% -*- mode: latex -*- \input{../preamble/preamble} \newcommand \meetingtype {Board meeting} \newcommand \meetingdate {April 9 2012} \newcommand \meetingplace {Risåsgatan, Göteborg} %\newcommand \meetingplace {Gnutiken, Göteborg} \rhead{\footnotesize \meetingdate} \begin{document} \selectlanguage{british} %\selectlanguage{swedish} %\section*{Protokoll, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate} \section*{Minutes, \meetingtype \\ \meetingdate} \newlength\tempOne% \settowidth\tempOne{Time and place:\quad}% %\settowidth\tempOne{Tid och plats::\quad}% \newlength\tempTwo% \setlength\tempTwo{\linewidth}% \addtolength{\tempTwo}{-\tempOne}% \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% % Time and place:% Tid och plats: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\meetingdate, \meetingplace}\mypar \parbox[t]{\tempOne}{% Attendants:% % Deltagare: }% \parbox[t]{\tempTwo}{\mbox{}\vspace{-2\baselineskip}\vspace{2pt}% \begin{multicols}{3}% Gustav Eek\\ Stefan Kangas \\ Guilhem Moulin \\ Leif-Jöran Olsson \\ Stian Rødven Eide \end{multicols}% } % Navid Abdi\\ % Fredrik Ahlsgren\\ % Daniel Andersson \\ % Marco Baxmyr \\ % Andréa Bruzelius \\ % Rikard Bruzelius \\ % Gustav Eek\\ % Daniel Eriksson \\ % Mattias Ivarsson \\ % Stefan Kangas \\ % Jens Lideström \\ % Guilhem Moulin \\ % Lola Möller \\ % Leif-Jöran Olsson \\ % Taraka Rama \\ % Dan Ros\'en\\ % Stian Rødven Eide \\ % Johan Söderberg % Ver Takeo \\ % Eva Werner % Gregoar \\ % Anders \\ % Anders (alias\ Hypermakt) \begin{enumerate} \item The meeting was opened. \item Stefan was elected meeting chairman, Gustav meeting secretary, and Stian approval. \item Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (\ldap). Fripost plan to migrate the user authentication database solution from current solution to a solution based on \ldap, and Guilhem has been looking into a suggestion for solution. The current solution is based on a \mysql-databased on the main \imap\ server \texthost{mistral}, which is replicated to the \mx\ servers. \begin{itemize} \item The protocol \ldap\ is a hierarchical tree with entries for servers, users, etc. It is very configurable with regard to access restriction. A node is uniquely identified through its path. \item It gives the opportunity for Fripost to, through Fri programvarusyndikatet, offer members to register domains and connect those to Fripost. \item The question remains if Fripost should have Single Sign On (\sso), which means that you only need one key for many applications. \item Regarding the business logic implementation, it is important that it changes things on as few places as possible. \item Tree is also need for some logging of account changes, etc, but that has to be implemented in the business logic and be external to \ldap. Simple text files and more advanced databases were discussed. \end{itemize} \item The migration procedure will have to follow \begin{enumerate} \item Set up the \ldap server on \texthost{mistral}. \item Migrate data from the \mysql account database to the \ldap\ server. \item Point all services (\mx, \imap, etc) to \ldap. \end{enumerate} However, the migration will have to wait until some time after the party. Only (c) above is service and time critical, and has to be performed during maintenance window. \item There is a need for a documentation review meeting. \item Guilhem was elected to system administrator. \item There can be written on the home page what time to expect for to be added as user to the system. \item The meeting was closed. \end{enumerate} \parbox{\linewidth}{ \signatureline{Gustav Eek, meeting secretary} \hfill \signatureline{Stian Rødven Eide, approval} } \end{document}