- name: Install Postfix apt: pkg=postfix - name: Configure Postfix template: src=etc/postfix/main.cf.j2 dest=/etc/postfix-{{ postfix_instance[inst].name }}/main.cf owner=root group=root mode=0644 notify: - Reload Postfix - name: Build the Postfix relay clientcerts map sudo: False # smtpd_tls_fingerprint_digest MUST be sha256! local_action: shell openssl x509 -in certs/postfix/{{ item }}.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha256 | sed -nr 's/^.*=(.*)/\1 {{ item }}/p' with_items: groups.all | difference([inventory_hostname]) | sort register: relay_clientcerts changed_when: False - name: Copy the Postfix relay clientcerts map template: src=etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts.j2 dest=/etc/postfix-{{ postfix_instance[inst].name }}/relay_clientcerts owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: Compile the Postfix relay clientcerts map postmap: cmd=postmap src=/etc/postfix-{{ postfix_instance[inst].name }}/relay_clientcerts db=cdb owner=root group=root mode=0644 - meta: flush_handlers - name: Start Postfix service: name=postfix state=started