BUILD=ldap network PDF=$(patsubst %,%.pdf,$(BUILD)) SVG=$(patsubst %,%.svg,$(BUILD)) PNG=$(patsubst %,%.png,$(BUILD)) .PHONY: all force clean cleanall # let rubber take care of the pdf dependencies .PHONY: $(BUILD) all dvi ps pdf svg png clean wc all: pdf dvi: pdf ps: pdf pdf: $(PDF) svg: $(SVG) png: $(PNG) %.svg: %.pdf inkscape $*-cropped.pdf --export-plain-svg=$@ %.png: %.pdf # inkscape $^ --export-area-drawing --export-png=$@ convert -density 120 -quality 85 $*-cropped.pdf $@ %.pdf: %.tex pdflatex -shell-escape $^ clean: rm -rf *.aux *.log *.auxlock network-cropped* ldap-cropped* $(PDF) $(SVG) $(PNG) wc: $(PDF) @for I in $^; do echo -n "$$I: "; ps2ascii "$$I" | wc -w; done