- name: Install spamassassin apt: pkg={{ item }} with_items: - razor - spamassassin - spamc - libdbi-perl notify: - Restart Amavis - name: Create a 'spamassassin' database mysql_db: name=spamassassin state=present encoding=latin1 collation=latin1_general_ci notify: - Copy SQL tables for spamassassin - Create SQL tables for spamassassin - meta: flush_handlers - name: Copy SpamAssassin's configuration copy: src=etc/{{ item }} dest=/etc/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0644 with_items: - spamassassin/local.cf - spamassassin/v310.pre notify: - Restart Amavis - name: Ensure SpamAssassin is not auto-started at boot time lineinfile: dest=/etc/default/spamassassin regexp='^(\s*#)?\s*ENABLED=' line='ENABLED=0' owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: Create a 'amavis' SQL user # This *must* be the user we run spamd as # See https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/trunk/sql/README.bayes mysql_user: > name=amavis auth_plugin=auth_socket priv="spamassassin.awl: SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE /spamassassin.bayes_seen: SELECT,INSERT, DELETE /spamassassin.bayes_token: SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE /spamassassin.bayes_global_vars: SELECT /spamassassin.bayes_vars: SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE /spamassassin.bayes_expire: SELECT,INSERT, DELETE" state=present notify: - Restart Amavis