canAddList} = [ map { email_valid($_, -prefix => 'fake') } @{$d->{canAddList}} ]; $d->{send_token_to} = email_valid( $d->{send_token_to} ) if defined $d->{send_token_to}; } # A variant of email_to_unicode that also takes care of domain aliases. sub _email_to_unicode { my $email = shift; return '@'.domain_to_unicode($email) if $email =~ s/^\@//; return email_to_unicode($email); } =head1 AUTHOR Guilhem Moulin C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012,2013 Guilhem Moulin. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. =cut 1; __END__