# Fripost's LDAP database definition # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Guilhem Moulin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . dn: cn=config objectClass: olcGlobal cn: config olcArgsFile: /run/slapd/slapd.args olcPidFile: /run/slapd/slapd.pid olcLogLevel: none olcToolThreads: 1 {% if ansible_processor_vcpus > 4 %} olcThreads: {{ 2 * ansible_processor_vcpus }} {% else %} olcThreads: 8 {% endif %} {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names %} olcTLSCertificateFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap.fripost.org.pem olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap.fripost.org.key # If we are being offered a client cert, it has to be trusted (in which # case we map the X.509 subject to a DN in our namespace), or we # terminate the connection. Not providing a certificate is fine for # TLS-protected simple binds, though. olcTLSVerifyClient: try olcTLSCACertificateFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/syncrepl.pem olcAuthzRegexp: "^(cn=[^,]+,ou=syncRepl),ou=LDAP,ou=SSLcerts,o=Fripost$" "dn.exact:$1,dc=fripost,dc=org" olcSaslSecProps: minssf=128,noanonymous,noplain,nodict olcTLSCipherSuite: PFS:%LATEST_RECORD_VERSION:!CIPHER-ALL:+AES-128-GCM:+AES-256-GCM:!VERS-SSL3.0:!VERS-TLS1.0:!VERS-TLS1.1 olcTLSDHParamFile: /etc/ssl/dhparams.pem {% endif %} olcLocalSSF: 128 # /!\ This is not portable! But we only use glibc's crypt(3), which # supports (salted, streched) SHA512 olcPasswordHash: {CRYPT} olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat: $6$%s dn: olcDatabase=monitor,cn=config objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig objectClass: olcMonitorConfig olcRootDN: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth olcAccess: to dn.subtree="cn=monitor" by dn.exact="username=munin,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" read by * =0 dn: olcDatabase=mdb,cn=config objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig objectClass: olcMdbConfig olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap olcSuffix: dc=fripost,dc=org {% if 'LDAP_provider' not in group_names and 'MX' in group_names %} olcReadOnly: TRUE {% endif %} {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names %} olcLastMod: TRUE olcDbCheckpoint: 512 15 {% else %} olcLastMod: FALSE {% endif %} # The root user has all rights on the whole database (when SASL-binding # on a UNIX socket). olcRootDN: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth # Ensure that all DIT access is made according to the LDAPv3 protocol, # and must use 1/ authentication, and 2/ SASL or TLS. (Local clients # should use ldapi:// and SASL/EXERNAL, while remote clients should use # TLS.) olcRequires: none LDAPv3 authc strong olcSecurity: simple_bind=128 ssf=128 update_ssf=128 # # ######################################################################## # Performance considerations # # To reindex an existing database, you have to # * Stop slapd sudo service slapd stop # * Reindex sudo -u openldap slapindex -b 'dc=fripost,dc=org' # * Restart slapd sudo service slapd start # olcDbIndex: objectClass eq # Let us make Postfix's life easier. {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names %} olcDbIndex: fvd,fvl eq,sub olcDbIndex: fripostIsStatusActive eq {% elif 'MX' in group_names or 'MDA' in group_names %} olcDbIndex: fripostIsStatusActive,fvd,fvl eq {% endif %} {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names %} olcDbIndex: fripostOptionalMaildrop,fripostMaildrop eq,sub olcDbIndex: fripostCanAddDomain,fripostCanAddAlias,fripostCanAddList,fripostOwner,fripostPostmaster,fripostListManager eq {% elif 'MX' in group_names %} olcDbIndex: fripostOptionalMaildrop pres {% endif %} {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names %} olcDbIndex: member,cn eq {% endif %} {% if ('LDAP_provider' not in group_names and 'MX' in group_names) or ('LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname])) %} # SyncProv/SyncRepl specific indexing. olcDbIndex: entryCSN,entryUUID eq {% endif%} # # # References # - https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/OpenLDAP_Performance_Tuning_5.0 # - http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/tuning.html # - http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/42.html # - http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/136.html # - http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apa/indeces.html # # ######################################################################## # Sync Replication # # References: # - http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/replication.html#Syncrepl # - http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch7/#ol-syncrepl-rap # {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names %} olcLimits: dn.onelevel="ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" time.soft=unlimited time.hard=unlimited size.soft=unlimited size.hard=unlimited {% endif %} {% if 'MX' in group_names and 'LDAP_provider' not in group_names %} # Test it: # LDAPSASL_MECH=external LDAPTLS_CACERT=/etc/ldap/ssl/ldap.fripost.org.pem LDAPTLS_CERT=/etc/ldap/ssl/mx.pem LDAPTLS_KEY=/etc/ldap/ssl/mx.key sudo -u openldap ldapwhoami -H ldaps://ldap.fripost.org/ # LDAPSASL_MECH=external LDAPTLS_CACERT=/etc/ldap/ssl/ldap.fripost.org.pem LDAPTLS_CERT=/etc/ldap/ssl/mx.pem LDAPTLS_KEY=/etc/ldap/ssl/mx.key sudo -u openldap ldapsearch -H ldaps://ldap.fripost.org/ -b ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org olcSyncrepl: rid=000 provider=ldaps://ldap.fripost.org type=refreshAndPersist retry="10 30 300 +" searchbase="ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org" attrs=objectClass,fvd,fvl,fripostIsStatusActive,fripostMaildrop,fripostOptionalMaildrop,fripostPostmaster,fripostOwner,fripostUseContentFilter,fripostListManager scope=sub sizelimit=unlimited schemachecking=off bindmethod=sasl saslmech=external tls_cert=/etc/ldap/ssl/mx.pem tls_key=/etc/ldap/ssl/mx.key tls_cacert=/etc/ldap/ssl/ldap.fripost.org.pem tls_reqcert=hard {% endif %} # # ######################################################################## # Access control # /!\ WARN: All modification to the ACL should be reflected to the test # /!\ suite as well! olcAddContentAcl: TRUE # # Overview: # - Strong authentication is required prior to any DIT operation (see # 'olcRequires'). # - We force a Security Strength Factor of 128 or above for all operations (see # 'olcSecurity'), meaning one must use either a local connection (eg, # ldapi://, possible since we set the 'olcLocalSSF' to 128), or TLS with at # least 128 bits of security. # - Services should support SASL binds and use SASL/EXTERNAL on a # ldapi:// socket. # - For (partial) remote replicates should use SASL/EXTERNAL on a # ldaps:// socket, and their identity should be derived from the # Subject of the client certificate (the cert should be added to # 'olcTLSCACertificateFile', and 'olcAuthzRegexp' should map the X.509 # subject to the LDAP DN). # - Admins have restrictions similar to that of the services. # - User access is only restricted by our global 'olcSecurity' attribute. # # # References: # - http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/access-control.html # - http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/189.html # - http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1140.html # - http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1133.html # - man 5 slapd.access # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # User Passwords: # # * Anonymous users are allowed to simple bind through TLS-protected # connections. # * Anonymous users are allowed to simple bind when connecting to a # local ldapi:// socket (when using auth_binds, Dovecot delegates # authentication to the LDAP server). # * Authenticated users are allowed to change (ie replace) their # password through TLS-protected connections, but read access is not # granted. # * Domain postmasters are allowed to change (ie replace) their users' # password through TLS-protected connections, but read access is not # granted. # * The same goes for general admins. # * The same goes for local admins. olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,(fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org)$" filter=(objectClass=FripostVirtualUser) attrs=userPassword by realanonymous tls_ssf=128 =xd by realanonymous sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =xd by realself tls_ssf=128 =w by group/FripostVirtualDomain/fripostPostmaster.expand="$1" tls_ssf=128 =w by dn.onelevel="ou=admins,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =w by group.exact="cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=fripost,dc=org" =w # # * Services can authenticate {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names -%} olcAccess: to dn.onelevel="ou=services,dc=fripost,dc=org" filter=(objectClass=simpleSecurityObject) attrs=userPassword by realanonymous tls_ssf=128 =xd {% endif -%} # # * Catch-all: no one else may access the passwords (including for # simple bind). olcAccess: to dn.subtree="dc=fripost,dc=org" attrs=userPassword by * =0 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Base # # * Only SyncRepl replicates may access operational attributes in the # subtree, when using a TLS-protected connection. {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names -%} olcAccess: to dn.subtree="ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org" attrs=entryCSN,structuralObjectClass,hasSubordinates,subschemaSubentry by dn.onelevel="ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd by * =0 # # * They may also read entries (ie, the attributes they have access to # as per the ACL below) in that subtree, when using a TLS-protected # connection. Listing entries (their DN) is required to replicate # deletions properly. olcAccess: to dn.subtree="ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org" attrs=entry,objectClass by dn.onelevel="ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd by group.exact="cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=fripost,dc=org" =wrsd by users =0 break olcAccess: to dn.children="ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org" by group.exact="cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=fripost,dc=org" =wrsd by users =0 break {% endif -%} # # * Postfix may use the base as a searchBase on the MX:es, when # connecting a local ldapi:// socket from the 'private' directory in # one of the non-default instance's chroot. # * So may _dovecot-auth-proxy on the MDA (needed for the iterate # logic), when SASL-binding using the EXTERNAL mechanism and # connecting to a local ldapi:// socket. # * So may Nextcloud on the LDAP provider olcAccess: to dn.exact="ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org" attrs=entry,objectClass filter=(objectClass=FripostVirtual) {% if 'MDA' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=_dovecot-auth-proxy,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =sd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =sd {% endif -%} {% if 'MSA' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=_postfix-sender-login,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =sd {% endif -%} {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="cn=nextcloud,ou=services,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =sd {% endif -%} by users =0 break # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Domain entries # # * The SyncRepl replicates have read access to the entry itself, when # using a TLS-protected connection. # * So has Postfix, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket from the # 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's chroot. # * The 'nobody' UNIX user has read access on the MX:es, when using # SASL-binding using the EXTERNAL mechanism and connecting to a local # ldapi:// socket. This is required for the 'reserved-alias.pl' # script. # * Amavis may use the entry as searchBase (required to look for the # per-user preferences) but doesn't have read access to the entry. # * So has _dovecot-auth-proxy on the MDA (for the iterate logic), when # SASL-binding using the EXTERNAL mechanism and connecting to a local # ldapi:// socket. # * So has _postfix-sender-login on the submission service to verify # envelope sender ownership olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=entry,objectClass,fvd filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd by dn.exact="username=nobody,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MDA' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=amavis,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =sd {% endif -%} {% if 'IMAP' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=_dovecot-auth-proxy,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MSA' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=_postfix-sender-login,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break # # * The SyncRepl MX replicates can check whether a virtual domain is # active, and read the destination address for catch-alls, when using # a TLS-protected connection. # * So can Postfix on the MX:es, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket # from the 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's # chroot. {% if 'MX' in group_names or ('LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname])) %} olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=fripostIsStatusActive,fripostOptionalMaildrop filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break {% endif %} # # * The 'nobody' UNIX user can list the domain owners and postmasters on # the MX:es, when SASL-binding using the EXTERNAL mechanism and # connecting to a local ldapi:// socket. This is required for the # 'reserved-alias.pl' script. olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=fripostOwner,fripostPostmaster filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names %} by dn.exact="username=nobody,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Alias domain entries # # * The SyncRepl MX replicates have read access to the entry itself and # the destination domain it aliases to, when using a TLS-protected # connection. # * So has Postfix on the MX:es, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket # from the 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's # chroot. {% if 'MX' in group_names or ('LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname])) %} olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=entry,fripostMaildrop filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualAliasDomain)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break {% endif %} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # User entries # # * The SyncRepl replicates have read access to the entry itself, when # using a TLS-protected connection. # * So has Postfix, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket from the # 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's chroot. # * So has _dovecot-auth-proxy on the MDA (for the iterate logic), when # SASL-binding using the EXTERNAL mechanism and connecting to a local # ldapi:// socket. # * So has Amavis on the MDA, when SASL-binding using the EXTERNAL # mechanism and connecting to a local ldapi:// socket. olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=entry,objectClass,fvl filter=(objectClass=FripostVirtualUser) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MDA' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=amavis,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'IMAP' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=_dovecot-auth-proxy,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MSA' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=_postfix-sender-login,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break # # * The SyncRepl MX replicates can check whether a virtual user is # active, when using a TLS-protected connection. # * So can Postfix on the MX:es, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket # from the 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's # chroot. {% if 'MX' in group_names or ('LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname])) %} olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=fripostIsStatusActive,fripostUseContentFilter filter=(objectClass=FripostVirtualUser) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break {% endif %} {% if 'MDA' in group_names %} # # * Amavis can look for per-user configuration options, when # SASL-binding using the EXTERNAL mechanism and connecting to a local # ldapi:// socket. # TODO: only allow it to read the configuration options users are allowed # to set and modify. olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=@AmavisAccount filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualUser)(objectClass=AmavisAccount)(fripostIsStatusActive=TRUE)(fripostUseContentFilter=TRUE)) by dn.exact="username=amavis,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd by users =0 break # # * Dovecot can look for user quotas, when SASL-binding using the # EXTERNAL mechanism and connecting to a local ldapi:// socket. olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=fripostUserQuota filter=(objectClass=FripostVirtualUser) by dn.exact="username=dovecot,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd by users =0 break {% endif %} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Alias entries # # * The SyncRepl MX replicates can read the entry itelf, whether it # is active, and the address(es) it aliases to, when using a # TLS-protected connection. # * So can Postfix on the MX:es, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket # from the 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's # chroot. {% if 'MX' in group_names or ('LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname])) %} olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=entry,objectClass,fvl,fripostMaildrop,fripostIsStatusActive filter=(objectClass=FripostVirtualAlias) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break {% endif %} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # List entries # # * The SyncRepl replicates can read the entry itelf and the list manager, when # using a TLS-protected connection. # * So can Postfix on the MX:es, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket # from the 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's chroot. {% if 'MX' in group_names or ('LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname])) %} olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=entry,objectClass,fvl,fripostListManager filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualList)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break {% endif %} # # * The SyncRepl MX replicates can check whether a virtual list is # active when using a TLS-protected connection. # * So can Postfix on the MX:es, when connecting a local ldapi:// socket # from the 'private' directory in one of the non-default instance's # chroot. {% if 'MX' in group_names or ('LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname])) %} olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=fripostIsStatusActive filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualList)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))) {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names and groups.MX | difference([inventory_hostname]) -%} by dn.exact="cn=mX,ou=syncRepl,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd {% endif -%} {% if 'MX' in group_names -%} by dn.exact="username=postfix,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fspool%2Fpostfix-[-[:alnum:]]+%2Fprivate%2F" =rsd {% endif -%} by users =0 break {% endif %} # # * The MSA's _postfix-sender-login user can read entry ownership to # dermine the SASL login name(s) owning a given sender address {% if 'MSA' in group_names %} olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=fripostOwner,fripostPostmaster filter=(|(objectClass=FripostVirtualAliasDomain)(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain)) by dn.exact="username=_postfix-sender-login,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd by users =0 break olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=[^,]+,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=entry,objectClass,fvl,fripostOwner filter=(|(objectClass=FripostVirtualAlias)(objectClass=FripostVirtualList)(objectClass=FripostVirtualUser)) by dn.exact="username=_postfix-sender-login,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" sockurl.regex="^ldapi://" =rsd by users =0 break {% endif %} {% if 'LDAP_provider' in group_names %} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Export Fripost members to Nextcloud olcAccess: to dn.exact="fvd=fripost.org,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org" attrs=entry,objectClass,fvd filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualDomain)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))) by dn.exact="cn=nextcloud,ou=services,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd by users =0 break olcAccess: to dn.regex="^fvl=[^,]+,fvd=fripost.org,ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org$" attrs=entry,entryDN,entryUUID,objectClass,fvl,fripostIsStatusActive filter=(&(objectClass=FripostVirtualUser)(!(objectClass=FripostPendingEntry))(fripostIsStatusActive=TRUE)) by dn.exact="cn=nextcloud,ou=services,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd by users =0 break olcAccess: to dn.exact="ou=groups,dc=fripost,dc=org" attrs=entry,objectClass by dn.exact="cn=nextcloud,ou=services,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd by users =0 break olcAccess: to dn.exact="cn=medlemmar,ou=groups,dc=fripost,dc=org" by dn.exact="cn=nextcloud,ou=services,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd by users =0 break olcAccess: to dn.exact="cn=styrelse,ou=groups,dc=fripost,dc=org" by dn.exact="cn=nextcloud,ou=services,dc=fripost,dc=org" tls_ssf=128 =rsd by users =0 break # # TODO: allow users to edit their entry, etc # {% endif %} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Catch-all # # * Catch all the breaks above. # * Deny any access to everyone else. olcAccess: to dn.subtree="dc=fripost,dc=org" by dn.children="ou=virtual,dc=fripost,dc=org" +0 by * =0 # vim: set filetype=ldif :