- name: Install cgit apt: pkg={{ item }} with_items: - cgit - highlight - uwsgi - name: Configure cgit copy: src=etc/cgitrc dest=/etc/cgitrc owner=root group=root mode=0644 register: r1 notify: - Restart uWSGI - name: Copy /usr/lib/cgit/filters/syntax-highlighting2.sh copy: src=usr/lib/cgit/filters/syntax-highlighting2.sh dest=/usr/lib/cgit/filters/syntax-highlighting2.sh owner=root group=root mode=0755 register: r2 notify: - Restart uWSGI - name: Create a user 'cgit' user: name=cgit system=yes home=/var/www shell=/usr/sbin/nologin password=! state=present register: r3 notify: - Restart uWSGI - name: Create cache directory /var/cache/cgit file: path=/var/cache/cgit state=directory owner=cgit group=cgit mode=0700 - name: Create /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/{cgit,git-http-backend}.ini copy: src=etc/uwsgi/apps-available/{{ item }}.ini dest=/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/{{ item }}.ini owner=root group=root mode=0644 register: r4 with_items: - cgit - git-http-backend notify: - Restart uWSGI - name: Create /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/{cgit,git-http-backend}.ini file: src=../apps-available/{{ item }}.ini dest=/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/{{ item }}.ini owner=root group=root state=link force=yes register: r5 with_items: - cgit - git-http-backend notify: - Restart uWSGI - name: Start uWSGI service: name=nginx state=started when: not (r1.changed or r2.changed or r3.changed or r4.changed or r5.changed) - meta: flush_handlers - name: Add 'cgit' & 'www-data' to the group 'gitolite' user: name={{ item }} groups=gitolite append=yes with_items: # for the cgit interface - cgit # for pulls over HTTP/HTTPS - www-data - name: Copy /etc/nginx/sites-available/git copy: src=etc/nginx/sites-available/git dest=/etc/nginx/sites-available/git owner=root group=root mode=0644 register: r1 notify: - Restart Nginx - name: Create /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/git file: src=../sites-available/git dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/git owner=root group=root state=link force=yes register: r2 notify: - Restart Nginx - name: Copy HPKP header snippet # never modify the pined pubkeys as we don't want to lock out our users template: src=etc/nginx/snippets/git.fripost.org.hpkp-hdr.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/snippets/git.fripost.org.hpkp-hdr validate=/bin/false owner=root group=root mode=0644 register: r3 notify: - Restart Nginx - name: Start Nginx service: name=nginx state=started when: not (r1.changed or r2.changed or r3.changed) - meta: flush_handlers - name: Fetch Nginx's X.509 certificate # Ensure we don't fetch private data become: False fetch_cmd: cmd="openssl x509 -noout -pubkey" stdin=/etc/nginx/ssl/git.fripost.org.pem dest=certs/public/git.fripost.org.pub tags: - genkey