* DONE Email::Valid does not accept UTF-8 emails adresses (e.g., peace@☮.net). LDAP doesn't allow UTF-8 in the DNs anyway, so maybe convert the domains/emails to Punycode internally? * DONE Better check for existing lists (commands). - When adding a new alias/mailbox 'test', check for existing alias/mailbox 'test', and list 'test'. - When adding a new alias/mailbox 'test-request', check for existing alias/mailbox 'test-request', list 'test-request' *and* list 'test'. (The same for other list commands.) - When adding a new list 'test', check for existing alias/mailbox/list 'test', 'test-request',... - (Lists of the form 'test-request' are forbidden); * CANCELED Check for cycles when creating new aliases? CLOSED: [2012-09-29 Thu 16:12] - CLOSING NOTE [2012-09-29 Thu 16:12] \\ 1/ It is impossible to do it properly since the authenticated user may not have full read access on the graph. 2/ Cycles may also be created by catch-alls or mailbox forwarding, or even externally with another server. 3/ Postfix warns the administrator with a "unreasonable virtual_alias_maps map nesting for test-loop1@fripost.org" in the logs if there's a loop in the alias resolution. * DONE Write a script to check every runmode against the W3 validator. (Cf. cgiapp_postrun); * DONE Use FastCGI. References - http://www.cgi-app.org/index.cgi?FastCGI - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11771564/nginx-fastcgi-configuration-for-cgiapplication-app * TODO Use HTML::Template::Pro. Not sure it's really worth it, though. * DONE Escape reserved characters in URLs: http://mark.stosberg.com/blog/2010/12/percent-encoding-uris-in-perl.html * CANCELED How should we encode the URL for internationalized domain names? Punicode vs. unicode vs. HTML entities? CLOSED: [2012-09-27 Thu 00:03] - CLOSING NOTE [2012-09-27 Thu 00:03] \\ It's up to the browser (Firefox supports unicode in URLs). * CANCELED Forbid UTF8 in the domain part of lists? (Test if the list managers support it at least.) CLOSED: [2012-09-27 Thu 03:38] - CLOSING NOTE [2012-09-27 Thu 03:38] \\ Mailman and Schleuder do not support IDNs, but we convert the list name into punicode first. * DONE Give the right for domain postmasters to grant the right to create aliases and lists. * TODO Give the right to appoint co owners (for list and aliases). * TODO Make every service use Kerberos, and remove the passphrase on their GPG private keys. * DONE Check list names against mailman's and schleuder's regexps? * DONE What to do when a list creation fails? Set up a new service to clean out the pending lists and domains if they have not been fixed within 24h (daemon). - CLOSING NOTE [2013-01-22 Thu 01:53] \\ * TODO Automatically generated passwords. * TODO check if amavis{WhiteBlack}listSender supports catchall @example.org * TODO Improve the CSS. Examples http://www.qubesys.com/25-css-form-templates-and-input-styles/ https://github.com/pmcelhaney/semantic-form.css/blob/master/semantic-form.css http://designshack.net/articles/10-css-form-examples/ http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/170049/Pure-HTML-5-CSS-3-Modal-Dialog-Box-no-JavaScript http://www.examiner.com/article/html5-best-practices-table-formatting-via-css3 http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/09/19/css3-flexible-box-layout-explained/ http://demo.webtuts.info/popup/ http://cssbutton.com/forms/ http://www.urcss.com/design-css-form-submit-button/ http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/rounded-corners/ http://files.christophzillgens.com/form-test.html

Keep me logged in Nicer buttons: (darker on hover, depth effect on click) * TODO Maximum pending entries per user (10). * TODO Limit what a user can create. Examples fripostQuota: what limit [group [address]] fripostQuota: list 3 normal @fripost.org -> users with canCreateList can create at most 3 lists under that domain. fripostQuota: alias 15 owner owner@fripost.org -> this owner can create at most 15 aliases under that domain fripostQuota: mailbox 30 postmaster -> the postmaster(s) can create at most 30 mailboxes * TODO Find a way to grant alias creation to a whole domain except a few users. (Add new attributes fripostCannotAdd{Domain,Aliases,List}). * TODO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tld#Reserved_domains * TODO Use captions to explain active/pending status and anti-spam options. http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2012/10/creating-a-modal-window-with-html5-and-css3/ http://sixrevisions.com/css/css-only-tooltips/ * TODO Add a a button to allow domains/aliases deletion. * TODO Redocument the library. * TODO We need a test-suite for the web application as well. And ideally, for the whole library. http://search.cpan.org/~hartzell/Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp-0.05/lib/Test/WWW/Mechanize/CGIApp.pm http://search.cpan.org/~petdance/Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.44/Mechanize.pm * TODO Alternative to set user passwords: http://search.cpan.org/~marschap/perl-ldap-0.52/lib/Net/LDAP/FAQ.pod#..._in_most_LDAP_servers? http://search.cpan.org/~esskar/Crypt-SaltedHash-0.06/lib/Crypt/SaltedHash.pm http://search.cpan.org/~zefram/Authen-Passphrase-0.008/lib/Authen/Passphrase.pm http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/347.html http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch6/ppolicy.html * TODO "A DN containing "[" "]" does not expand correctly.", quote from http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1133.html Try with an example (e.g., canAddAlias) * TODO Wildcards (attapt the search method): * => *@* xy* => xy*@* *xy => *@*xy x*y => x*@*y * TODO: Ensure that the domain and local parts are always lowercase. (we're doing a naive DN check) * TODO: check the list commands with recipient_delimiter (-bounces+*, -confirm+*), cf https://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-install.txt * TODO add options -destination/-forward/-catchall to the search methods to filter on these values as well. * TODO bug: new user "very.(),:;<>[]\".VERY.\"very@\\ * \"very\".unusual"@☮.net, upon error - check every unusual mail (maildrop, canAdd{list,alias}, alias, user). - check injection of code: in forms, upon login (escape forms). * TODO Close the connection upon error at login and rest. (Maybe with cgiapp_postrun) * TODO Explore untaint http://search.cpan.org/~wonko/HTML-Template-2.94/lib/HTML/Template.pm#Error_Detection_Options http://gunther.web66.com/FAQS/taintmode.html http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsec.html * TODO Try to factorize the templates. Maybe with cgiapp_postrun (output_ref) * TODO Add -welcome options to all add methods, to send welcome mails. * TODO Hide the SpamAssassin form http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/css3-show-and-hide/ http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?168061-Hide-Show-div-on-mouseclick-with-CSS-(no-JS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5593500/html5-and-css3-show-form-hints-on-element-focus * TODO check selfread access for canAdd{List,Alias} permission https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3876.txt * TODO unlock accounts: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// dn: fvl=user1,fvd=fripost.org,ou=virtual,o=mailHosting,dc=fripost,dc=dev changetype: modify delete: pwdAccountLockedTime * TODO template filters http://www.perl.com/pub/2006/11/30/html-template-filters.html http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.perl.modules.html-template/2004 * TODO domain validation... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority