\input{../preamble/preamble} \newcommand \meetingtype {Board Meeting} \newcommand \meetingdate {January 22, 2018} \newcommand \lastmeetingdate {November 19} \newcommand \meetingplace {Språkbanken, Gothenburg} \rhead{\footnotesize \meetingdate} \begin{document} \selectlanguage{swedish} \section*{Minutes, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate} \newlength\tempOne% \settowidth\tempOne{Time and place:\quad}% \newlength\tempTwo% \setlength\tempTwo{\linewidth}% \addtolength{\tempTwo}{-\tempOne}% \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% Time and place: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\meetingdate, \meetingplace}\mypar \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% Attendants: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\mbox{}\vspace{-2\baselineskip}\vspace{2pt}% \begin{multicols}{3}% Gustav Eek\\ Guilhem Moulin\\ Leif-Jöran Olsson\\ Albin Söderqvist \end{multicols}% } \newcommand \meetingchairman {Albin Söderqvist} \newcommand \meetingsecretary {Gustav Eek} \newcommand \approver {Leif-Jöran Olsson} \begin{enumerate} \item The meeting was opened. \item \meetingchairman\ was elected meeting chairman, \meetingsecretary\ meeting secretary, and \approver\ approver. \item The agenda was confirmed. \item Reports \begin{enumerate} \item Economy. About ten payments for 2018. \item System \begin{itemize} \item Report on some downtime \begin{itemize} \item Nov 23, 2017 -- just some \item Dec 23, 2017 -- afternoon starting 14:20 \item Jan 11, 2018 -- reboot for kernel update \end{itemize} \item Some Hosts are updated to Debian 9 Stretch. \end{itemize} \item Other reports. \begin{itemize} \item \fpss\ has new storage machine: 4.6 TB raid 5 is up. \item \fps\ also negotiate partnership with Colabora. They want a signed non disclosure agreement just the get the quote. Though the process is on halt, we at least got some response. \item A native \looll\ service is set up for Serengeti \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \item Activity days and other activities \begin{itemize} \item No Previous activities was reported about \item Aim on activities for release Nextcloud and \lool: bill-posting March 3 and release party March 17. Albin will ask Forum about using the cafe. Same setup as last time. \item Fripost is invited to Digidem Hackaton March 10. \item Fripost is also invited to \dfri's yearly meeting February 11 to present the association. Gustav will go there. \end{itemize} \item Nextcloud authentication \begin{itemize} \item Password changes should be left to Roundcube. Don't make that possible in Next\-cloud. \item We need start page with login common for webmail and nexcloud. That page need design. \item Suitable storage cap: 4 GB \item Adjust autocompletion of other users (should not show) \item Remove applications and buttons for the video chatt and short messages. \item This should be recorded on the wiki:\\ \url{https://wiki.fripost.org/nextcloud-and-lool} \end{itemize} We need to organise meetings for to get all these things done. \item Work meetings \begin{enumerate} \item Follow up meeting Jan 8. We did planning. \item Coming meeting Feb 12. Formulation of announcements about \lool. \end{enumerate} \item Outreach and information spread \begin{enumerate} \item Follow up. None \item Items to attend. Reminder on membership fees. Send out information about nominations to commissions of trust (the nomination committee is inactive) \end{enumerate} \item The previous meeting did not have quorum. Petter from Digidem lab was there. \item The to do list item was postponed. \item No other issues \item Next meeting will take place according to schedule February 26, 2018 at 18:00 at Språkbanken. \item The meeting was closed. \end{enumerate} \parbox{\linewidth}{ \signatureline{\meetingsecretary, meeting secretary} \hfill \signatureline{\approver, approver} } \end{document}