#!/usr/bin/env bash HELP="Usage: sync [-h] Sync a source with a Git repository target. Parameters Environmntal variables FRIPOST_SYNC_SRC set source directory -h help Set target directory where the repository is found and script executed. Set source directory to for example a shared folder. Make sure that all pahts are absolute." EXCL=" *~* *#* Readme.md lib " trg="$PWD" src="$FRIPOST_SYNC_SRC" excl=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/${0##*/}-excl if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then echo "$HELP"; exit; fi if [ ! -d "$src" -o ! -d "$trg" ]; then echo -n "Suorce '$src' and target '$trg' must be valid directories." echo " See help: '${0} -h'." exit 1 fi echo "${0##*/}: I: Sync '${src}' to '${trg}'" 1>&2 echo "$EXCL" > $excl rsync -a --delete -P --exclude-from=$excl "${src}"/ "${trg}"/ \ | grep -iv "^sending" git -C "${trg}" status --short --branch