\input{../preamble/preamble} \newcommand \meetingtype {Board Meeting} \newcommand \meetingdate {December 1, 2014} \newcommand \lastmeetingdate {} %\newcommand \meetingplace {Risåsgatan, Gothenburg} %\newcommand \meetingplace {Gnutiken, Gotenburg} \newcommand \meetingplace {Språkbanken, Gothenburg} \rhead{\footnotesize \meetingdate} \begin{document} \selectlanguage{english} \section*{Minutes, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate} \newlength\tempOne% \settowidth\tempOne{Time and place:\quad}% \newlength\tempTwo% \setlength\tempTwo{\linewidth}% \addtolength{\tempTwo}{-\tempOne}% \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% Time and place: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\meetingdate, \meetingplace}\mypar \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% Attendants: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\mbox{}\vspace{-2\baselineskip}\vspace{2pt}% \begin{multicols}{3}% Guilhem Moulin\\ Leif-Jöran Olsson\\ Stian Rødven Eide\\ Delphine Szymczak \end{multicols}% } \newcommand \meetingchairman {Stian Rødven Eide} \newcommand \meetingsecretary {Leif-Jöran Olsson} \newcommand \approval {Guilhem} \begin{enumerate} \item The meeting was opened. \item \meetingchairman\ was elected meeting chairman, \meetingsecretary\ meeting secretary, and \approval\ approval. \item The agenda was confirmed. \item Going through previous minutes was postponed. \item Reports \begin{enumerate} \item Economy. Incoming payments was reported. \item System \begin{itemize} \item It was decided that work on the release of the administration should be done on the next work meeting. \item Debian frees for next stable release was reported on. Warning. A change in initramfs is needed before upgrade. Guilhem will develop the details. \end{itemize} \item Other reports \begin{itemize} \item Prevous work meeting, the accessibility page was updated. \item The question from Erik Kylin was discussed. He should be asked to complete the wiki page. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \item Activity days and other activities \begin{enumerate} \item No previous activities. \item Coming activities. A social activity December 15 will be arranged. Stian will invite to his home. Items will be encryption discussion, key signing, and discussion on social networks. \end{enumerate} \item Next meeting will take place January 12, 2015 at 18:00 at Språkbanken. \item The meeting was closed. \end{enumerate} \parbox{\linewidth}{ \signatureline{\meetingsecretary, meeting secretary} \hfill \signatureline{\approval, approval} } \end{document}