# 'service: name=... state=started' tasks should NOT run if there is a # corresponding state=restarted handler. (Register the task notifying # the handler, and add a conditional.) --- - name: Refresh hostname service: name=hostname.sh state=restarted - name: apt-get update apt: update_cache=yes - name: Reload samhain service: name=samhain state=reloaded - name: Update rkhunter's data file command: /usr/bin/rkhunter --propupd - name: Restart fail2ban service: name=fail2ban state=restarted - name: Missing IPSec certificate fail: msg="strongswan IPsec is lacking public or private keys on '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'." - name: Restart IPSec service: name=ipsec state=restarted - name: Reload networking # /etc/init.d/networking doesn't answer the status command; but since # it should be "up" whenever ansible has access to the machine, we use # pattern=init as a dummy assumption. service: name=networking pattern=init state=reloaded # TODO: should be in a separate file, since it's used by other roles - name: Restart Postfix service: name=postfix state=restarted - name: Reload Postfix service: name=postfix state=reloaded