#!/bin/sh set -ue PATH=/usr/bin:/bin if [ -n "${GNUPGBIN:-}" ]; then GPG="$GNUPGBIN" elif [ -x /usr/bin/gpg2 ]; then GPG=/usr/bin/gpg2 else GPG=gpg fi GPG_OPTS='--no-auto-check-trustdb --batch --no-verbose --yes' usage() { echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/certs.asc" >&2 exit 1 } x509fpr() { local msg="$1" host cert h spki host="${msg%%,*}"; host="${host%% *}"; host="${host#\`}" cert="$DIR/${host%%:*}.pub" spki=$(openssl pkey -pubin -outform DER <"$cert" | openssl dgst -sha256 | sed -nr 's/^[^=]+=\s*//p') [ "$typ" = mdwn ] && printf '\n [%s](https://crt.sh/?spkisha256=%s&iCAID=16418&exclude=expired)\n\n' "$msg" "$spki" \ || printf ' %s\n X.509: https://crt.sh/?spkisha256=%s&iCAID=16418&exclude=expired\n SPKI:\n' \ "$( echo "$msg" | tr -d '`' )" "$spki" for h in sha1 sha256; do [ "$typ" = mdwn ] || echo -n ' ' echo -n "$h" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' for i in $(seq 1 $((7 - ${#h}))); do echo -n ' '; done openssl pkey -pubin -outform DER <"$cert" | openssl dgst -"$h" -c | sed -nr 's/^[^=]+=\s*//p' done | sed -r "s/(\S+)(.*)/$indent\1\U\2/" } sshfpr() { local msg="$1" host t h fpr host="${msg%%,*}"; host="${host%% *}"; host="${host#*@}"; host="${host#\`}"; host="${host%\`}" [ "$typ" = mdwn ] && { echo; echo " $msg"; echo; } || { echo " $msg" | tr -d '`'; } [ "${host#*:}" != 22 ] || host="${host%%:*}" for h in MD5 SHA256; do ssh-keygen -E "$h" -f "$DIR/../ssh_known_hosts" -lF "${host#*@}" done | sed -nr 's/^[^ #]+\s+//p' | sed -r 's/^(\S+)\s+(MD5|SHA256):/\1 \2 /' | while read t h fpr; do echo -n "$indent$t" for i in $(seq 1 $((7 - ${#h}))); do echo -n ' '; done echo "$h:$fpr" done } allfpr() { local typ="$1" [ "$typ" = mdwn ] && indent=' ' || indent=' ' cat <<- EOF * IMAP server $(x509fpr '`imap.fripost.org:993` (IMAP over SSL), `sieve.fripost.org:4190` (ManageSieve, `STARTTLS`)') * SMTP servers $(x509fpr '`smtp.fripost.org:587` (Mail Submission Agent, `STARTTLS`)') $(x509fpr '`mx1.fripost.org:25` (1st Mail eXchange, `STARTTLS`)') $(x509fpr '`mx2.fripost.org:25` (2nd Mail eXchange, `STARTTLS`)') * Web servers $(x509fpr '`fripost.org:443` (website), `wiki.fripost.org:443` (wiki)') $(x509fpr '`mail.fripost.org:443` (webmail)') $(x509fpr '`lists.fripost.org:443` (list manager)') $(x509fpr '`git.fripost.org:443` (git server and its web interface)') * SSH server $(sshfpr '`gitolite@git.fripost.org:22`') EOF } [ $# -eq 1 ] || usage asc="$1" asc2=$(mktemp --tmpdir) src=$(mktemp --tmpdir) src2=$(mktemp --tmpdir) mdwn="${asc%.asc}.mdwn" mdwn2=$(mktemp --tmpdir) DIR="$(dirname "$0")/public" VCS_BROWSER='https://git.fripost.org/fripost-ansible' trap 'rm -f "$src" "$src2" "$asc2" "$mdwn2"' EXIT if [ -s "$asc" ]; then "$GPG" $GPG_OPTS --logger-file=/dev/null --output="$src" -- "$asc" fi # Generate ASCII file to be clearsigned cat >"$src2" << EOF The following is an up-to date list of SHA-1 and SHA-256 fingerprints of all SPKI (Subject Public Key Info) of each X.509 certificate Fripost uses on its publicly available services. Please consider any mismatch as a man-in-the-middle attack, and let us know immediately! -- admin@fripost.org These certificates are all issued by the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority, and are submitted to Certificate Transparency logs. You can view all issued Let's Encrypt certificates at crt.sh: https://crt.sh/?Identity=%25fripost.org&iCAID=16418 The SPKI of our X.509 certificates are also available in PEM format at: $VCS_BROWSER/tree/certs/public , Git repository from which this fingerprint list was generated, at commit ID $(git --no-pager --git-dir="$DIR/../../.git" --work-tree="$DIR" log -1 --pretty=format:'%h from %aD' -- "$DIR"). EOF allfpr asc >>"$src2" # Generate markdown file cat >"$mdwn2" << EOF # Certificates at Fripost The following is an up-to date list of SHA-1 and SHA-256 fingerprints of all SPKI (Subject Public Key Info) of each X.509 certificate Fripost uses on its publicly available services. Please consider any mismatch as a man-in-the-middle attack, and let us know immediately! (See also the [signed version of this page](/certs.asc).) -- [the admin team](mailto:admin@fripost.org) These certificates are all issued by the [Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority](https://letsencrypt.org), and are submitted to [Certificate Transparency logs](https://www.certificate-transparency.org). You can view all issued Let's Encrypt certificates at [crt.sh](https://crt.sh/?Identity=%25fripost.org&iCAID=16418). The SPKI of our X.509 certificates are also available in PEM format under our [Git repository]($VCS_BROWSER/tree/certs/public), from which this fingerprint list was [generated]($VCS_BROWSER/tree/certs/gencerts.sh), at $(git --no-pager --git-dir="$DIR/../../.git" --work-tree="$DIR" log -1 --pretty=format:"[Commit ID %h from %aD]($VCS_BROWSER/tree/certs/public?id=%H)" -- "$DIR"). EOF allfpr mdwn >>"$mdwn2" echo >>"$src2" if diff -u --label "a/${asc%.asc}" --label "b/${asc%.asc}" -- "$src" "$src2" && diff -q -- "$mdwn" "$mdwn2" >/dev/null; then echo 'The fingerprint list is up to date.' else "$GPG" $GPG_OPTS --output="$asc2" --clearsign -- "$src2" cp -f "$asc2" "$asc" cp -f "$mdwn2" "$mdwn" echo ================================ echo "The fingerprint lists ($asc and $mdwn) have been updated!" echo '/!\ You should now push the changes to the wiki. /!\' fi