/*********************************************************************/ /* Migration plan, to replace the MySQL database by a LDAP directory */ /* structure (for virtual e-mail hosting). */ /*********************************************************************/ * First we should stop to welcome new members for a little while. * Then someone should run the following on mistral: cd /etc/ldap/fripost/migration/ && sudo ./ldap-migrate.pl That will populate the base directory with what is in the MySQL database. A log file, `fripost-migration-$$.log' (where `$$' is the PID of the running process) will be created. One should read it, check the warning/errors (prefixed with `WARN:' or `Error:') and fix them if needed. Note: The new entries will be created by the DN "cn=migrator,ou=managers,...", created specialy for this purpose. Also, creation and modification timestamps will be reset. * On each of the MX's, Postfix' configuration should be updated with LDAP lookup configuration files, which are currently in `/etc/ldap/fripost/ldap_*.cf'. Test the Postfix configuration. Send to at least one mailbox and one alias, check the logs to verify that emails are delivered. * On mistral, Dovecot configuration should be updated as written in `fripost-docs.org'. Test Dovecot: Is it possible to login? Is it possible to browse the IMAP directory? openssl s_client -connect imap.fripost.org:993 -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ 1 login user@fripost.org password 2 list "" "*" 3 logout * Shut down MySQL. * In git's repository for `fripost-tools' merge the `ldap' branch in `master'. * Remove the DN "cn=migrator,ou=managers,...", and restrict the ACL for the managers to be allowed to write on "ou=domains,..." only. * Wait for a week or two. * Dump the MySQL database and save it somewhere? Anyways, then remove MySQL from hosts. /*********************************************************************/ /* Note for the admins. */ To use the new `fripost-tools', you need to have an entry under `ou=managers,...'. To add yourself as a manager, run the following on mistral: cd /etc/ldap/fripost/migration/ && sudo ./addadmin.pl * (Use the optional argument if you're not happy with your login name.) * (If you choose to randomly generate your password, beware that it will only be 20 characters long.) * You'll then need to chmod 600 and create/edit `~/.fripost.yml' on the machine you plan to use the tools on (a template can be found in the git repository), and replace `bind_dn' and `bind_pw' by, respectively, the returned Distinguished Name and your password.