noarg: echo -e '\nThis script do not run without arguments. Run for example:\n\n make 2011-02-13-board-notes.pdf\n make all\n' # Normal minutes all: \ 2013-03-26-board.pdf \ 2013-03-23-annual.pdf \ 2013-03-12-board-notes.pdf \ 2013-02-12-board.pdf # Minutes with information from external sources completes: 2013-03-26-board-complete.pdf # The most general latex compilation command %.pdf: %.tex ../preamble/preamble.tex latex_count=5 ;\ latex_log=$$(echo $@ | sed 's/.pdf/.log/') ;\ pdflatex $< ;\ while egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' $$latex_log && [ $$latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\ do echo "Rerunning latex...." ; pdflatex $< ;\ latex_count=`expr $$latex_count - 1`;\ done; # Special treatment of minutes complemented with secrets %-complete.tex: %.tex %.sed.gpg source=$$(echo $< | sed 's/.tex//') ; \ gpg --decrypt < $${source}.sed.gpg > $${source}.sed_ ; \ sed -f $${source}.sed_ < $< > $@ ;\ rm -f $${source}.sed_ # Treat annual meeting minutes specially 2013-03-23-annual.pdf: 2013-03-23-annual.tex \ ../preamble/preamble.tex \ ../annual-reports/annual-report-2013.tex \ ../by-laws/by-laws-2013.tex \ ../operational-plans/operational-plan-2013.tex \ ../annual-reports/2013-03-23-revisionsberaettelse.jpg latex_count=5 ;\ latex_log=$$(echo $@ | sed 's/.pdf/.log/') ;\ pdflatex $< ;\ while egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' $$latex_log && [ $$latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\ do echo "Rerunning latex...." ; pdflatex $< ;\ latex_count=`expr $$latex_count - 1`;\ done; # Sends to for publication send: rsync -ruvp --chmod=Dugo+rx,Fugo+r *-board.pdf *-notes.pdf *-annual.pdf # Clean up clean: rm -f *.aux *.bbl *.dvi *.log *.nav *.out *.snm *.toc *~;\ rm -f *complete.tex