\input{../preamble/preamble} \newcommand \meetingtype {Board Meeting} \newcommand \meetingdate {February 12, 2013} \newcommand \lastmeetingdate {December 19, 2013} %\newcommand \meetingplace {Risåsgatan, Gothenburg} %\newcommand \meetingplace {Gnutiken, Gotenburg} \newcommand \meetingplace {Språkbanken, Gothenburg} \rhead{\footnotesize \meetingdate} \begin{document} \selectlanguage{swedish} \section*{Minutes, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate} \newlength\tempOne% \settowidth\tempOne{Time and place:\quad}% \newlength\tempTwo% \setlength\tempTwo{\linewidth}% \addtolength{\tempTwo}{-\tempOne}% \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% Time and place: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\meetingdate, \meetingplace}\mypar \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% Attendants: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\mbox{}\vspace{-2\baselineskip}\vspace{2pt}% \begin{multicols}{3}% Gustav Eek\\ Guilhem Moulin \\ Leif-Jöran Olsson \\ Stian Rødven Eide \end{multicols}% } \newcommand \meetingchairman {Stian Rødven Eide} \newcommand \meetingsecretary {Gustav Eek} \newcommand \approval {Leif-Jöran Olsson} \begin{enumerate} \item The meeting was opened. \item \meetingchairman\ was elected meeting chairman, \meetingsecretary\ meeting secretary, and \approval\ approval. \item The agenda was confirmed. With the additions ``yearly meeting'', ``Membership registration'', and ``Email from Stefan'' as issue 8, 9, and 10. \item The meeting went through the minutes from \lastmeetingdate. \begin{itemize} \item New payments were gone through in December. \item Elephant is up again. \item The upgrade of \mistral\ was successfully completed. \item Having the board meeting on the day of the activity day did not work out, time wise. \end{itemize} \item Reports \begin{enumerate} \item Economy. Nine membership fees has been payed since last meeting and 1\,100\,\sek\ in donations. \item System \begin{itemize} \item Bacula is configured on \benjamin. Inboxes are back-uped hourly. There are three types of Bacula servers. The host \benjamin\ is set up as \textit{director} and \textit{file server}. \item There are two hard disks available at Leif-Jöran from the old \imap\ server. \item Guilhem has worked more on the self administration interface. Only domain registration is not yet implemented of the planed functionalities. \item Brute force attempt to log in is now blocked by \ossec. Three attempts from the same \ip-address will block that \ip-address for ten minutes. This protection can also be made from within \ldapp. Still both solutions need to be in place, since \ldap\ blocks users and not \ip-addresseses. \item The server \benjamin\ was down due to electricity outrage. \end {itemize} \item No other reports. \end{enumerate} \item Activity days and other activities \begin{enumerate} \item In December we had an activity day on social media. The discussions were fruitful. See the wiki for more information. One observation is that some of the activity days a while ago were promoted more intensively. \item Next activity will occur Wednesday February 20, at 18--20, at Språkbanken. The subject is practising argumentation on issues of Fripost's concerns in forum theatre form. We ask ``How can I convince my neighbours?'' Gustav will get fika bread. \end{enumerate} \item The overview of the to do list was postponed. \item Yearly meeting \begin{itemize} \item Time and place will be Saturday March 23, at 14--17, at Språkbanken. \item Michael, the auditor, will be joining the board meeting March 12, so we need to make sure to have papers ready. \item An announcement need to be sent out two weeks ahead. \end{itemize} \item Gustav suggested a new format for membership registration, which was accepted. \item A couple of weeks ago, Stefan informed that he will not candidate to the board for 2013. In practice his administrative role is already limited, and he can still be administrator to the same extent. The board needs to work on (in order of priority) \begin{enumerate} \item Find new chairman and members to the board \item Find new servers that can replace those in Luleå \item Find more administrators \end{enumerate} In the search for new board members, gender representation need to be regarded. \item Other issues \begin{itemize} \item Föreningen \fscons\ has shown interest in moving mail handling to Fripost. \item Documentation need to be reviewed. A date need to be set for that. \item Elin Askmar at Studiefrämjandet are creating a transition movement map (omställningskarta) over Göteborg. Fripost has asked to be placed on the map with Gnutiken as location. \end{itemize} \item Next meeting will take place March 12 at 18 at Språkbanken. \item The meeting was closed. \end{enumerate} \parbox{\linewidth}{ \signatureline{\meetingsecretary, meeting secretary} \hfill \signatureline{\approval, approval} } \end{document}